Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Arena

The Arena is a large, sandy space on top of a cliff with a fence around it to avoid one falling off. The view is excellent, with numerous trees and hawks circling above, sometimes even below, as it is that high. There is a weapons, armor, shield, and helmet rack around it as well, where one can place their things on. The entrance is just the gate to get into the fence. There is a long staircase from the camp onto the high arena, so once you get up there it's a workout already.


  1. Bryn waited patiently in the center of the Arena for Lily. When the daughter of Poseidon arrived at the top of the stairs, panting, she leapt forward, twisted her arm behind her back, gently touched her stomach with her knee, letting her know she could have done it a lot harder, then flung her across the plateau towards the weapons rack. "ALWAYS be alert. NEVER stop noticing what's around you. If I was a monster, you'd have been dead by now." Bryn snarled. "Get a weapon, quick! I'll give you five seconds. One, two, three, four, five..." She launched herself forward with her stygian iron katana. Bryn was going to be a tough mentor- she had never lived an easy life, never had an advantage in her training, and now look at her. She was best fighter in the camp, with agility, reflex, strategy, and the simple art of using an opponent's strength against himself. Bryn promised herself that she would make her apprentice the best fighter the camp had ever seen.

  2. Lily grabbed a bronze knife, sidestepping to one side and letting Bryn tumble past her. Lily's eyes twinkled as she waited for the next attack, poised with her new knife in a defense position.

    - Lily -

  3. Bryn's arm shot out as she skidded past Lily. She gritted her teeth, jumping into the air and doing a backflip to land next to her apprentice. Bryn sliced with her right hand from left to right, and her blade made a whistling sound as it passed just centimeters from Lily's cheek. "Duck!" She ordered as she aimed a kick at her face. "Lean back! A lot!" Bryn instructed her again, putting her foot back on the floor, spinning then kicking out again, this time with her blade as well. The katana slashed just above Lily's fact once more. "Good!"

  4. The apprentice's eyes glowed with shock, then modesty from her mentor's praise. She sliced downwards, towards her mentor's feet, hoping that Bryn would dodge it before.....well, before something bad happens.

    - Lily -

  5. Bryn grinned. She raised her katana, eyes dark with concentration, and did a complicated manuveur of her katana that she herself had just recently learned. She countered the blow that would have cut off her feet, and twisted her arm sideways, effectively twisting Lily's hand as well, blocking hereself from the blow. She grabbed Lily's arm and twisted it than held it up. Bryn kicked her bronze knife out of her hands, then rested her katana on her throat. Bryn smiled. "One day I'll teach you to deflect that," Bryn smirked. "But that was good, Lily. So what do you think was the main point of the lesson today?"

  6. Lily blinked. All that had happened so fast. "Erm....To react quickly?"

    - Lily -

  7. Bryn grinned. "Correct, but you forgot the being alert part of it. Now pick up your knife, quickly now. I don't care if you're tired. We'll do a few more exercises on reflexes and reactions. Up you come..." she watched Lily bend down and pick up the knife, and Bryn pounced. She swiftly had her apprentice in a headlock, her handy dagger at her neck. "What did I say about being alert?" Bryn smirked, letting her go.

  8. Lily smiled. Bryn charged again, Lily sidestepped quickly. She turned, placing her knife at the back of her mentor, sliding it down to the neck.

    - Lily -

  9. Bryn smiled. "Good, Lily." She lurched forward, did a forwards roll, turned, and raised her katana at her apprentice. "But not good enough," Bryn finished, her smile gone. "Next time remember to keep me in place before putting that knife at my neck. That way I won't be able to escape." She gave Lily an encouraging nod, then barked, "Again!" She waited for Lily to charge her.

  10. Lily nodded. She charged straight at Bryn, rolling to the side before Bryn could deflect anything, and chipping the ground where her mentor had been standing, making Bryn collapse. Lily slid her cold copper blade down to Bryn's neck, smirking. "Like that?"

    - Lily -

  11. (I thought the knife was bronze.)

    Bryn smiled, her eyes filled with pride. "Exactly like that." She smiled, then kicked away the blade with a quick twist of her legs. She stood up. "You learn quickly, Lily. You are swift and you think fast. These are some of the qualities that will make you a great warrior." Bryn's smile stretched wider, then added, "I plan to make you the best fighter the camp has ever seen, Lily. I know you can do it." Bryn's smile disappeared, and her usual tight jaw and pressed-together lips replaced it. "Off to the showers, then meet me at the archery range in 30 minutes. Go go go!"

  12. Jace found his way into the Arena, his face blushing a light pink. "Girls...I'll never understand them." He slid his sword out of it's sheath, tapping the ground. Scattered bones formed themselves into a field mice, scampering off into the woods.

    - Jace -

  13. Bryn, who was slashing violently at a practice dummy in the corner, heard Jace come in. "Hello, brother," she greeted him, walking over. "Girl trouble?" She grinned, seeing his surprised face. "I won't be able to help with that, sorry. But I can listen."

  14. Jace told his half-sister the story, from the argument to present day. "So yea..." He paused, looking at Bryn's curious face.

