Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Archery Range

There are many targets to shoot in the Archery Range, from regular targets to scarecrows to stuffed boar. One may set the targets as far or as close as they want, as there is a lot of space. The ground is, like the Arena, of sand, and also has a fence around it. However, the fence is higher, in case an arrow is accidentally shot somewhere out of the Range. Surrounding the Range is a dense forest of many trees and foliage. On the left and right sides of the Range are racks for spare bows and arrows. The entrance is, again, a gate into the fenced area.


  1. "Wow! I cannot wait to come here! this is awesome!" Brook said.

  2. Lily walked to into the entrance of the range. "Hey Bryn." The apprentice smiled, taking out her bow and arrows in turn.

    - Lily -

  3. Bryn smiled. "Hey," she replied. "We'll be using those targets today," she told her apprentice, pointing at a typical target with rings of white, blue, yellow, and red as the bull's eye. "Why don't you go first? That'll give me a chance to assess your skills first."

  4. Lily nodded. "Alright." She held a stance, her back straight. The arrow flew, just hitting the outside of the blue section of the target.

    - Lily -

  5. Bryn nodded approvingly. "Good job for a first hit. Try aiming a little higher than you'd expect it to land, because gravity would pull it down. Pull your bowstring back more for more momentum. Be mindful of wind speed and direction."

  6. Lily glanced at the trees, checking for wind direction. "Alright." Her bow became higher, aiming far off than she would before. The arrow flew, hitting the outside of the yellow this time.

    - Lily -

  7. Bryn smiled and nodded once more. "Did you see what difference that made? I'll demonstrate, and you observe. Pay attention to the bow and my position, not the target." Bryn took out her own bow and arrows, with her bow of ebony wood and her arrows tipped with ebony as well. "Watch."
    She raised her bow, pulled back her bowstring far back with her surprisingly strong but slender arms, put her shoulders angled forward, then let the arrow fly. The sharp ebony tip hit just off dead center, but it was still in the red. Bryn frowned and shook her head. "Sorry it wasn't THAT good. Archery was never my best aspect. You'll probably end up being a better archer than I am, Lily," she added, giving her apprentice a brief smile.

  8. Lily shrugged modestly. "I don't know...You'll probably still be better than me." She aimed another arrow to the sky, pulling the bowstring back at a comfortable position. The arrow flew, striking closer to the red, but not quite.

    - Lily -

  9. Bryn smiled, then shot again. This time, it hit dead center. She grinned again, then sat down on the sandy ground, motioning to her apprentice to join her. "Here," Bryn offered, holding out a bottle of nectar and ambrosia cider, her favorite, with a bit of lemonade and coke. "You must be tired. Drink some, and you'll feel better."

  10. Lily smiled. "Thanks." She took a small sip, tasting the lemonade and coke along with the cider.

    - Lily -

  11. Bryn felt herself relax and get refreshed as she sipped some of the cider also. "Don't drink too much, or you'll burn up," she cautioned her apprentice. There was a silence, then she asked casually, "So, tell me about your... life before Camp."

  12. Selena walked into the range with Brook. She smiled at Bryn and nodded at Lily, then led Brook to a target, a typical one with rings of white, blue, yellow, and red as the bull's eye. "Take a bow and a quiver of arrows. Shoot a couple for me, I need to assess your progress before teaching you."

  13. Brook took the smallest bow that she could, then found herself a target. She pulled back the bow and shot the arrow. VWOMMM! The was way off course. Brook, hit a tree. 'Alright, let's try that again.' she thought. She pulled the bow once again and let go. This time it went towards Bryn and Lily. But they were quick and they ducked just in time. "Sorry!" she said blushing. 'Last time Brook!' she coached herself. 'Just don't make a fool of yourself. She pulled it back her hand trembling. And Voommm! It had hit the blue ring! Brook was amazed. Even though she didn't get a bullseye, she still hit the target for the first time in her life.

  14. Lily's eyes flickered to Brook's target practice, then back to Bryn. "Well, I...ran away from home. My dad had never visited me and my mom was always busy. Too busy to notice me slipping out the back door." A pain of guilt shot through Lily like one of Brook's misfired arrows. "I had ran for a few minutes, finding myself here. Best choice I ever made." Lily managed a weak smile.

