Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Second Invasion

"We must strengthen the barriers again," Bryn reminded Jace, who looked up from sharpening his sword.
"The barriers? Oh, Fallera, Selena and I went out to do that earlier. It should hold up fine now." He gave her a little smile that seemed to be a peace offering. Bryn was a proud person, but she had enough sense in her to take it.
"Good." There was an awkward silence.
"So, been hunting lately?" Jace asked conversationally, breaking the quiet.
"Yeah. With Lily, Martin, and Brandon, actually. The two apprentice's are very good with their techniques... do you think they should be made warriors soon? Joey, too," Bryn suddenly broke out in conversation, surprising herself with how easily she could fall back into her casual friendship with her half-brother and deputy.
"That's a --" Jace was cut off by Terra running into camp with Selena and Cynthia coming behind her.
"The barrier's been broken! Monster invasion!" Terra was screaming, and Selena was looking rather annoyed at the daughter of Aphrodite's incessant shrieking.
"For Zeus' sake, Terra! Shut up!" The other blond finally snapped, and sprinted to Bryn. "Reporting, Captain. Monsters on the territory."
Bryn narrowed her eyes. "Jace, you know the protocol. Alert the campers, keep the younger children in the most fortified cabins. Get Ivy ready to roll."

She unsheathed her katana and glanced at Selena. "Come with me, Sel." The Captain ran out of camp to find exactly where the monsters were... only to run straight into a monster. She stared up at it for a second before she realized what it was, just after Selena had.
"They're Thracian Giants, Bryn! Get back! Back!" Selena's bow and arrows were already out and aimed at the Giants. One, two, three arrows shot towards them. They imbedded themselves into the giants' flesh, but their skin was so thick that two of them, after a bit of shaking, simply fell out.
Bryn flung her dagger at one, and it staggered, before releasing a might roar, charging at the Captain who looked tiny next to the massive creature. "I THOUGHT YOU STRENGTHENED THE BARRIER, ETERNAL!" She bellowed in her anger.
"So did I!" Came the replying yell, and Bryn scowled in her deputy's direction before raising her katana against a heavy blow.

Fallera and Jace were fighting back-to-back. She stabbed a giant in its huge, fleshy thigh before turning her head slightly and grinning at Jace, remembering the first time she realized she loved him. "Good times!" She smirked, before flicking a shuriken over her shoulder and hitting the giant that was about to club her boyfriend right between the eyes. "You're welcome."

Justice exchanged looks with Spencer before racing out with his partner-in-crime. Damon was left behind, and he abandoned the food in the Dining Pavilion before dashing out as well with his sword and shield. Justice cast an eye-bleeding curse on the giant before him and spotted the daughter of Aphrodite they were supposed to prank nearby, rummaging around in her little pink purse. He almost rolled his eyes. Of course she would do that. But then, with surprise, he saw that she pulled out an entire suit of hot pink armor, which automatically appeared on her body. Her purse transformed into a slingshot of the same shade of pink, and the bracelet she wore was uncovered by the mist to reveal a chain of glowing silver stones. Terra gracefully shot two at the horde of giants, knocking an entire giant down with just two stones. Well. That was not what he expected. He opened his mouth to say something to Spencer before he was distracted once more by the furious, bleeding-from-the-eyes giant throwing something that looked like a large boulder at him. Cursing loudly, Justice raised his hands to deflect it.

(continue commenting!
oh, and feel free to play any inactive characters.
it's not jace's fault, by the way. there's something wrong with the barrier itself that they'll have to fix later on.)


  1. (Oh, heh, mmk.)

    Jace grinned, muttered a thanks, and swung an arch toward the giants, keeping them away. He narrowed his eyes, slid out his silver knife and throwing it at the giant's neck.

    Spencer drew her knives, swiftly dashing behind a giant and slashing in a criss-cross motion before jumping backward to avoid a blow.

    Jacexx & Spencerxx

  2. (WCL!!!! :D:D:D)

    It's a good thing I have a katana instead of a longsword, thought Bryn absently as she parried a strong downstroke of a club, and then dodged a sidestroke. I won't get damaged as easily with its heavier metal. A fiery arrow zipped past her, and she stared, disbelieving. "They've got fricken archers?"

    Selena yelped as an arrow burned her arm. She opened her mouth and screamed a command: "Apollo campers! Archers! Form two lines, aim and shoot!"

    Fallera thrusted, jabbed, and basically performed every battle move she knew before, on accident, the girl lifted her sword to slash downwards. Bad choice. The spiked mace slipped beneath her arm and slammed into her stomach. Why the hell do I get injured every time? she groaned inwardly before the pain started streaking through her and Fallera was launched across the clearing, landing onto the ground with a thud.