    - Jace -

  15. "Selena? Really?" Bryn was surprised. Selena wasn't the type. "But Marine... she seems to be the jealous type," she told her half-brother. She was silent for a little while, thinking, katana in hand, then she gave Jace a sideways glance. "Jace... I won't object if you... er... choose someone, but you have to pay attention to your duties, okay? You're second-in-command."

  16. Jace shook his head. "I don't plan to. I...just need to keep focused." He sighed, leaning on his black Stygian sword. "So while we're here....Wanna fight?"

    - Jace -

  17. Bryn nodded, relaxing visibly. "Good." She then smirked. "I hope you've started perfecting your fighting technique since I last fought you," she grinned maliciously, remembering the first time they met, and she had beaten him up pretty badly. She got into a fighting stance, katana at the ready.

  18. Jace smiled. "Oh that? You won because you had a weapon." He raised his sword, eyes glinting sinisterly. "Me, fighting with a sword? So much better."

    - Jace -

  19. Bryn laughed. "This is why you're my second in command, dude," she grinned. "Come at me."

  20. Just then Marine walked in. "I need help." she said. "Please train me to fight. I am in a huge situation." she said quivering.

  21. Jace glanced to the corner of his eye, growling. "I thought you guys said you could handle it on your own. " He lowered his sword, placing a hand on his hip, tapping the ground. "Well?"

    - Jace -

  22. "Here's my side of the story." she said loudly, then realized she better be quiet. "Selena told me when you left that well...I just can't do it!" she cried. Then started sobbing. "She's just making me feel unsafe and well...Jace, Selena REALLY likes you! More than friend like. I wouldn't really be surprised if you liked her back, but she gets jealous when I like you too, and well, I have decided to leave you alone. I will set my mind on training and besides, you know that Devin kid right? He keeps giving me wierd looks. So, better go talk to him and just have new focuses. Oh, and Bryn, Brook really wants to become a warrior soon! It's just so hard here! I miss my friends, my mom, and well, just my plain old perfect life back!" she confessed. Then wiped her tears.

  23. Bryn narrowed her eyes, and hissed. She stepped forward and held Marine by the the collar of her shirt. She lifted the girl up and held her against a tree. "Look, Poseidon girl. Here at Camp Demigod, you don't whine. Especially about stupid things like love. And don't complain about Selena either, you know she's smarter and higher ranked than you. She doesn't love Jace, and Jace doesn't love her. Or you, for that matter. Don't talk back to me, I think I know my half brother and the girl who I've known for five years better than you do. Pay attention to your own training, not anybody else. And for the record, Selena decides whether Brook's a warrior or not. She's her mentor, not me." Bryn let go of Marine, dropping her onto the Arena. "If you want to be a true warrior, pay attention to your fighting and hunting skills. Oh, and by the way- never interrupt a fight. Ever." Bryn knew she had never liked Marine. She supposed Selena's attitude on her had rubbed off.

  24. Just then, Selena stormed into the Arena. She completely ignored Jace and Bryn, glaring at Marine. "Where did you think you ran off to, you idiot? Don't be a coward, you gotta stand up for yourself, not whine to your superiors like a brat! I'm trying to teach you an essential lesson here, and you keep brushing me off!" Devin ran up behind her. "Hey Sel, no need to be so angry," he soothed the daughter of Athena. "If she can't handle it, she can't handle it." Devin winked at Bryn, who spat angrily at him.

  25. Marine just glared as Bryn walked out of the Arena. 'That idiot! She thinks she knows everything. I'll show that angry pig!' she thought. "Hey Selena, it takes one to know one!" she spat furiously about the idiot thing. "I don't run off! You had nothing more to say, stupid!" she screeched defensively. "I stand up for myself better than you do weenie! I am SO not whiny and call me a brat again and, ohh, you'll be dead meat." she said glaring at her with a smirk on her face. "And Devin, shut-up! This is not your problem! Get lost! Go flirt with someone else!" she said.

  26. Bryn and Selena both froze at Marine's words. They turned around to face her, their faces cold, deadly, and merciless. Simultaneously, they charged Marine. Selena gave Marine a roundhouse kick to the face, and then punched her gut. Bryn punched her nose then tripped her. Selena put her into a headlock, and Bryn yanked her stygian iron chain from her neck, and threw it at Marine. It wrapped around her into an unescapable prison of stygian iron. Bryn and Selena stood over her, Selena's foot on her stomach and Bryn's katana at her throat. She bent down and stared Marine straight in the eyes. "Never insult a senior warrior, Marine, or offend your leader. You never know where it might take you," Bryn whispered chillingly in the warrior's ear.

  27. Marine started coughing up blood and then fell into blackness...

  28. Oh, by the way, can Marine like turn on the Gods and Goddesses, and the Camp? I want her to go all evil and come back and cause a huge war! I thought that would be more interesting if you want, and just like make her all evil. Only if you want. So yes or no?

  29. Just then Ivy approached the girls. "Oh my gosh! What are you 3 doing?" she said suprised. "Well?" "Oh and I forgot to mention didn't I, silly Ivy!, anyways tomorrows my birthday. Will you guys make sure no one gets hurt today or tomorrow, I want just a peaceful 13th birthday. If you can't that's okay. But please try!"

  30. Jace flashed a look at Ivy. "We're kinda busy." His sword was in it's sheath and his hands in his pockets, staring at the three girls.

