Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eating Pavilion

This is the Eating Pavilion, where there are tons of food always available at mealtimes. You might not expect it, but really, the food's great. Even if it's made by monsters.
There are twelve tables for each Olympian God, and the Minor Demigods are to sit with the cabin they are currently staying in, according to which Olympian they are most alike to.


  1. Fallera and Jace walked silently into the Eating Pavilion, where everybody was already at. Bryn eyed both of them curiously, then stood up and made her way towards Fallera. "You sit with the Hades Table."
    Fallera glared at Bryn. "Duh."
    Bryn glared right back. "Sit. And back off." Fallera gave Bryn a last glower before moving silently to the table.

  2. Jace cleared his throat, making sure that the two were sure they still knew he was here. He sat down, staring at the table, blushing lightly at the attention.

    - Jace -

  3. Bryn glanced at Jace. "Hello, brother," she greeted him. "What were you and night girl doing out so late? It's seven. Dinner began thirty minutes ago." She raised an eyebrow, possibilities racing through her brain- and none of them were particularly good.

  4. Jace nodded curtly. "Training. We lost track of the time."

    - Jace -

  5. Bryn nodded, but her eyes narrowed. "Don't go too hard on her, okay? I know she's never trained before." She raised an eyebrow, knowing that the children of Hades are definitely not known for being merciful.

  6. Jace hid a smile. "I won't, don't worry."

    - Jace -

  7. Bryn continued. "However, I know she won't go easy on you. She seems tough, and more Hades-like... once she's fully trained, Fallera won't be an easy warrior to fight."
    Fallera heard her name being uttered in hushed tones from the captain's mouth, and her head jerked up from her meal, glaring at the two half-siblings. "Are you talking about me?" She demanded, in her typical cold voice.

  8. Jace glanced to Fallera. "Do you think we'd bother to talk about you?" His voice was just as cold, recovering from the Arena incident.

    - Jace -

  9. "Yes," Fallera replied simply, as if it was the easiest question in the world. "If you were going to complain to Bryn about how much I seriously kicked your butt in training, then I'm not going to be happy."
    Bryn was looking at the Daughter of Nyx somewhat amusedly, watching Jace's and Fallera's cold conversation that she knew was going to turn into bickering.

  10. Jace scoffed. "Oh, please. Why would I care about your happiness? This isn't a fairytale." He crossed his arms, unaware of the attention they were bringing.

    - Jace -

  11. Fallera shrugged. "Because my level of happiness is how soon you visit your father," she shot back. "Would you like to say hello to him, second in command?" She sneered. "As a ghost?"
    Martin from the Apollo table looked up at the two and grinned, shooting a look at Brandon and Joey. Jace and Fallera fought like the twins did.
    Bryn smirked, sitting back and watching both of them argue.

  12. Brandon rose is eyebrows slightly, glancing quickly at Joey. He leaned in, watching the argument.

    - Brandon -

    Jace glared at Fallera. "You really think I'd let that happen?" His eyes flashed with hatred.

    - Jace -

  13. Fallera pretended to check her nails. "Yup." She looked back up, her eyes seeming to grow black. "Or I could just blind you. Mask you of all types of vision. You'll be caught in the night forever." She smiled evilly. "Would you like me to, Jace?" Fallera smirked at him.

  14. Jace crossed his arms. "You really think people would actually be on your side for this? I'm the second-in-command, for Hades's sake."

    - Jace -

  15. Fallera shot him a look. "Do I look like I care?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Thanatos would support it. And the rest of the minor gods." She smirked. "Don't worry, I'm not starting a rebellion. I'm just trying to get rid of your stupid face from my life."

  16. Jace smirked. "Good. Now you know how I feel."

    - Jace -

  17. Fallera pretended to look relieved. "Oh, good. I'm glad that we understand each other better now," she said mockingly. "You might not owe me your life anymore. Not that I want it," she added, giving him a distasteful look, as if Jace was a bug that had somehow landed on her pillow.

  18. Jace scoffed. "Whatever." His eyes focused on the crowd, giving them a glare. "What?"

    - Jace -

  19. Bryn smirked at him, leaning against the table. "Just watching the show. Quite entertaining, actually." Fallera narrowed her eyes at the Captain, and opened her mouth to snap something at her when Bryn beat her to it. "You two can eat now," she said, still smirking at the two as if she knew a secret they didn't.

  20. Jace rose an eyebrow, glancing at his plate. He bit his lip, deep in thought.

    - Jace -

  21. (?)

