Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's Never Good When Your Ex Comes For a Visit...

There was a rustle outside of camp, and then a yell, and a woosh. A minute later, Selena and another boy, dark haired and blue eyed, came into camp, their faces sour. "Bryn!" Selena shouted, and the Captain came rushing out. "Hey. What's going on here?"
The boy looked at Bryn disdainfully. "Daughter of Hades, huh."
Bryn returned the look with a nasty glare. "Yeah. Got a problem? And who are you?"
The boy smirked at her, and suddenly Bryn realized that he was extremely handsome. "I'm Damon Brink. Son of Erebus."
There was a gasp from across the clearing. "Damon?"
Damon turned his striking blue gaze across the camp and his eyes met Fallera's. "Hey, Lera. Knew you'd be here."
The girl's face was a picture of confusion. "I didn't know you were a demigod."
"I am. I just didn't tell you. Sorry."
Fallera's expression morphed into one of pure, utter rage and fury. "Well I guess that adds to the list of what you didn't tell me, doesn't it? You stupid, ******, *******!" Fallera screamed curses at him as she marched towards Damon, her sword in hand. Jace ran up behind her and held her back. "Hey, calm down."
Her angry gaze calmed instantly as she looked up into his green gaze. She sighed, and averted her eyes quickly. Jace noticed it and his brow furrowed. "Do you know him?" He asked her.
Right after that Damon shot Jace a cruel glare. "Who is that guy, going around with his hands on my girl?"
Fallera snarled at Damon. "I'm not your girl," she hissed, and glanced back at Jace with dark eyes. "That's Damon. My ex."

Told you I'd do it, WCL XD)


  1. (Haha, xP)

    Jace returned the glare to Damon, looking at Fallera. "Your ex? What's he doing here?"


  2. Damon strode up to Fallera and Jace, answering for her. "I'm here because it's a demigod camp, and I'm a demigod."
    Fallera sensed that there was more to it. And, just as she thought it, came the proof.
    "Now I'd like you to keep your hands off my girl!"
    Fallera pushed Jace gently away, looked sweetly up at Damon, and then gave the son of Erebus a merciless uppercut, sending him toppling backwards with a grunt of pain.

  3. (I feel like Damon's taller than Jace...I dunno why.)

    Jace glanced at Fallera, surprised when she pushed him away. A grin split his face when Fallera knocked him over. "Well, then. It looks like your girl wants you to do the same."


  4. (haha)

    Damon stood back up, a hurt look on his face. "Lera--"
    Fallera glared. "Don't call me that."
    "Fine, then. Fallera... I mean it. I never meant to hurt you. I--"
    "You CHEATED ON ME! With that b*tch! You never even thought about me when you did it!" Fallera screamed in his face, and Damon winced.
    "Fallera... I loved you. You broke my heart when you left."
    The daughter of Nyx stood straight when he told her that he loved her. She stood with her head down. "You never told me you loved me."
    "That's because I didn't know if you felt the same." Damon spread his hands in a gesture of apology. "I'm sorry. I really am."
    Fallera steeled herself. "No. You're not. You don't love me, at least not anymore." She turned and walked towards Jace and buried her head in his chest. "And I don't love you. I love someone else."
    But Damon saw her crack. He had made his way in. And Fallera didn't see the tiny smirk on his face as he turned away.

    (Damon's going to break her... and she's falling right into his trap. O.O)

  5. (Oh shoot...)

    Jace glared at Damon as he walked away. He put his hands on Fallera's shoulders pushing her gently upright. "He's gone."


  6. Fallera nodded and looked at Bryn as she walked calmly after Damon. She talked to him, whispering under her breath. The son of Erebus nodded and made his way to the Hermes Cabin. Fallera glared mutinously after him, and glanced at Jace, fire in her eyes. "I can't believe he's back."

  7. Jace scowled, turning to Fallera. "I can't believe he's actually a demigod." He watched as Damon made his way to the Hermes Cabin. "At least he's not in our cabin."


  8. "I did put him in that cabin for a reason, you know," Bryn told them sharply, her hostility towards Jace momentarily forgotten. Fallera looked at the Captain and shrugged.

  9. Jace nodded, glancing back at the cabins. He looked at Bryn, saying, "Are you implying that you wanted us to ask?"


  10. "Ask what?" Bryn looked at Jace, wondering just what that brain was thinking. What he said did not make sense. Fallera looked confused as well. "Anyway. Let's hope he doesn't do anything to me."

  11. Jace shook his head. "Nevermind," he mumbled. His face was bitter once he heard Fallera's words. "I wouldn't be so sure of that..."


  12. Fallera shot Jace an indignant look. "What, you think I can't handle myself?" She growled, and walked off. Bryn rolled her eyes. "Smooth, Jace," she snorted, and left as well.

  13. Jace sighed, walking back to his cabin with his head down.


    (...Back to Spencer and Justice in Hermes Cabin)

  14. Hey, I was wondering. I'm really confused about how this blog works, with all the places to go and cabins and stuff. I'm really confused because of how the comments seem to be developing the story, and it's driving me nuts. Can you please help?

  15. (Hmm...well, you've read Percy Jackson, most likely. So, it's...actually pretty hard to explain considering we are probably the only two people that still comment.)

  16. (I hope. I don't know where she went. But I can't exactly manage this blog either, considering I'm not an admin.)

  17. (HIIIIIIII!!!!!
    Yeah. I'm genuinely sorry, for not coming here more often, or not coming on blogger more often period.)