    - Jace -

  31. (dawnflower that'd be awesome! That would make things more interesting, and we could have a quest, thanks! so yeah, sure, marine can be evil)

    Bryn let Marine go. "We're busy, Ivy. But please take this girl and at least heal her a bit. You can keep her there until I say so." Selena smiled at Bryn's words. "Teamwork, huh?" She grinned, and the two girls high-fived.

  32. "W-well, okay then." she said. Then grabbed Marine and staggered out of the Arena.

  33. (Once she's healed, she will leave the camp I don't know how yet and then I will make a temporary blog, talking about her base camp. And I have really big plans! Oh and will you make a post when it hapens? And tell some people to join? Thanks!?

  34. Fallera was waiting patiently with both swords in her hands, waiting at the edge of the Arena. She saw Jace appear at the entrance of the arena and nodded at him. "Well, I see you made it," she said sarcastically, watching him catch himself before he fell.

  35. Jace smirked, fighting off the dizziness in his mind. "Alright then. Give me back my sword."

    - Jace -

  36. Fallera shrugged, and flung it point-first at him with deadly accuracy, only hoping that he would catch it before it speared his head through.

  37. Jace caught the hilt of his sword just as fast, a cold look in his blue eyes. "Ready?"

    - Jace -

  38. Fallera nodded. "Just pretend I'm your apprentice." She put herself in the fighting stance that she saw the others do. She prepared herself, not knowing what would come and how to react, as she had never actually swordfought before. Sure, she'd punched then kicked a perv trying to kiss her before, but that didn't really count.

  39. Jace shrugged, swinging his sword so that his blade was parallel with his elbow. He sped forward like a blur, rolling to the side at the last minute, then slashing at Fallera's back.

    - Jace -

  40. Fallera acted on instinct, rolling forward, ignoring the blood on the back of her shirt, then doing a high and graceful backflip to land behind Jace. She roundhouse kicked the back of his head, then grasped his shoulders and pulled him towards herself, kneeing his spine.

  41. Jace flipped onto his back, kicking Fallera so that he would land on his back. He chipped a decent amount of dirt out of the floor of which his "apprentice" stood,making her collapse. Jace placed his sword carefully on Fallera's neck, smirking.

    - Jace -

  42. Fallera smiled calmly at him from the ground, then suddenly darkness enveloped her. All of a sudden she was behind him, and a dagger was lightly drawing blood from the back of his neck. "Make the kill first before the opponent can react, Son of Hades," she whispered, her breath blowing gently on his neck, making his hair rise.

  43. Jace's wound stung, giving Fallera a look. "Do you really want me to kill you? I'd get in trouble for that, not to mention being the second-in-command."

    - Jace -

    (I was wondering...when they have a relationship, they should have sorta like a BramblexSquirrel relationship? Like they have a fight in the middle?)

  44. (Sure)

    Fallera grinned sweetly at him. "Well, nobody would really appreciate you killing someone who was in the prophecy, right?" She smirked, letting go of him and stepping back.

  45. "Besides..." she smiled teasingly, leaning into him again, her black eyes boring into his blue eyes, "...I don't think I'd let you." Fallera and Jace's bodies were just centimeters apart, and she suddenly realized how... Aphrodite she sounded like. It was almost as if she was flirting with him. Without knowing it, a disgusted and repulsed look came upon Fallera's even-skinned face.

  46. Jace drew in a breath, staring into her eyes. Fallera drew back, giving him a scowl. He smiled at her reaction, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

    - Jace -

  47. Fallera gave him a look. "What are you staring at?" She snapped, hiding her blush with her powers. Her eyes seemed to become blacker, if that was possible.

  48. Jace shook his head, laughing to himself. "Not a thing." He looked back up to her eyes. "So are we trying again?"

    - Jace -

  49. Fallera stared at him, thinking. "Let's try unarmed combat this time. We never know when we'll be caught without our weapons." She threw her sword to the other side of the arena, and quickly flashed past him, taking his sword, and flinging it to her own.

  50. Jace watched as his black sword clattered to the ground with Fallera's. Sighing, he remembered the time he first joined, with no weapons. He hadn't been practicing since Bryn flipped him to the ground. "Are you sure this is necessary?"

    - Jace -

  51. Fallera noticed his hesitation. "Yes," she told him, expressionless, though inside she was gloating and smirking. Suddenly her fist shot out and connected with his jaw with a crack. She spun then kicked him flat on the chest, and he flew backwards to land on the ground with a thud.

  52. Jace narrowed his eyes, kicking at Fallera's legs in a smooth motion. Fallera fell to the ground, leaving Jace smirking.

    - Jace -

  53. Fallera, with a quick twist of her legs, tripped Jace while at the same time propelling herself up. She pulled him up by his arm with surprising force, only to elbow him in the chest and kick his face, pushing him down again. She fell to the ground, putting her knee to his shoulder with a crack, breaking his shoulder while holding him down, knowing that it was a proven fact that holding a shoulder down meant that a person can never get up. She did all this while her eyes were getting blacker and blacker, darkness surrounding the arena like an onyx mist.

  54. Jace let out a gasp, looking at Fallera with a new emotion for a split second. He felt his shoulder crack, pain overwhelming him. He lay on the ground, watching as the darkness almost swallowed him. With a last amount of energy, he summoned a group of skeletons heading for Fallera.

