Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Posideon Cabin

The cabin of Posideon outlooks the lake of Camp Demigod, with a wooden, beach house feel to it. The symbol in the entranceway is a trident, with the carving of a horse on each side of it. The inside was a design of dolphins, with huge windows and stairs down to the lake. Inside, on the wall, is a bronze and gold pegasus.


  1. "Lily? This is Brook. I was wondering if we could be friends. I always see you around camp but I never really thought of talking to you. If you don't that's okay. Ya know our parents kinda fight a lot. But, I would really like a friend who is close to my age." Brook said anxiously.

  2. Bryn appeared in the middle of the Poseidon Cabin. "Lily."
    The girl jumped in surprise. "We will train today," Bryn said quietly, though it sounded like thunder. "I know you don't have a weapon, so you can get something at the weapons rack. Are you scared of heights?"

  3. "No, not really. Just that Zeus might blast me out of the sky..." Lily's gaze turned to Brook. "Sure, we can be friends. A friend close to your old are you?"

    - Lily -

  4. Bryn snorted in laughter. "Yeah, I kinda get freaked out about that too. Not very friendly, that Zeus, is he?" She grinned, but her smile faltered as thunder rattled the sky. "Come on, to the Arena. It's a climb, but tough luck, you gotta get up there." Bryn turned without a glance back and walked to the staircase, climbing up quickly but gracefully, almost like a gazelle.

  5. "Alright." Lily followed Bryn hastily up the stairs, glancing worriedly at the thundering sky.

    - Lily -

  6. Marine walked into the cabin. "Uh, who are you?" she asked sourly.

  7. Selena walked in a little hesitantly. "Er, hi, Marine."

  8. "Um, hi." she said staring in dismay.

  9. She began to sit down on Marine's bed next to her, but then refrained. "Um, I don't think we've been introduced properly yet. I'm Selena Swift, daughter of Athena." Selena held out a slender hand.

  10. Marine shook her hand. "Marine Sams, daughter of Zeus." then smiled.

  11. "Yeah, I know your name," Selena snapped automatically, the regretted her words.

  12. "I know you know that, it' just I wanted to introduce myself properly too. You are not the perfect one in camp! Nobody is perfect! Gosh!" Marine yelled. Then rolled her eyes and walked out of camp murmuring "Stupid Marine! I can't be her friend! Our parents hate each other! So we should too!"

  13. Selena took the other route around camp so that she seemed to pop out in front of Marine. "I never said I was perfect," she hissed, indigo eyes blazing. "Don't make up reality."

  14. "Selena, I thought you were trying to be my friend but apparently not! And also, you ALWAYS act like your perfect! So maybe you should just be quiet!" Marine hissed back.

  15. Selena narrowed her eyes and hit a hard blow with words. "Maybe you should get over your jealousy and see the truth!" She growled.

  16. "Whatever big brain! Your the one who's jealous!" she screamed then ran out of the cabin crying.

  17. (Dang.....should Jace come in and crash into Marine?)

  18. Jace crossed the camp, his sword in his hand, when a person....a girl possibly, crashed into his left side. As he fell, Jace rolled to the side, springing up and placing his sword on the girl's neck, an angry glare in his eyes. "Who are...Marine?"

    - Jace -

  19. Marine covered her face. "Yes, me Marine. Don't look at me! I'm a mess." Then she started sobbing again.

  20. "Marine.....what's...what's wrong?" Jace shifted his weight uneasily.

    - Jace -

  21. "Um, nothing." she lied. But right after she said it she knew Jace knew she wasn't saying the whole story.

  22. Selena stalked across the camp towards Marine, not expecting to see Jace there. She ignored him and looked straight down at Marine. She bent down and pulled her towards herself, and put one cold hand around her neck, whispering in her ear, "Never run away from a fight, daughter of Poseidon. And be careful of who you fight with next time." Selena pulled back and gave her a cold and menacing smile before looking coldly at Jace. "What're you staring at? Leave!"

  23. Jace crossed his arms, his gaze turning back into a glare. "Tell me what happened first."

    - Jace -

  24. Selena glared right back at him. "What happened? Well, Marine here has a crush on you, and she's jealous of me for hanging out with you. I tried to be friends with her but, overcome with jealousy, rejected it. You know how I am. If you're not friends with me, you're enemies. I guess we hate each other now." She threw another vicious stare at Marine.

  25. Marine screamed. "P-please! Jace don't leave! Selena's might kill me! I don't even know how to fight! Someone HELP!" She cried. Then she started screaming and crying sying "I am gonna die!" Over and over again...

  26. "Oh and I don't have a crush on you!" She cried. Then her face turned very red...

  27. "I will tell you the REAL story. Selena decides to properly introduce herself. But, when I introduce myself she snaps at me! I am not jealous or have a crush on you..." Then she blushed. "...She insults me, I insult her, she snaps EVEN harder and I run out here sobbing! You find me and well now where here! THAT'S what REALLY happened." she said. Then rubbed the tears out of her eyes. "Look Selena. Sorry, but you don't always have to be perfect. You always act like your proving everybody wrong. We should try making friends but you always get mad!"

  28. Jace raised an eyebrow. "Look. Either make up and be friends again, or agree on the same subject. Or I'll just leave and let you guys handle things by yourself." His blue eyes stared angrily at the two girls. "So what's it going to be?"

    - Jace -

  29. "Um, well. I guess friends." Marine said wiping her eyes. "You?" she said pointing to Selena.

  30. Selena glared at both of them. "I think I can handle it by myself, thank you very much," she snapped.

  31. "Fine." Marine snapped back even harder, with one of her most evil glares she had ever given.

  32. Selena smiled. "Very well then, Jace. We have done what you wanted- we decided to work things out ourselves. I believe you can leave now." She stood next to Marine, forcing herself to relax near her. She stared at Jace, then said something out of the corner of her mouth so that only Marine could hear: "You know that whining won't help, Sams, or lying." She then turned and gave Marine her best smile, then looked at Jace. "Well?"

  33. "Y-yeah. I guess." Marine said. Then gave one of her prettiest smiles back at Selena. "But you don't have to leave! Your so nice. What if we do fight again?" she said smiling prettily glancing at Selena's now most evil glare. Marine knew she shouldn't have said that, now she could really get hurt...

  34. Jace narrowed his eyes. "But if you say you can handle it by yourself, it means I could leave." He saw a flicker of the two's glares and crossed his arms. "Make up your mind."

    - Jace -

  35. "We know we can handle it, but we just wanted some more quality time with you!" Marine lied.

  36. Selena rolled her eyes. "Come on, Marine. Stop flirting with the second-in-command, you can go flirt with someone else in your league." She hoped Marine noticed the hidden insult. She grabbed her wrist in a vice-like grip and pulled her away from Jace.

  37. "Ow! That hurts! I am NOT flirting!" she screeched as she was being dragged.

  38. With a sigh, Jace turned and headed for the arena, his sword strapped on his sword belt, his eyes showing confusion. Flirting with me...Ack. Just...keep your mind focused Jace, you'll do fine.

    - Jace -

  39. Selena pulled her around randomly until Jace disappeared. She turned Marine around to face her. "Look. Listen to me, don't do anything funny, and DON'T distract yourself from flirting, and everything will be fine."

  40. "So, Kylie who lives in the Poseidon Cabin?"Thalia asked curiously.

  41. "Well, there's Marine. She's a traitor. She ran away and turned weally bad! And then Lily, she's an AWESOME fighter! She's so good! And that's all the Poseidon kids right now. Come on Hades Cabin!" she said urgently and grabbed Thalia's hand to drag her out of the cabin.