    Fallera gave Bryn a last glare before grabbing her plate and offering half of her burger to Nyx at the fire. She came back and sat back down, starting on her food. Bryn stared at Jace. "What're you thinking about?"

  22. (I don't know...Writer's block?)

    Jace glanced at Bryn, sighing. "A lot of things. It's all too complicated..." He grabbed his plate, scraping off half of his food for the gods, then sitting down. "I'm not sure if you would understand..."

    - Jace -

  23. (Haha, hate it when that happens)

    Bryn glared at him as she dumped two pieces of roast chicken into the fire. "Are you saying I'm too ignorant to understand? You're telling me."

  24. Jace rose an eyebrow. "You're really persistant, you know that?" He twirled the fork on his plate. "It's just...something that happened in camp."

    - Jace -

  25. "Is that so. What happened?" Bryn moved him a bit farther away from Fallera so she wouldn't hear. Fallera, seeing them whisper, narrowed her eyes but scooted to the other end of the table, giving them privacy.

  26. Jace tapped a finger on his Stygian iron blade, strapped to his sword belt. "Well..." He explained the Arena incident, refusing the lingering feeling in the back of his mind.

    - Jace -

  27. Bryn listened intently, then her face broke out in a grin. "So our night girl's a warrior, huh? Good reflexes, powerful, and can heal? Awesome." She nodded, impressed. "But seriously. How did she beat you? You can't blame her for losing in a swordfight, you're one of the best swordfighters in camp. But close combat?"

  28. Jace shrugged. "Either I need more practice, or there's something about her past she isn't telling me..."

    - Jace -

  29. Bryn nodded. 'She's really good at flips and flexibility," the Captain told him, remembering the practice session she watched Fallera do by herself. This part Fallera heard, and felt her face slightly flush. She wasn't sure whether she was ready to tell them about her two years as a cheerleader. Fallera had been a cheerleader just because a "friend" of hers was one, and she had decided to be one herself. When the friend betrayed her Fallera realized that she couldn't trust anyone, sometimes not even herself. That was when Fallera had stopped making friends and began to avoid society.

  30. Jace shrugged. "But I don't think she came from like...a combat school or something. For all we know, she just found this place and came in."

    - Jace -

  31. Bryn shook her head. "No, she stumbled across it. She was looking for something, just not this camp. She knew about her mother." She glanced at the Daughter of Nyx out of the corner of her eye. There was something strange about her. "I wonder why she's so... closed off from the rest of us," Bryn mused to Jace. "Have an idea?"

  32. Jace tapped his foot on the ground in thought. "She could have secrets she's afraid of revealing...or a past memory that made her like that."

    - Jace -

  33. "It's most likely," Bryn nodded slowly. A thought suddenly came to mind and she glanced sideways at Jace. "Why do you hate her so much? Or is it just friendly banter?"

  34. Jace looked at Bryn with a twinge of shock, his black hair falling in front of his green eyes. "I...I guess it all started when she refused to accept me being nice to her when she came, which you know, doesn't happen often." He looked down to his feet, glancing swiftly at Fallera before looking back at the captain. "And...I don't know. It just happened."

    - Jace -

  35. Now Bryn fully turned her fierce amber eyes, now somehow soft, onto her second in command. "She's been through more than you know, and she's more immature than you are. Give her a chance and don't react too quickly. The only reason she refused you is because she doesn't trust you, and when you reacted badly it just fired her on. Let her trust you, and she'll learn to accept you. I know you respect her, and I know she respects you somewhere in that cold heart of hers. You have to warm that heart up before it completely freezes over." Bryn shut her mouth after her little speech, not remembering the last time she sounded so... caring. She wasn't what she used to be anymore, not that cold warrior. She was a compassionate leader now, and Bryn wasn't sure whether she wanted to be or not.

  36. Jace took Bryn's kindness in shock, but nodded. "That's inspiring." He flashed her a small smile. "But how? I can't seem to think of many ideas...especially when I'm used to being like this."

    - Jace -

  37. Bryn shot him a dirty look at the "inspiring' part. "Well, change yourself," she told him curtly. "You must be willing to sacrifice all for your camp."
    Fallera heard her words and almost looked up. Her eyes grew darker. Hadn't she sacrificed enough?

  38. Jace looked down, nodding. "This is the only thing I have left to lose. I...can't lose it. I just can't..." He choked out the words, staring into Bryn's amber eyes, trying to find a connection.