    - Jace -

  55. Fallera disintegraed them with a single thought, black flashing through the air, cutting through the skeletons, turning them into gray ash. She narrowed her eyes as she grabbed his throat with one hand, her eyes literally burning with black flames. "We agreed it would be unarmed battle," she hissed, darkness enveloping them.

  56. Jace gave her a curious look. "Since when were powers weapons?"

    - Jace -

  57. Fallera rolled her eyes. "The definition of the word 'weapon' is: A thing designed for inflicting bodily harm or damage. True, not all powers are for that, but if your soldiers weren't for inflicting bodily harm, then I'm a freakin' chipmunk." She shut up, wondering when was the last time she had said so much or displayed how much she read and studied books.

  58. Jace rose an eyebrow. "You couldn't let me use the soldiers to let me have time to get up, couldn't you?" He wiped off a line of blood from his mouth with the top of his sleeve. Jace's eyes flickered with a drop of anger, his voice showing a bit.

    - Jace -

  59. Fallera smirked, still not letting him go. "Nope." She still kept him down with her knee. "Anyway. If you give up I'll let you go. If you don't, well, I suppose I'll have to break your other shoulder."

  60. Jace growled. "If you break my other shoulder, Bryn would probably hate you. I am the second-in-command."

    - Jace -

  61. Fallera didn't seem to mind the comment. "Well then, don't you think you should give up?"

  62. Jace took in the words, anger and frustration steaming inside him. He said nothing.

    - Jace -

  63. Fallera checked an invisible watch. "Still waiting," she said in a singsong voice.

  64. Jace muttered under his breath. "Fine. I give up. Whatever."

    - Jace -

  65. Smirking, she got off him and stood about a meter away, her arms crossed. "So I beat the second in command in my first training session," Fallera gloated. "What do you think about that?"

  66. Jace tilted his head, so that his bangs stopped low to the right. "For your information, I haven't been practicing fighting without weapons since I first came here."

    - Jace -

  67. Fallera gave Jace a look. "Dude. You've still had more training than I have. You have, or are SUPPOSED to have better reflexes. You're supposed to be faster and stronger. But I still beat you up in less than five minutes."

  68. (Oh yeah. Since it's been a while already, and Jace was the first person who joined, I'm making him a year older, so now he's 14. Okay?)

  69. (Yeah, sure.)

    Jace shot the glare back at her. "If you want to boast about how you beat the second-in-command on your first training session then fine. Whatever. It's not like anyone's going to believe you, let alone care."

    - Jace -

  70. Fallera rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Deathboy," she muttered, and glanced at his shoulder. Her back was still bleeding a little from the first bit of swordfighting, and her entire body was aching. Fallera gritted her teeth as she made a neutral face and then narrowed her eyes at Jace.

  71. Jace crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow when Fallera narrowed her eyes. "What?"

    - Jace -

  72. "Stop staring at me like that," Fallera snapped at him. "Just because you're second in command doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

  73. Jace glared at Fallera. "I never said that, that now did I? No, it doesn't mean I could do whatever I want, but I have authority. Higher than yours, anyway."

    - Jace -

  74. Fallera narrowed her eyes at him. "You implied it. If you know what it means, that is," she added snarkily, turning her head away.

  75. Jace scoffed, glancing up at the setting sun. The light was bouncing off his black sword, in which he had retrieved earlier. "So, Nightgirl. We gonna train more or go back? Or are you too angry to pay any attention to me?"

    - Jace -

  76. It was Fallera's turn to scoff at the nickname. "I never pay you any attention anyway," she told him coldly. "And I'm not letting a training session go this time. I'm in my element." She smiled slightly at the setting sun, letting her mother overtake Apollo's chariot and claim the sky.

  77. Jace crossed his arms, watching the sky turn darker. "Great," he muttered under his breath. "Just what I need. More darkness." He directed his eyes to Fallera, his glare hard and cold.

    - Jace -

    (They're more in a fight than a relationship right now...)

  78. (Yup. They'll do that first, I think.)

    Fallera smiled creepily, and the area around her turned even darker. The blade she held up half glowed in the darkness and blended in, so that it looked like half a sword. "I think we should go again."

  79. Jace narrowed his eyes, raising his sword up to his chest. "Same here."

    - Jace -

    (This is confusing. O.o But I get it...somewhat.)

  80. (haha kinda like squirrelXbramble)

    Fallera suddenly seemed to disappear into nothing. Suddenly, the back of her sword rammed into Jace's back, knocking him to his knees. She appeared again, holding a stygian iron dagger to Jace's neck from behind.

  81. Jace spun, matching Fallera's speed and pushing her dagger down with sheer force. A glint flashed in Jace's eyes, then disappeared as he rolled to the side and chipped at the ground underneath his opponent, making her fall.

    - Jace -

  82. Fallera disappeared again, and suddenly there was a dagger pinning Jace to the ground, Fallera's sword pointing at his neck. There was a growl from somewhere in front of him, somewhat feminine.

  83. Jace smiled, shadow-traveling behind Fallera, pinning her down. His eyes had an uncomfortable glare, but he managed to do the same as Fallera.

