Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Well, um...
Most blogs right now are basically dead, and Blogger seems to be in a dry spell right now. :/

But I'm trying to bring some back to life, Camp Demigod being one of them.
I was wondering who still actually checks this blog.

Yes, it is a little old and obviously dead, but...
We can always try, right?


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Second Invasion

"We must strengthen the barriers again," Bryn reminded Jace, who looked up from sharpening his sword.
"The barriers? Oh, Fallera, Selena and I went out to do that earlier. It should hold up fine now." He gave her a little smile that seemed to be a peace offering. Bryn was a proud person, but she had enough sense in her to take it.
"Good." There was an awkward silence.
"So, been hunting lately?" Jace asked conversationally, breaking the quiet.
"Yeah. With Lily, Martin, and Brandon, actually. The two apprentice's are very good with their techniques... do you think they should be made warriors soon? Joey, too," Bryn suddenly broke out in conversation, surprising herself with how easily she could fall back into her casual friendship with her half-brother and deputy.
"That's a --" Jace was cut off by Terra running into camp with Selena and Cynthia coming behind her.
"The barrier's been broken! Monster invasion!" Terra was screaming, and Selena was looking rather annoyed at the daughter of Aphrodite's incessant shrieking.
"For Zeus' sake, Terra! Shut up!" The other blond finally snapped, and sprinted to Bryn. "Reporting, Captain. Monsters on the territory."
Bryn narrowed her eyes. "Jace, you know the protocol. Alert the campers, keep the younger children in the most fortified cabins. Get Ivy ready to roll."

She unsheathed her katana and glanced at Selena. "Come with me, Sel." The Captain ran out of camp to find exactly where the monsters were... only to run straight into a monster. She stared up at it for a second before she realized what it was, just after Selena had.
"They're Thracian Giants, Bryn! Get back! Back!" Selena's bow and arrows were already out and aimed at the Giants. One, two, three arrows shot towards them. They imbedded themselves into the giants' flesh, but their skin was so thick that two of them, after a bit of shaking, simply fell out.
Bryn flung her dagger at one, and it staggered, before releasing a might roar, charging at the Captain who looked tiny next to the massive creature. "I THOUGHT YOU STRENGTHENED THE BARRIER, ETERNAL!" She bellowed in her anger.
"So did I!" Came the replying yell, and Bryn scowled in her deputy's direction before raising her katana against a heavy blow.

Fallera and Jace were fighting back-to-back. She stabbed a giant in its huge, fleshy thigh before turning her head slightly and grinning at Jace, remembering the first time she realized she loved him. "Good times!" She smirked, before flicking a shuriken over her shoulder and hitting the giant that was about to club her boyfriend right between the eyes. "You're welcome."

Justice exchanged looks with Spencer before racing out with his partner-in-crime. Damon was left behind, and he abandoned the food in the Dining Pavilion before dashing out as well with his sword and shield. Justice cast an eye-bleeding curse on the giant before him and spotted the daughter of Aphrodite they were supposed to prank nearby, rummaging around in her little pink purse. He almost rolled his eyes. Of course she would do that. But then, with surprise, he saw that she pulled out an entire suit of hot pink armor, which automatically appeared on her body. Her purse transformed into a slingshot of the same shade of pink, and the bracelet she wore was uncovered by the mist to reveal a chain of glowing silver stones. Terra gracefully shot two at the horde of giants, knocking an entire giant down with just two stones. Well. That was not what he expected. He opened his mouth to say something to Spencer before he was distracted once more by the furious, bleeding-from-the-eyes giant throwing something that looked like a large boulder at him. Cursing loudly, Justice raised his hands to deflect it.

(continue commenting!
oh, and feel free to play any inactive characters.
it's not jace's fault, by the way. there's something wrong with the barrier itself that they'll have to fix later on.)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Never Good When Your Ex Comes For a Visit...