    - Lily -

  15. Bryn smiled softly. "Yeah, I guess. I kinda know how you feel." There was a silence, then she took a deep breath and began. "Before Camp Demigod... I used to be a street girl. I was 7. I survived. I had to. Outsmarting the gangs that tried to beat me up, developing my fighting techniques- ninjitsu, tae kwon do, kickboxing, whatever. I scrounged up the bit of food I could find. I stole money and food. You could say I was streetsmart. I was cold, inside. I felt no love, no friendship, nothing at all. That's why... I am what I am now. Because I knew that I had to keep a wall around myself, a constant, cold wall, blocking out any emotion." Bryn paused, then started again. "My fake father had died when I was 6, then my mother abandoned me three months later. I had learned the basic survival techniques. I hated my parents... then I met my real father. Hades." She said his name with relish, loving the way it sounded. Lily could tell how much Bryn loved her father. "He was just like me. I knew he had been watching me, like he'd been watching Jace. Then I met Selena. She showed me that I didn't have to be cold and ruthless to survive. She showed me... that there was another side to life." Bryn stopped, then looked at her apprentice. "That's my story. That's... the most I've told somebody, I think."

  16. Selena pretended not to hear Bryn and Lily's conversation, and concentrated on Brook instead. "The third time was definitely better, Brook, good try," she smiled encouragingly. "Next time, keep your arms and posture straight and firm but flowing and flexible. Pull the bowstring back more for momentum. Aim a little higher than your actual target, and gravity will put it there for you."

  17. "Okay!" Brook said excitedly. Then got her arrow and did everything just like Selena said. And whoosh! IT HIT THE BLUE PART OF THE TARGET! Brook started jumping around. "That's my best yet!" She told Selena. Just then Ivy appeared. "Um, there's some very bad news. Marine has disappeared!" she cried. "Oh, I'm such a terrible Healer! Letting my patients run away like that! Oh I am so sorry!" she sobbed.
    (Comment next in the Forest! She will be there! And I need your email, so then we can make a hideout and camp for Marine and her followers!)

  18. Selena narrowed her eyes, and from next to Lily Bryn sprang up. Quickly the captain took change. "Brook, go back to camp with Ivy and inform Jace and the rest of he camp. Tell them what Ivy said and that I want a patrol of three out looking for her. Go!" As Brook and Ivy sprinted off, Bryn looked to her apprentice. "Lily, come with me and Selena."
    (comment next at forest)

  19. Lily nodded, following Selena and Lily into the depth of the forest.

    - Lily -

  20. Fallera was already at the Range when Selena and Jace arrived, shooting arrow after arrow at the targets each missing the mark. Selena winced at the bad skill and grabbed her own bow, stopping Fallera. "Okay, okay, stop. Let Jace and I teach you."

  21. Jace stared as each arrow missed the target. He grabbed his own bow, following Selena.

    - Jace -

  22. "Your strength and speed seem fine, but you need to work on your aiming. Try aiming a little higher than the target. Also, pay attention to the wind force and direction," Selena instructed Fallera. "Like this." Selena raised her bow and notched an arrow, aimed carefully, then released the bowstring. It hit dead center with a hard smack . "Did you see that?"
    Fallera nodded mutely. Selena turned to Jace, a smirk on her face. "Now you try," she told the second in command, knowing that archery wasn't his best skill.

  23. Jace smiled nervously. "'t Fallera have a better reason to try..?" He looked down at the dirt. Archery, as Selena knew, wasn't his best skill. Heck, he wouldn't even come close to touching a bow in his life if he hadn't come here. Now, all he needed is for Selena to agree with him, or at least put off his archery until after...?

    - Jace -

    (Oh shoot. Now I don't know who to pick between. I mean, Fallera seems perfect, but Selena's just...I don't know...)

  24. (LOL, it's your choice but i'd recommend fallera... but again, it's your choice.)

    Selena forced a bow in his hands. "Shoot," she ordered him, and Fallera cracked a little smile at her superior's treatment. Selen threw him an arrow. "Come on, you'll have to hit a monster from at least ten meters away."

  25. (Fallera it is, then. ^^)

    Jace grasped the bow, sighing. "I'll try, but I doubt I'll be using a bow and arrow in a battle." He positioned himself, making sure his back was straight, as Selena had taught others. The second-in-command notched an ebony arrow into his bowstring, letting loose to the string. The arrow headed close for the yellow brim, but flew off course at what seemed was the last second. With a thump, the arrow landed in the blue ring.