    - Jace -

  84. (uncomfortable glare?)

    Fallera simply disappeared again, then reappeared leaning against the fence, looking bored. "Okay, we should stop doing that. It's never going to end if we keep travelling."

  85. (No like....uhh...the light glare? I didn't want to say "glint" again. Sorry for the confusion.)

    Jace slid his sword back. "What now, then?" His eyes narrowed at the moon shining down on them.

    - Jace -

  86. Fallera glanced up at the night sky. "It's around six thirty," she told him. "I can estimate time by seeing how dark the sky is," she explained due to Jace's mildly surprised face. "You wanna have dinner?"

  87. Jace bit his lip, glancing at his broken shoulder. Wincing as he shrugged, he made his way to the entrance. "Sure."

    - Jace -

  88. Fallera made her way swiftly to the entrance easily, as her wounds had healed as night came. She paused at his side, looking undecided. With a sigh and a couple of mutterings about her going soft, she ripped off the part of his shirt that covered his injured shoulder and put both her cold hands on the wound. Slowly, with closed eyes, Fallera healed the wound by extracting her power from within herself and the night and putting it into the broken joint, sealing up the wound. When she took her hands away, it was fully healed. She did the same to his other wounds. When she was finished Fallera stood up, looking faint. Suddenly, she staggered, wobbling unstably in her spot, all color drained from her face.

  89. Jace grabbed hold of Fallera's forearms. "Whoa, there. You didn't have to drain all your power at once." He stared into Fallera's dark eyes, managing a faint smile.

    - Jace -

  90. Fallera leaned into him, catching her breath, before realizing what she was doing and sprang away from him, covering her blush by shielding her face with darkness. "I didn't wanna.... bother with healing you later," she told him faintly. She stumbled towards the entrance. "Let's... have... dinner now."

  91. Jace nodded, following Fallera quietly. "Okay."

    - Jace -

    (Comment next...where?)

  92. Fallera quite literally threw Jace into the Arena and brandished two throwing daggers and flung them right past Jace, just passing no more than a centimeter from his face, cutting off a chunk of black hair before they hit the wall and imbedded themselves it with a dull thud. Her eyes grew dark as she ran towards a dummy with her sword held parellel to her side then with a quick twist of her arm she sliced it clean in half. Within ten seconds she had "killed" three more dummies. Fallera suddenly reached into her pocket and threw three flying black and silver metal discs at Jace's forehead. The discs had a serrated edge, and were so sharp and strong with the power of night that they could cut through granite. Fallera suddenly hoped that he would duck or something, because if not he would be killed in less than a second.

  93. Jace watched as Fallera killed all the dummies in a flash. The flying disks headed toward him, and with a mix of surprise and just plain fear, he ducked instinctively. His eyes widened at Fallera, sliding his sword out. "You're not trying to kill me, are you?"

    - Jace -

  94. Fallera looked at him. "No. I'm just trying to get rid of my frustration. Or," she added, making a face, "Get so tired I don't feel it anymore." She put a hand up and the discs came flying back to her, and into her hand which she caught effortlessly. They would have sliced her hand in half if she didn't have Nyx's blood in her. She disappeared and reappeared with her knives a few seconds later. Walking up to Jace, she reached into his pocket and found the knife she gave him disguised as a pockeknife. Fallera tossed it into the air and caught it, but this time it was the knife. "You using this?" She asked him, handing it to him handle-first.

  95. Jace hid a smile. "Yeah." He grabbed the hilt of the silver knife, watching the moonlight shine off it.

    - Jace -

  96. "It's really just a knife I bought. My mother put the power in it." Fallera watched the moonlight shine off it, and she suddenly realized that her own body was slightly glowing as well. She raised an eyebrow. "Ew," she muttered under her breath as she thought of the Twilight reference.

  97. Jace laughed slightly, sliding it back into his pocket. "I think I can manage with my sword right now." He took a step back, sword poised in front. "Are we gonna fight or not?"

    - Jace -

  98. Fallera shrugged. "Sure," she said, and before Jace could begin she threw a disc that grazed his swordhand. She saw skin rip away and blood drip to the ground. Jace dropped his sword and she picked it up quickly before catching the bloody disc again. "Just be glad I didn't slice your entire hand off," she told him, throwing both swords to the other side of the Arena. "Let's make this a battle of powers. Nyx against Hades. Oh, and range combat is allowed too." Fallera smirked as she brandished her three discs. "You can use that knife I gave you."

  99. Jace smiled, sliding out his knife again. "You're on." He crouched in a ready position, narrowing his eyes into slits at Fallera. "Just give the signal and we'll start."

    - Jace -

  100. "It's already started," laughed a voice that was not to be seen. There was nothing in the Arena besides Jace... or so it seemed. "In case you didn't know, I can blend into the night. Or anything. I can be nothing, or everything." Fallera whispered into Jace's ear from right next to him, and she saw the hairs on his neck rise. She darted away and waited for him to have a reaction.

  101. Jace bit his lip, raising his sword and summoning a crowd of skeletons that went batting into the night. He watched, listening to any form of where Fallera was.

    - Jace -

  102. The skeletons were sliced in half by invisible discs that flew threw the air, killing them before they sped back into Fallera's hands. She watched Jace with all of her observation- he would not escape with anything.