There was a rustle outside of camp, and then a yell, and a woosh. A minute later, Selena and another boy, dark haired and blue eyed, came into camp, their faces sour. "Bryn!" Selena shouted, and the Captain came rushing out. "Hey. What's going on here?"
The boy looked at Bryn disdainfully. "Daughter of Hades, huh."
Bryn returned the look with a nasty glare. "Yeah. Got a problem? And who are you?"
The boy smirked at her, and suddenly Bryn realized that he was extremely handsome. "I'm Damon Brink. Son of Erebus."
There was a gasp from across the clearing. "Damon?"
Damon turned his striking blue gaze across the camp and his eyes met Fallera's. "Hey, Lera. Knew you'd be here."
The girl's face was a picture of confusion. "I didn't know you were a demigod."
"I am. I just didn't tell you. Sorry."
Fallera's expression morphed into one of pure, utter rage and fury. "Well I guess that adds to the list of what you didn't tell me, doesn't it? You stupid, ******, *******!" Fallera screamed curses at him as she marched towards Damon, her sword in hand. Jace ran up behind her and held her back. "Hey, calm down."
Her angry gaze calmed instantly as she looked up into his green gaze. She sighed, and averted her eyes quickly. Jace noticed it and his brow furrowed. "Do you know him?" He asked her.
Right after that Damon shot Jace a cruel glare. "Who is that guy, going around with his hands on my girl?"
Fallera snarled at Damon. "I'm not your girl," she hissed, and glanced back at Jace with dark eyes. "That's Damon. My ex."

Told you I'd do it, WCL XD)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The center of the camp, where all the camp's main cabins and buildings surround. The entrance to the camp leads directly to it. There are also paths from it to the other camp facilities.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Revenge and Magic and Demigods, Oh My!

Bryn cussed under her breath when she saw Selena drag yet another two new children in. She wondered how she was supposed to tell them about demigods and gods and titans and Olympus and monsters and...
"Bryn! We've got the children of revenge and magic here! Oh, and a bunch of others." Selena's voice broke her thoughts as she thrust the two children in front of her. They both were glaring at her. It was easy to tell who was who- the boy was from Hecate, goddess of magic, and the girl was the child of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge and balance. They would both be useful, yes... except that Nemesis children were like the Hades children- they held long, long grudges. Hecate's... well, they just liked pulling magical pranks on others. There were three other children behind them- one Athena, one Zeus, and one Apollo."Well, what are your names, children?" She asked them, crossing her arms.
They exchanged glances. "We're not telling you," the girl told Bryn angrily. Bryn was amused. "Really?" She held a sword at the girl's throat. "What about now?"
Well. At least the girl was determined. Bryn pushed the blade further. A tiny little dot of red appeared on her neck. "Tell me your names."
"Spencer Myrical," she spat out. "He's Justice Mattel."
Justice gave Bryn a grin and a nod. She punched him in the face. The girl glared at her. "What was that for?"
"I don't know. He was annoying," Bryn answered, shrugging. "Selena, explain about this to--"
"We already know about the Greek gods, thank you," Spencer quipped, crossing her arms as the Captain sheathed her sword once more.
"Good. One less thing for me to worry about." Bryn turned to the last three demigods. "Okay, your names."
"Summer Parkens."
"Tyler Revik."
"Jael Lilken."
"Good, you behave. I trust you know about your heritage?"
"Yes," Summer said curtly, like a child of Athena should.
"Excellent. Summer, go with your sister Selena. Jael, the Zeus cabin is the biggest and the first over there. Jael, go with your brother Martin." Bryn swiftly gave them instructions and stalked off.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Bryn was sitting in the Hades Cabin, making a design of a helmet for her father's cabin, when she heard the shriek outside. She instantly raced out, and saw Melody screaming and pointing at a huge, towering she-dragon with long, curved gleaming claws holding long double swords and gigantic fangs dripping with poison. Kampe. The Captain grabbed her sword and raced forward, screaming for the rest of the camp to attack. "Kampe's here!" She shrieked. "With empousai!" She shouted, spotting a flood of the creatures behind the queen of dragons. Bryn raced to her apprentice Lily's side, whispering in her ear, "Find Jace, Selena, and Fallera at the Archery Range. Fetch them here, tell them what's going on." Bryn watched the young demigoddess speed off, and then dove forward into battle.

(sorry it's short... continue, please!)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eating Pavilion

This is the Eating Pavilion, where there are tons of food always available at mealtimes. You might not expect it, but really, the food's great. Even if it's made by monsters.
There are twelve tables for each Olympian God, and the Minor Demigods are to sit with the cabin they are currently staying in, according to which Olympian they are most alike to.