    "Shield me, mother," Justice prayed in greek before he held out his palms, shouting: "Protasia sfaira!" A white, glowing circle of light surrounded him, and the blow of the boulder was shattered against the contact. Smiling at his success, Justice grabbed his poisoned saxe knife and used an underhand throw, piercing the giant's chest and freezing every muscle in its body. He used a simple slicing charm and cut its head off. Justice extracted the knife and braced himself against another attack.

    Terra had never been in this kind of monster battle before. You know, the kind where there's actual teamwork. Before it was just her and the monster, nothing else. So, she took it easy, slinging stones at them leisurely, occasionally tossing explosive nail polish bottles at the giants. This was easily. She could do this all day. Then, of course, one of them had to duck and decide to send an overly large spiked club at her.

  3. (HAI~! So glad you're back!!! ^-^)

    "Fallera!" Jace looked back at the giant with darkened eyes. He pointed his sword at the monster, muttered a word to his father, and split the ground beneath the monster, sending it to the Underworld. Jace's green eyes looked back to Fallera, running to her side to make sure no other giant gets near.

    Spencer blocked an attack from a monster, sliding back a little from the blow. She watched it raise it's arms, and she dashed forward and impaled the monster with one of her daggers.

    Lily stood, back facing the ocean, and sent a wave towards three monsters, hoping to drown them, or at least lure them into the water.

    Kristi ducked to avoid an attack and sent a couple of daggers toward an unsuspecting monster. Her eyes shifted to Terra and she stopped, deciding whether to help or keep fighting. She saw the monster raising its club for another blow to her half-sister and sent a flurry of daggers to its heart.

    Brandon gave a slight nod at Selena's order, and sent out three arrows at once into the monsters. He grit his teeth when a arrow struck his leg, and tried ignoring the searing pain.

  4. Martin was shooting arrows repeatedly into monsters one by one, slowly but surely falling the giants. He spotted Brandon get hurt, and his hand shot out, pointing at his apprentice. The arrow disappeared, and the wound closed up. Slightly tired but still determined, Martin nocked an arrow, aimed, and shot once more.

    Fallera was sliding in and out of consciousness, hearing the sounds of battle around her though she couldn't open her eyes, no matter how hard she tried. Her abdomen was throbbing with pain, and so was her entire body. Why does it have to be in the middle of the day? she thought viciously.

    Damon heard Terra's screech of pain and he frowned, turning slightly towards the girl just in time to see Kristi help her sister, but then turn back to her own giant. He dashed forward to fend off the giant from the daughter of Aphrodite, and held out a hand to Terra. She gave him a little smile, but got up herself, and slung another quick succession of rocks at the monster.

    Bryn looked over at her apprentice." Good, Lily!" She roared above the noise, stabbing a giant in the back from where she had jumped on top of it. She jumped off and landed on its foot, crippling it, making it fall, dead, onto another monster. She smirked. Two monsters with one sword stroke, huh?

    Justice used every offensive spell he knew. The entrail expelling curse, the iron-weight curse, the blood draining curse, the heart-fire spell, the lung drowning curse, every ugly, violent spell he knew. Sure, it wasn't nice, but there was no time to be merciful in a time like this.

    (So glad you're still here!!!! >.<)

  5. (I like this blog too much to leave it. :3)

    Brandon breathed out a sigh, shooting arrows into one of the giant's flanks. He side-stepped when it towered, ready to strike, and shot more.

    Jace sliced towards a couple of monsters. "Get back!" He placed a hand on Fallera's side, shaking her desperately. "Fallera, speak to me."

    Lily nodded, pinpointing a monster and getting close enough to cut a gash in it. She rolled to the side, jumping to strike the giant once more.

    Spencer slashed at a monster, only making it angry. It charged, aiming, and struck. Spencer collapsed, wincing, and stabbed her dagger into its body, wanting to finish it off.

  6. (awww :D ^///^)
    (I think i'll keep Fallera unconscious until its nighttime)

    Martin slowly made his way to his apprentice's side. "Alright, Brandon?" He called over the clatter of metal on metal and screams, still shooting calmly. He saw Brandon sidestep a blow, and frowned. The archers wouldn't do well with close-distance battle. "Archers! Apollo campers! Get back and shoot from afar!" He yelled, backing away. "Pick a specific target, and stay on him until he's down," Martin advised Brandon, hitting a rather unfortunate giant in the mouth.

