Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Well, um...
Most blogs right now are basically dead, and Blogger seems to be in a dry spell right now. :/

But I'm trying to bring some back to life, Camp Demigod being one of them.
I was wondering who still actually checks this blog.

Yes, it is a little old and obviously dead, but...
We can always try, right?



  1. I still check this blog! The only reason I don't comment is that there are no new posts.

    1. I wasn't expecting that. xD
      Haha, thank you for commenting, though~
      I'm glad there's someone else...

  2. Well, I haven't been here for a long time mostly because nobody was really here for a while.
    I was also away from Blogger for a couple months, but now that I'm back, I've decided to only work on three RP blogs, plus my own IRL blog, because I was so overwhelmed with blogs left and right that I wasn't able to go on all of them and still keep up with my activities (such as schoolwork and extra-curricular activities).

    Unfortunately, this blog is not one of the ones I'll be going on, though if WCL doesn't mind, I'd be happy to transfer full ownership of the blog to her, because even if I'm not here I still love it, since I put lots of work into it. WCL, if you see this comment, please reply and tell me... or if you don't want to take this blog up, anybody is more than welcome to take this blog, as long as they promise to take care of it and not abandon it after, like, two weeks.

    So, I suppose I'm formally resigning myself from Camp Demigod. Sorry, guys, I really am.


    1. I would love to take this blog, but I'm worried I might not be able to keep it alive.
      Like you, I have schoolwork and other activities I need to catch up on, which is why most of my blogs are just about abandoned.

      We can always leave this here, just for future purposes, when we're not as busy?
      Not that I don't want someone else to take it into their own hands, but it's just that this blog holds quite a lot of memories for me, and if the ownership changed, the feel of the blog will too.
      I'm not sure if I'll be able to deal with that.

      I know that as the years pass, you may get more and more busy. However, we can still hold on to that lingering hope.
      I really liked my Blogger life, and I'm hurt that most Bloggers are leaving. I'm on the brink of it, but I don't want to when I think about the times I've been through.

      And I need to know that I'll still be able to find some of the Bloggers I've met.
      I can't bear to know that this is the last thing I'll be saying, and I find myself missing my old life.

      What I'm saying is, let's keep this up. Dead or not, this has memories that I don't plan to leave behind. Nor do I plan for another Blogger to overwrite them.

      Camp Demigod is your blog, and I don't think even I can replace what used to be here.
      I'm just looking for hope.

      - WCL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