    - Jace -

  39. Bryn stared right back, because she knew what he meant. This camp was the only connection between her and her father, between the triumph and demise of the Olympians. And this camp, Selena, had changed her. She wasn't the cold, heartless warrior anymore, but a compassionate leader. The Captain. Bryn sighed and looked away. "I have the feeling this is all Fallera has left to fight for anymore."

  40. Jace glanced at Fallera. "Most likely. I don't see where else she could go."

    - Jace -

  41. "Well, there are a couple I could think of, but I wouldn't let her go." Bryn shrugged and looked at Fallera as well. Fallera, feeling the gazes of people on her, narrowed her eyes at her salad before stuffing the rest of it in her mouth and glaring at Jace and Bryn, swallowing. "What?"

  42. Jace shook his head. "Nothing," he mumbled. He was thinking about what Bryn had said to him, about being nicer to Fallera. He stole a glance, blushing lightly and looking back to his plate. Their fights were the only thing keeping them apart. If they just disappeared...who knows what would happen?

    - Jace -

  43. Fallera narrowed her eyes further at the deputy. She turned on Bryn. "We were discussing battle techniques that would be most effective with a hydra," Bryn recovered smoothly.
    Fallera rolled her eyes. Yeah right. She stood up to go. "Do we have any other planned activities, Bryn?"
    "When Jace is done, you two can go to the archery range and practice. I'll get Selena to go too, she can help Jace teach you." Selena looked up at her name and grinned at Bryn, walking over. "I'm done. I could take Fallera there first if you'd like. Unless Jace is finished, too," she glanced at her friend.

  44. Jace nodded. "I'm done." He stood up, smiling.

    - Jace -

    (Oh shoot. If that* just disappeared, not they)

  45. Selena grinned at Jace and grabbed Fallera's arm, who hissed and wrenched free of the Daughter of Athena's grip. "I know where to go," she growled, and stalked ahead of the two. Selena sighed and went after her. Bryn smirked at Jace and motioned for him to go forward.

  46. Jace gave Bryn a small smile, following Selena to the Archery Range.

    - Jace -

  47. Spencer stepped into the entrance of the empty Eating Pavilion. "What did ya wanna eat?" She looked back at Justice curiously.

    - Spencer -

  48. Justice shrugged. "Anything." He concentrated, then pointed his finger at the kitchens. A basket of rolls flew out of it and he caught it in his arms. A shriek came from the kitchens and he jumped. The three furies came soaring out of the kitchens towards them in anger.

  49. Spencer pushed Justice back, glaring at the three furies. "Look, we've just got here. We haven't eaten in a while and need the food. Got it?" It wasn't entirely a lie...They haven't eaten for a few hours, and needed the food to satisfy their hunger. It should count for something shouldn't it?

    - Spencer -

  50. The furies squawked in anger and still soared towards them. Justice grabbed Spencer by the wrist and shot a spell at the furies, who froze in spot. "Let's get out of here... fast." He ran off with his hand still around her wrist, going into the forest.

  51. Spencer stumbled, running off with Justice, praying to Nemesis that they'd make it. She could only see Justice in front in focus against the green background, dragging her to who knows where.

    - Spencer -

    (comment next Forest)

  52. Justice grinned wryly at the empty pavilion. He still remembered when he and Spencer had stolen food from here. Damon strode confidently forward, and the other two followed more slowly behind. "So, kitchen duty..." Damon trailed off, and Justice smirked.
    "It means setting out the food for the Furies."
    Damon made a face, and Justice laughed.

  53. Spencer tensed, immediately searching for the Furies. She listened as Damon and Justice talked about kitchen duty, and grinned. she scanned the room for faces, tuning the two out.


  54. Justice muttered a simple spell under his breath and nodded. "No Furies, they're all brooding somewhere in the back of the kitchen. Come on, lets go set the food out before they get cross and do something nasty." He led the way to the kitchen, pointing his finger at several plates and levitating them. Damon glanced at Spencer before following his new cabin mate and instructing dark tendrils to grasp the edges of some more baskets of food, taking them out to the tables.

  55. Spencer breathed out a sigh. "Why am I the only one that has to do this manually?" She divided up the food to the plates.


  56. The sounds of battle started outside, and Justice heard the yell of the Captain. He swung around, eyes wide. "There's an invasion!" He caught Spencer's eye, nodded at her, and charged outside, with nothing but his saxe knife and his knowledge of the magic he controlled.

    Damon was left staring after them. Sighing, he placed the food down, grabbed his sword and shield, then ran after them.