    Fallera heard snippets of somebody saying something. (ALLITERATION!!! :D) The voice was very familiar... Jace? "Fall.... to me." What? What did that mean? She tried to open her mouth to ask through the agony, but found that she couldn't move her mouth either. Would she have to wait till nightfall unti Fallera could heal? She sighed mentally, because she couldn't do it physically. How dreadfully annoying.

    Bryn tossed her apprentice a short braided rope. She caught Lily's confused expression, and she rolled her eyes. "Throw it at the giant!" She commanded, throwing her katana at the giant and slicing it in two. The rope acted rather similarily to the chain Bryn always wore around her neck. While the Stygian iron chain was stronger than the celestial bronze fiber made rope, it also bound whoever it was thrown at together.

    Justice heard Spencer fall, and his hazel eyes darkened in fury. Spencer was like his sister, and he wasn't about to sit around letting her get hurt. A purple beam of light pierced the giant he was fighting in the chest and it toppled over. He turned and pushed Spencer behind him, protecting her with his body. Justice flung the first nasty curse he thought of at the giant, and watched it get violently ripped up by the spell. His anger made the curse worse- usually, it would have just made him have multiple gashes on his body. Now, though it pretty much tore the giant into five parts.

    (can you comment on falconclan?)

  7. (oh, and i was thinking.... would you do the honor of being co-admin? ^^)

  8. (Haha, mmk. :P)
    (Oh, yeah, I'll go comment after this.)
    (Sure! I'd be happy to! :D)

    Brandon nodded, running back and aiming his arrows toward a monster. He grinned as more arrows accompanied his, hitting the target swiftly.

    Jace looked over Fallera helplessly. He turned back to the monsters, keeping them as far as possible from Fallera.

    Lily shrugged to herself, tossing the rope towards a monster, winding around it. She smiled at the captured monster, and got to work with her knife.

    Spencer grit her teeth, staring at Justice. "You...thanks," she managed.

  9. Is there a character that no is one is playing as? I would kind of like to help out with the writing a little bit.... I think this blog is really cool. You do a good job writing.

  10. (A character no one plays as? Well, there're inactive characters, but don't you think it'd be easier if you made your own? Just so you know how you want your character to act?)

  11. (Go ahead. You can play: Thalia, Cynthia, Ivy, Brooklyn, Kylie, Tyler, or Celandine. It doesn't matter who you play, I don't mind. Honestly, if you like one of them so much you want to take full control, you can do that to. Of course, if you'd prefer one of your own creation, that's great, too.
    I'll send you an invite, WCL. :D)

    All the Apollo kids, Selena, and Jael shot arrow after arrow at the monsters while staying out of range. Selena looked around at Martin approvingly. She had to admit, it was a good strategy, though she was the main battle strategist around here.

    Fallera decided to try and block out the pain by counting the Fibonacci numbers, and then reciting them backwards in Latin, and then every other one in Hebrew. It worked, but only because she got so bored of it she slipped into sleep and therefore unconsciousness once more.

    "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Bryn called sardonically to her apprentice, retrieving her katana, ducking a wildly swinging broadsword as she did.

    Justice spared her a tiny smile. "You're welcome. Now stay with me, alright? And don't give me that look. Just... do it, okay?" Staying next to her, he quickly said a pain-reducing charm and flung his knife at a nearby giant, sending another entrail-expelling curse at another.

  12. (Oh, forgot to ask: WCL, what's your email?)

  13. ( ^-^)

    Brandon followed the other archers, watching as they were making much better progress then in close combat.

    Jace had a fire alit in his eyes as he kept the giants away from Fallera, careful not to use too much of his power. He needed his energy to keep the monsters away, and if his energy was drained, he'd be useless. The deputy swung his sword mercifully, checking on the sky every so often to check for nighttime.

    Lily retrieved the rope, continuing to use it for other monsters. She couldn't help but grin as she fought, reminding herself to return the rope to Bryn after this and giver her her thanks.

    Spencer smiled back, slipping out yet another one of her daggers. "I'm not dying on you. Plus, we didn't even get to prank here yet." She stood up, giving one last glance to Justice before going back into battle.

  14. Thanks! I'd like to play Thalia. I put in a suggestion for a new character a while ago, just so you know. If it's ok, I'd like to start when the next entry starts. Thank you!

  15. (Alright. You're welcome! Welcome to Camp Demigod!)
    (WCL: Okay. Oh, and I don't think you meant to type mercifully; to be merciful means to be forgiving)

    Selena frowned as the monsters realized their strategy and started aiming for the archers. That was not good. She nocked three arrows on the same string and aimed at a nearing giant, firing. It fell, dead, and dissolved into golden dust.