    - Jace -

  26. Fallera tried not to smirk, but it didn't work. Her face broke out in a slightly evil grin, and even Selena tittered a little. "Okay, good job, Jace. Slightly better than Fallera, who hasn't learned properly yet," Selena couldn't resist adding, and this time Selena and Fallera both giggled slightly.

  27. Jace gave them a sharp look, crossing his arms. "Whatever. Close-combat is more comfortable for me." His hair fell over his eyes, giving him a slight "emo" look.

    - Jace -

    (Ahaha! Jace is emo!!!)

  28. (haha Nico)

    Fallera then burst out laughing, her black eyes sparkling with amusement, and Selena laughed along with her. "D-Deathboy!" Fallera managed, grinning like an idiot. "You're... you're holding the bow upside... down!" Selena then nearly fell to the ground laughing, and Fallera had her hand clamped over her mouth to stifle her laughter.

  29. (Ah, my favorite character. :P)

    Jace sighed. "You two are hopeless." He watched as Selena opened her mouth to say something, interrupting her. "And no, don't say anything about this." He gestured to the bow, dropping it with a clatter.

    - Jace -

    (I feel like there should be a battle. Like, if monsters rampage this place, or something. And, Fallera and Jace's relationship needs to be moving, so that could make it faster somehow. But of course, it's your blog.)

  30. (SAME XD second fav is thalia)
    (yes, agreed. next post will be kampe and a hydra. scaaary....)

    Selena grinned. "Yup," she giggled, and Fallera had to turn away so that she wouldn't laugh at the bow again. They finally calmed down, and Selena cleared her throat. "Right. Jace doesn't seem to be capable of doing anything else, so give it another try, Fallera," she said with a straight face. Fallera nodded, and aimed once more. The arrow hit the yellow ring.

  31. (Haha!! Same for Thalia too!!! :D)
    (Ack. Freaky..But it's gonna work.)

    Jace gave a faint scowl at their laughter. "Whatever." He leaned on a nearby tree, sliding out his sword. He watched as the sunlight glittered on the pitch black blade, keeping an eye on their target practice.

    - Jace -

  32. (Yup! I'll do it now.)

    Fallera's eyes were narrowed in concentration, the air around her seemingly growing darker as she pulled the bowstring back. A wind blew across the Range, billowing her black hair. "Think about the wind direction as well," Selena reminded Fallera. The daughter of Nyx nodded slightly, then released the bowstring. The arrow soared across the range, and hit the center of the target with a thud . Fallera stared, not sure whether to believe it or not. Then, a slow smile began to form on her face, and Selena gave Fallera a pat on the shoulder. "Great job!"

  33. (Saw it!! :) Lily should be coming in 3, 2, 1.)

    Jace hid a smile, looking away. He didn't feel jealous in the slightest, just happy, and he didn't even know why. A few seconds later, Lily burst into the Archery Range, her dark brown eyes frantic. "Fallera! Selena! Jace! Kampe's attacking!!!" Jace swung his sword, running after the apprentice. He glanced back, glad to see the two right behind him.

    - Jace & Lily -

  34. Fallera raced forward with Selena close behind, grabbed both their shoulders and concentrated hard. The world around the three was enveloped in darkness and a cold, haunting chill. Suddenly, the three appeared outside the camp. "Come on!" She growled, and unsheathed her sword, leaping onto an empousa. Selena exchanged a look with Jace and threw a knife into the back of another empousa.

    (comment next at the post?)

  35. Bryn was practicing archery when Lily arrived. "Ah, Lily. Time for your archery lesson. Let's see how you've improved since last time," Bryn said, without even looking at her apprentice.

  36. Lily nodded, placing her bow into position. Her back straightened as she pulled back on the bowstring. With a swift glance at the trees to check the wind direction, she let the arrow fly. It impaled the target, just above bulls-eye.


  37. Bryn inspected the target some more, and nodded. "Use your back muscles more, and don't relax until the shot's over. I noticed that you were letting go of the tension in your muscles just when you shoot."

  38. "Alright." Lily tried again, watching as the arrow whistled by, striking farther away than the last shot. She breathed out a sigh, looking towards her mentor.


  39. "Good. Again!" Bryn shot another arrow, hitting the mark, as an example.

  40. Lily pulled back on the bowstring, and watched as the arrow stuck to the brim of the center.


  41. Bryn inspected it. "You're getting the hang of it. Keep practicing."

  42. Lily smiled faintly. She shot arrow after arrow, each landing closer and closer to the target. Exasperated, she glanced at the trees, checking the wind, poised with an arrow, and shot dead center.