  103. Jace's eyes narrowed, levitating rocks and making them deadly, black, and extremely sharp. He let go of the hold and they went flying in every which way.

    - Jace -

    (If this doesn't make sense, sorry. :/ I found it on a website with Hades's children's (aka Nico's) powers.)

  104. A black glowing light wrapped around a figure, exposing Fallera's position but protecting her from the rocks. After the rocks were gone she shattered them with a thought and disappeared again. The three discs flew towards Jace, acting as missiles, following Jace with her mind. The three discs split into six, then twelve.

  105. Jace smirked, disappearing in a black vortex. He shadow-traveled multiple times, disappearing and reappearing in a new place. Each time he reappeared, Jace took a stab in the dark, hoping to find Fallera sometime soon.

    - Jace -

  106. Suddenly, Fallera was beside Jace and he grabbed his knife hand, twisting it so that the knife fell away. She grabbed it and disappeared again, sprinting to the other side of the arena, her invisible discs flying back to her.

  107. Jace closed his eyes, causing the ground to rumble recklessly with a series of earth tremors. "Your lucky I'm not cruel enough to open up a crack to swallow you into the Underworld," he muttered, watching for any sign of movement.

    - Jace -

  108. There was a little laugh from somewhere in the arena. "You're lucky I'm too nice to blind you and pull your limbs apart with shadows," Fallera replied, smiling, still unseen. A dark tentacle formed and began making its way towards Jace, grabbing his neck.

  109. Jace reached into his pocket feeling for his knife. His hand closed around the handle, bringing it out and running it through the tentacle, gasping for air.

    - Jace -

  110. (wait what? i thought fallera had his knife...)

  111. (Doesn't it come back to him? Otherwise, I'd probably die... ^^'')

  112. (it does, but fallera's holding it... unless she goes in his pocket too :/)
    (LOL that'd be funny XD)

  113. (Haha. That would. :D)
    (So did you want to continue? I'm guessing Jace is still choking...)

  114. (ok)

    Fallera deemed it reasonable that she could allow herself to appear now, so she materialized from a couple meters away from Jace. "Enjoying yourself, deathboy?" She smiled evilly, another dark tentacle coming out of her... chest? There were indeed black, creepy-looking tentacles looking awfully like some sort of seaweed extending out of Fallera's chest, reaching for Jace's neck and chest.

  115. Jace glared at her, struggling to breathe under the tentacles. "Shut up," he choked out. "If this was in daylight, I'd be winning."

    - Jace -

  116. Fallera laughed. "You sure you would? Remember when I beat you? Besides, it wasn't very smart to challenge me at night. Are you sure you'd be smart enough to win in daylight?" She squeezed slightly harder, making sure she could still feel the blood pumping through his veins underneath her tentacles.

  117. Jace let out a gasp as he felt Fallera', tentacles tighten. "I didn't challenge you. You wanted to get your mind off things." the tentacles were practically cutting into his skin, squeezing most of the air out of him. He rose his head up to the sky. "Now let go, unless you wanted to kill me."

    - Jace -

  118. (LOL tentacles XD)

    Fallera's face softened. "I would never want to kill you." She took away her tentacles from his neck and instead drew them around his waist, and pulled him to her. "I love you." She smiled a little up at him. Now she had her mind off things- she could pay attention to her emotions now.

  119. (Haha. ^^)

    Jace smiled, his eyes sparkling. "I love you too..." He leaned in to kiss, but caught himself. There was something wrong in the atmosphere...was someone watching them?

    - Jace -

    (Who did you want to find out about this first?)

  120. (Hm... the most observant... omg Bryn would be a disaster lol XD Hey, maybe an Aphrodite girl... hm, but Cheryl's never on to play her "proper" Aphrodite girl. Maybe I should make one?)

    Fallera looked slightly confused. "What's wrong?" Right after she said it, the hairs on the back of her neck rose. She knew what was wrong. She growled dangerously, turning and grabbing Jace's arms behind her to protect him. "Come out here!" She hissed.

  121. (Haha, VERY true...I always have an Aphrodite girl, she's just...different. :/ If you make one, it's a little hard to explain who she is to Jace and Fallera...)

    Jace narrowed his eyes when the person refused to come out. Who had the nerve to actually spy on them?

    - Jace -

    (Btw, this is sorta my last comment. I'm going on a trip to the mountains and will be coming back on May 8th. Just didn't want you to be confused if I disappeared...)

  122. (oh, ok. have fun!)
    (hm... i have an idea)

    Fallera growled again, this time sounding strangely animalistic, like some sort of panther. A shape, slender and curvaceous, emerged through the tall fence. Fallera brightened the area, and it was a sight that pretty much made her faint with surprise. It was a tall, probably 16 year old girl with beautiful indigo eyes and long blond hair that tumbled like waves down her back. That was an Aphrodite girl, all right. "Who are you?" Fallera snarled.
    "Isabel Terra Liliaane, Mom's favorite girl," she smiled prettily, her eyes bright. "You two are the perfect couple." She strode forward and smiled suggestively at Jace, brushing by him close enough that he could literally smell her hair. Fallera tensed. "And what are you doing here?"
    "I've just arrived. I'm drawn to strong emotions, especially those of love. It brought me here." Isabel grinned at the two. "Is this a demigod camp, by the way? It's nice."