    Bryn performed a neat backflip over a swinging blade, swiftly jumping up and slicing the giant's head off with a quick flick of her katana. She smiled sweetly at the one next to it before, with a vicious growl, Bryn charged and stuck her dagger into its forehead.

    Justice let out an exasperated hiss. Flinging a blood-freezing curse a the giant behind him, he leaped over a monster's injured form and sprinted after Spencer in the throng of fighting demigods and monsters.

    (WCL, when do you think the battle should end? 30 comments?)

  16. (Oh, heh. Yeah, I didn't mean to type that...)
    (Yeah, 30 comments.)

    Brandon stepped back, trying to get as far away from the monsters as possible. But if he had to back up more, they'd run into the cabins.

    Spencer slid out three daggers, flung them accurately at the monsters, and watched them disintegrate.

  17. (Cool.)
    (I thought I'd commented, but the comment sort of deleted itself, I think, and now I'm doing it again :/ Sorry)

    Martin frowned as he sprinted over to aid his apprentice, firing a quick volley of arrows into the crowd of monsters. Two giants fell.

    Justice found the brown hair in the crowd and joined Spencer, shooting ice knives out of his palms with a variation on a simple water-freezing charm. "Didn't I want you to stay with me?" He growled out of the side of his mouth as he backhanded another giant and then burnt it with a firethrowing spell.

  18. (Oh, no problem. I was just about to ask anyway.)
    (Can you um, make me an admin? ^^'')

    Brandon sent out more arrows, eyes annoyed. "We can't go any farther," he hissed to his mentor, and glanced back at the cabins. "If we do, the giants will get to them."

    Spencer flung more knives from her belt to a monster's neck and grinned slightly to Justice's annoyance. "I thought you would know I don't exactly follow directions."

    Jace finished off a monster, his eyes still shadowed with hate. He was radiating death, as a son of Hades should, all his sword swings powered by revenge. With a quick glance at the sky, he growled to himself, "Come on, Apollo. Finish your ride across the sky now."

  19. (OH! Yeah, okay. Hehe, forgot... ^^")

    Martin grunted in acknowledgement and looked around. The only available campers were the Aphrodite girls... "Aphrodite cabin! Protect the cabins!" He called out, and Terra instantly looked up, giving him a swift nod.

    The blonde was transformed in battle- instead of being her flirty, girly, friendly usual self she was a fierce, efficient warrior. Tossing a couple more explosive nail polish bottles at the enemy, Terra ran to next to the cabins, drew her sword, and fought bravely with her sisters.

    Justice narrowed his eyes. "I thought you would know it wasn't one, but a request from a friend," he hissed in reply as he strangled the giant coming up behind her with a suffocation spell.

    The sun was beginning to set, but it wouldn't finish for another fifteen minutes or so and Fallera was losing blood rapidly. She felt herself fading and reached out mentally for her mother, who she knew was watching over her. The familiar cold, chilling but yet sweet scent washed over her. Nyx, she thought.

  20. (No problem. :D)

    Brandon nodded, launching more arrows. The monsters were drawing back, slowly. It was just a matter of time before they were gone for good.

    Kristi threw her knives accurately, aiming for the vital parts. With a quick glance back, she fought, doing anything to keep them away from the cabins.

    Spencer hissed at him suddenly, "Just be glad I didn't die." A wave of guilt washed over her and she avoided his eyes.

    Jace watched as the sun set, making the camp glow as if it was on flames. "And now we just need Nyx to come through," he muttered. He dodged an attack swiftly, but not before glancing back at Fallera.

  21. Martin grimaced in pain as a jagged, sharpened piece of celestial bronze cut through the skin on his right arm just as he was about to shoot. The arrow went off mark and stuck into the foot of the giant instead of the forehead.

    Terra glanced over at Kristi, her unlikely half-sister, and smiled mirthlessly. At least she was a good warrior, even if the black-haired girl hated the blonde. Terra flung a handful of poisonous pink knives at a giant and watched it writhe in agony.

    Justice felt like she had slapped him, and his eyes grew cold to hide the hurt he knew had flashed in them. "I'm not sure if I should," he snapped back, and promptly ignored the mace swinging at her head that he was previously aiming to destroy, which Spencer turned to deflect anyway.

    Fallera felt the life force in her drain slowly away and she cried out for her mother. Please, help me... she pleaded.
    Be patient, darling. It will be soon, wait... Nyx whispered into her daughter's mind.
    And then Apollo vanished into the horizon, and Fallera felt like she would implode upon herself, feeling so much freezing cold power pressing into her chest that she couldn't breathe. When she felt like she couldn't take it any more, the presence of her mother vanished, and Fallera opened her eyes.