    (LOL I'm gonna love playing Isabel XD)

  123. (Lol. :D)
    (And thanks!!! I did. ^^)

    Jace glared at Isabel by instinct. "Where are you getting at? And how much authority do you think you have that you can start matchmaking?" He was getting a horrible vibe from this girl, but then again, he's always hated Aphrodite and her children.

    - Jace -

  124. Isabel, or rather Terra, gave him a look. "When did I say that I was going to start matchmaking, Jace?" She smiled. "But you can be sure I'll be helping my mother... make your love life difficult." Terra smirked. "Anyway, where's this camp of yours? I'm sure your Captain would love to see me."
    Fallera scoffed. "I'm sure she won't."
    "How would you know? You're new as well. Come on, show me the camp already!" Terra pushed Jace flirtatiously and Fallera pretty much hissed at her. "Shut up."
    Terra gave Fallera a wink. "Jealous?"

  125. Jace rolled his eyes. "It was implied." He glanced at Fallera, listening carefully. "Yeah, but I'm the second-in-command and the Captain's half brother. I would know. And Bryn? I can bet she'll hate you as much as I do now." He felt Terra's push, sighing. She doesn't really think I'll fall for her...does she?

    - Jace -

  126. Terra smiled at Jace. "Oh, I don't expect that," she said, almost reading his mind. "It's just my nature. Met my Mom yet?"
    Fallera scowled. "Unfortunately." She glanced at Jace. "You wanna take her to camp before she throws another Aphrodite tantrum? Bryn had better see her."
    Terra tried not to narrow her eyes but her huge blue eyes did darken slightly.

    (I'm not going to make a post for Terra, seeing as it's all here.)

  127. (Mmk)

    Jace shrugged. "Fine. Better her in camp than here anyway."

    - Jace -

  128. Fallera nodded, and held out her hand. Black tentacles shot out and wrapped around Terra's waist, who yelped and glared viciously at Fallera. The daughter of Nyx looked at Jace, and strode forward, dragging Terra behind her.

  129. Jace hid a smile, finding his way to camp with Terra arguing furiously with both of them. "Shut up already, princess. Can't you be quiet for a minute, at least?"

    - Jace -

  130. Terra gave him a look. "Nope." She cut off Fallera's tentacles and stalked to Bryn's front. "Hi, Bryn. I met your half-brother, he's nice. So is his girlfriend."
    Fallera's eyes widened and she tensed. They hadn't told Bryn about them yet. Would Bryn force Jace to ignore her? Because that would be heartbreak... again...

    (comment next clearing)

  131. Bryn leaned against the wall of the Arena, waiting for Lily to meet her here for another training session.

  132. Lily stepped into the Arena, eyes focusing quickly on Bryn. She made her way towards her mentor, hands on the hilt of her bronze knife...just in case.


  133. Almost lazily, three sharp stones spun from out of nowhere at Lily. They were sharp enough to cut through bone. Bryn pretended not to notice, pulling out her katana and examining it.

  134. Knowing the stones would cut straight through her knife, Lily dodged the stones swiftly, watching them impale the Arena wall. She narrowed her eyes at Bryn, anticipating the next move.


  135. Bryn smiled at her. "How are you?" She asked her apprentice, throwing her knife in the air and catching it. The air around the arena grew slightly darker.

  136. Lily drew her knife, watching closely. "Not bad. Haven't been doing much." Her eyes were narrowed, watching Bryn's every movement.


  137. "You can't just watch my every movement, Lily," Bryn continued. "Your reactions are sharp, yes, but there are things faster than demigods can even see." There were suddenly three skeletons around Lily, two grasping her shoulders and one with his hands around her throat. The Captain had not moved a muscle. "I could have killed you in two seconds. You have to watch me. Not just my movements. My eyes, my face, everything you can see. Then you have to analyze. You must connect what you see to your common sense, your logic, and your intuition. You have to know what I'm doing before I do it. Long enough before I do it, so that you can avoid and attack before I even twitch my hand."

  138. Lily closed her eyes, willing a wave to wash over the Arena, leaving scattered bones and water underfoot. She gave a slight nod, watching the water slow into a white foam as she glanced up at Bryn every now and then for what they were actually supposed to be learning.


  139. "The lesson for today is foresight. To know what will happen before it does. This could be your best weapon in battle." Bryn paced around the arena as she spoke, before finally stopping in front of Lily. "How do you think this is achievable?"

  140. Lily held her gaze evenly. "Watch the opponent's eyes. They might give something away. If not, we can observe to scene around us, anticipating their next move." It was the best answer she could come up with, and she needed this to at least impress Bryn in the slightest, though she doubted it. Lily bet she missed at least one little thing.


  141. "We use our intuition also," Bryn added. "Demigod instincts are right most of the time, so use them. Don't ignore it. The opponent may not be as foolish as to give anything away. You should be watching their eyes anyway." She continued on. "Try to feel what your opponent is feeling. If you were in that position, what would you do? What would you think is your weakest side? Where would you strike? Those are the places that you would defend the most. In order to defend yourself against your enemy you must be your enemy."