  22. Brandon cast a worried glance at Martin and finished off his opponent before appearing back at his mentor's side. He waved a hand over his mentor's wound, praying to Apollo.

    Kristi returned the glance, showing no emotion. She narrowed her eyes, nodding swiftly at Terra in acknowledgement as the knives made its mark.

    Spencer glanced back at her best friend, worry clouded beneath her prideful eyes. She dashed across the field, to a monster, fighting in close combat. She was never one to apologize, so she fought off monsters instead, in thought.

    Jace took yet another glance back at Fallera, relieved to see her eyes, matching the night sky that was taking over Apollo's ride. He finished fighting a monster and made his way back just as Fallera was getting up.

  23. Martin flashed Brandon a grateful glance as the gash closed up, before pushing him away as an arrow whizzed right through the place his apprentice was just at.

    Terra nodded at her as well and shot three hard celestial bronze pebbles at the monsters with her silver slingshot.

    Justice ignored her gaze and in his frustration, clenched his fists together and then splayed them wide, holding them to his sides. The three monsters around him felt their arteries explode, and they fell to the floor, howling in pain before they dissolved into golden dust.

    Fallera coughed, her throat dry. "Nectar..." She rasped out as Jace reached her, attempting to sit up but failing miserably.

  24. (Are Justice and Spencer having a fight?)

    Brandon stumbled, and saw the arrow now embedded into the earth a few steps away from where he had stood. He breathed out a sigh of relief before targeting another monster.

    Kristi picked up a stray bow and hoped her targeting skills were enough to take down at least one monster. She aimed, shot, and the arrow met its target with a solid thump.

    Spencer flinched at the sudden screeches the monsters made from behind her. It's just Justice's powers, Spencer. Focus. She felt dazed, but fought off the monsters, trying to keep the thoughts from getting to her.

    Jace quickly brought out his canteen, unscrewing the lid and giving her some to drink. His eyes showed worry, his attempt at hiding it unsuccessful.

  25. (If you want them to)

    Terra looked to be doing some sort of battle-dance, twirling and skipping to the sides gracefully as she gave deadly blows and vicious maneuvers that disposed of the giants easily. Suddenly, an idea came to her, and she concentrated hard on the monster in front of her. It suddenly turned and kicked his fellow giant in the groin and they began a fight with each other. Amused, Terra continued using her powers against them.

    Justice growled and reinforced his fist with a charm before punching a monster in the solar plexus and backhanding another one in its belly. Both grunted and fell over, winded, and with two quick slices of his saxe knife, Justice dispatched both.

    Fallera gulped down large mouthfuls before looking back up to give Jace the canteen back. The worry in his eyes cracked the wall shielding her heart like it always did, and she rose up, her hand gently resting on the back of his neck, and kissed him softly. "Thank you."

  26. (Either way's fine.)

    Kristi stopped her fighting with a giant and turned to look at Terra's solution. She slashed at the giant, moving it back, and skidded over to her half-sister. "Why don't you just make them all go away, then, if you could do that?" she hissed.

    Spencer's eyes darkened, turning oblivious to everything except the battle around her. She pushed her thoughts away and hacked at everything with her daggers in hand. She felt like her old self again...before she met Justice.

    Jace took back the canteen, and smiled faintly when they kissed. "Don't scare me like that again..."

  27. (Mmm...)

    Terra shook her head. "I'm not powerful enough to control over fifteen monsters like that. Right now there's twenty five- if we got ten down I'll try."

    Justice roared and shot two spells at once, one from each hand, and they hit two monsters that shrieked in pain and toppled over, their screams eerie in the battle fever. He jumped on top of a giant and slit its throat with his knife, and then leaped back off before the it dissolved into dust and disappeared.

    Fallera smirked. "I always keep getting hurt in invasions..." her eyes widened at something behind Jace, and suddenly her hand shot out. Two knives, glowing with dark light, hit the giant behind him from in her palm and it faltered, staggering.

    Damon was sitting on the ground. He watched the monsters run about, hacking at his fellow campers, and wondered if they'd be able to fight them off.

  28. (Damon was sitting on the ground? o.o)

    Kristi did a quick count at the dissolving monsters and nodded. "Almost there," she muttered. Her dark eyes focused on another monster, and charged.

    Spencer cut through the giants' flesh easily, finding vantage points every other second. She jumped back in time to a giant's blow, breathing out a quick sigh before attacking it.

    Jace flinched as Fallera attacked the monster behind him, but slid out his sword and turned around in time to see the monster regain balance. He glanced at Fallera, sighed, then went back into battle.