  142. Lily nodded, choosing her words carefully. "So we're going to be battling each other with that concept, right? Or am I going against some other apprentice...?"


  143. "We're going to be practicing together. Unless you can think of another apprentice you'd like to battle with." Bryn's voice was slightly scathing.

  144. Lily took a step back. "I really don't care...It's just a suggestion."


    (And you don't have an apprentice, so...)

  145. (I know.)

    Bryn snorted. "Duh." She let herself stand back lazily for a moment before she moved suddenly. The back of her hand connected with Lily's face with a crack, and the daughter of Poseidon was all of a sudden sprawled on the floor at the other side of the clearing. "Be ready at all times, Lily! And keep what I said in mind when you fight me."

  146. Lily stood up, surprised by the outcome. "Ow..." She raised her knife, ready. If Bryn tries to back attack her by shadow-traveling...well, she knew what to do.


  147. Bryn's hand suddenly opened and two black shurikens shot towards Lily. "Move!" She ordered.

  148. Lily rolled to the side just in time to see the shurikens slice into the arena wall and stop about halfway through. She breathed out a sigh of relief and turned her attention back on Bryn.


  149. By that time Bryn had already landed a drop-kick on Lily's back, making her collapse on the floor. "You have to be fast. Anticipate my moves. Again!" She stepped back.

  150. Lily recovered quickly, charging with her knife in her hand. She ducked swiftly, just in case, and ran her knife across Bryn's right arm.


  151. Bryn caught Lily's wrist just as the knife made contact with her skin and twisted it so her apprentice dropped the knife. She kicked the blade away as the Captain slammed the younger girl down into the dust.

    (ouch... :/)

  152. (Haha...but yeah...owwww.... o.O)

    Lily kicked her legs underneath her mentor's, retrieving her knife as Bryn collapsed.


  153. Bryn's arms shot out and she did a backflip to land on her feet once more. She saw what Lily was going to do by her knowledge of her and the look in her eyes, and quickly countered her attack. Bryn then aimed a powerful- but one that hopefully wouldn't hurt too much -kick at Lily's face, sending the apprentice toppling over into the dust. The Captain had her dagger at Lily's neck in a second. Bryn waited two seconds, then came back up. "Did you see what I did there?" She asked.

  154. Lily shook herself out of the trance. It all happened in, what, five seconds? "I can't...really say. It wall happened so fast..." She stood up, dazed.


  155. Bryn's eyes narrowed. "If you want to learn, you have to pay attention to me. You won't ever kill a mPaying attention to anything- well, useful things- could save your life one day." The Captain sighed. "Very well, I'll tell you this time. Next time I won't be so relenting. I saw what you were supposed to do before you do it. That's why I was able to defeat you. Practice that."

  156. Lily nodded slowly. "Okay...I think I got it." She took her knife, raised it to her chest, staring at her mentor.


    (Another attempt to make a comment longer = failed)

  157. (lol)

    Bryn scowled at her apprentice. "Well? Are you just going to stand there staring at me? You're not five anymore. 'I think I got it' is not enough, just as 'I think I won't get killed' is not enough to ensure anybody that you won't. Do you understand or what?" The Captain, her amber eyes showing no humor or mercy, glared down at the younger girl.

  158. Lily glared straight at her mentor. "I understand. Now can we get back to the lesson?"


  159. Bryn returned the glare with a cold, even stare. "Yes." As she said the word, without breaking her flow of speech, Bryn went forward and dealt Lily a hefty blow on the side of the head.

  160. Lily winced, but rolled to the side, appearing behind Bryn. She slashed her knife against Bryn's back, then jumped back, in case Bryn did something.


  161. Bryn turned and jumped towards Lily in a huge leap, twisting in midair and getting an effective twist kick at her apprentice's chest and face. It was a move she learned back in the streets, watching cartoons of martial arts through the window of some kid's room. Bruce Lee and all that. Bryn invented the copycat move herself, which was slightly altered to suit her more slender, agile figure than the muscular men in the movies. It was a succession of multiple kicks to the head and torso, using speed rather than brute strength. Bryn was always forced to fall to the ground afterwards, but she had worked in a roll and then a "scissor kick" from the ground to get back up.

  162. (...o.O)

    Lily swiped a hand across her face, slightly dazed. She knew it was a bad idea but charged, jumping to the side at the last moment and running her knife to the side of Bryn, being sure to get a distance between her and her mentor afterwards.


  163. (LOLOLOL)

    Bryn spun and flicked three deadly shurikens at her, spinning towards the daughter of Poseidon. "Duck!" She instructed. Sure, she was tough on the girl, but Bryn didn't exactly want Lily's face shredded anytime soon.

  164. Lily did just as her mentor instructed her to just when the shurikens whistled past. She glanced quickly back at the shurikens to make sure they weren't coming back, and turned her attention back to her mentor.


  165. Bryn raised her hand and the shurikens came flying back, passing just next to her apprentice's face, into her hands. The Captain put them away and nodded at Lily. "You're getting better. Homework for today is: Practice your foreseeing skills. I'm not going to tell you how. Work it out yourself. Next week we'll be working on that more. Go to the showers- I'll meet you at the Archery Range in thirty minutes."

  166. Lily nodded uncertainly, and headed toward the showers nonchalantly.


    (Comment next Archery Range)
