Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The Stables is where all the Pegasi are kept. There are currently eight, and four without owners. If you would like to claim one as your own, just comment within brackets below.


Onyx- Obsidian black male pegasus with a white flame shaped mark on his forehead. He has pure, onyx black eyes. His wings are also pure black, but they have white tetiaries and secondaries. Fierce and has a temper and nips a lot of his neighbors and campers, but is otherwise loyal and extremely protective of his mistress, Bryn.

Blanc- Pale golden female pegasus with dark gray eyes. She is usually thought to be named with the French word for "white", but she is actually named after the wine Sauvignon Blanc, but the name was a mouthful and it was shortened to just "Blanc". She is the most beautiful pegasus in the stable, and is Ivory is extremely jealous of her. Blanc, though kind and caring, can get angry a lot and will kick those who get too close to her. She loves her mistress, Selena, and is protective of her.

Strike- The handsome dark gray male pegasus with ocean blue eyes who is the brother of Storm. He has dark gray, silver, and black wings. He is rather calm, unlike his sister, but sometimes has sudden rages, and is a generally unpredictable pegasus. He gets annoyed by Onyx the most, and they have a lot of arguments, but he is also slightly irritated by Ivory's constant flirting, though Strike is a little flattered by it sometimes. He and his best friend Eclipse are extremely popular with the other pegasi. His master is Jace, the second in command.

Ivory- Pure white female pegasus with beautiful deep blue eyes. She has pure white wings that give off a sort of glow in the moonlight. She is friendly and loves to flirt with the male pegasi. However, she has a low tolerance for those who do not care for her, and Ivory is not afraid to kick when she wants to. Loves young children and sugar cubes. Her nickname is "Angel" with the younger children. Has a huge crush on Strike. Her mistress is Brooklyn.

Fern- A pretty strawberry roan female pegasus with deep green eyes and white, black, and roan wings. She is gentle but has an opinion on any idea. She always has a suggestion on things, and never goes to you- you have to come to her. She has an attitude, but has a soft spot for young children. Fern never harms anyone and never lets bad people hurt her or people she cares about. She is a great judge of character. Her mistress is Ivy.

Eclipse- A handsome dark bay with hazel eyes and massive black wings. He is extremely handsome, is modest, charismatic, and just a little cocky. He's Strike's best friend, but he doesn't feel much agression towards Onyx. He loves flying tricks, and his favorite thing to do is go out to the Forest or the Wing Circle. He and Strike aew the most popular pegasi in the stables. His sister is Fern. His mistress is Marine.

Oak- Dun coated male pegasus with russet, white and black wings with hazel eyes. Is usually calm, but can be feisty at times. Obeys his master very well, but is extremely mean and fierce towards his master's enemy. However, he took a long time to tame into letting people ride him, and Camp Demigod had to ask for Poseidon's help. His master is Gale.

Storm- Ginger female pegasus with stormy gray eyes and a bad temper, like a ginger female always has. She has ginger and white wings that flicker like a flame when she flies. She is hard to control, but once she likes someone, which is quite unlikely, she is extremely protective. Storm, though fierce and mean, has a soft side, only shown towards the one she has chosen to be her master. Her arch enemy is Ivory, and her brother is Strike. Her mistress is Thalia.


  1. Jace stepped into the stables, eying each pegasi carefully. "Which one to choose...." He glanced swiftly to the two pegasi to the far right. "Those belong to Bryn and the rest of you are free." Jace's eyes dropped to a dark gray pegasus. "You see fine....I think you'll be perfect for me. Now what's your name.....Strike, is it?" The pegasus whinnied in return. "Alright Strike, I'll pick you." A mysterious gleam flickered across the 13-year-old's eyes.

    - Jace -

  2. (You want Strike? Okay. I'll play the other pegasus for now until they get an owner.)

    Ivory whinnied at Strike. [Who's that guy, Strike?]
    Onyx leaned over to Jace, who was standing just a meter in front of him, and nipped the back of his neck, then jumped back, neighing in amusement at Strike's anger, and Blanc shook her head, saying, [Sorry, Jace, he's not being very mature right now].

  3. "That's alright." Jace looked around the stable. "So....."

    - Jace -

  4. Blanc glanced at Jace and Strike. [Is that a Hades child?] she asked. [I thought they were supposed to be dark haired. All the other Hades kids are like that,] she told the dark gray pegasus. [Weird one, I guess.]

  5. Jace crossed his arms. "It could come from my mother's side couldn't it?" His eyes flicked with a drop of anger.

    - Jace -

  6. Blanc stared at him right in the eye. She wasn't afraid of him. [Yes, it could have. But what really matters is whether it DID.] She told him matter of factly.

  7. "Hmmmm...," Brook wondered "Which one of you ponies is my favoritest? Ooh I could get Onyx!!! No, that's Bryn's. How about Blanc? yeah that's right Blanc and Brook. Nah that's Selena's. Oak? Makes me sound like a nature freak. Not you. Storm! Oh she is soo great but kinda crabby. Don't want to get hurt. Never mind her. And Strike. Well that's Jace's pony with wings. Well I guess there's no more..." Brook looked around and then gasped. "Oh my! Look at that pretty pony! What's her name? Ivory? I LOVE that name. I will tell Bryn about my horse." Brook said. Then skipped out of the stables.

  8. Jace raised an eyebrow. "Whatever. No point in finding out, my mother's dead."

    - Jace -

  9. Blanc dipped her head. [I am sorry for your loss, Jace,] she said formally. Just then, Selena walked in, and stroked Blanc's golden flank. "Hi, Blanc," she whispered, then turned and nodded to Jace. "Strike, huh? He's nice. Aren't you?" She smiled, feeding the dark gray pegasus a sugar cube. She leaned in and winked, adding under her breath, "How's Ivory doing?"

    (WCL92, since you own Strike you play him too)

  10. (alright)

    Jace shuffled his feet, glancing up at Selena, giving a slight nod.

    - Jace -

    [This girl named....what was it....Brook? She chose Ivory. Otherwise, nothing exactly...] Strike managed a slight whinny in return.

    - Strike -

  11. Selena let out a snort of laughter. "Hey, you know how to ride a pegasus?" She directed at Jace. "I'm taking Blanc out for a while, you could come with us and I'll teach you something."

  12. "Ivory! I want to go ask Bryn if she could teach me to ride you. Let me go ask her. But, first let's get you all cleaned up. All right lift up your legs one-by-one." ... "There we go! Now your feet are beautiful. Let's get the paint and paint them gold." ... [Oh I LOVE my little mistress!! She is SOOOOO CUTE! I want her to always be with me through thick and thin. She is the best!!!] Ivory declared. "How about a lightning bolt. Here we go. We can put this on your front shoulder. Then everyone will know that you are the child of Zeus' pegasus."

  13. Jace glanced in Selena's direction. "Nope, not yet. I'll be right there; where do you want us to meet you?"

    - Jace -

  14. "Wing Circle. That's where we usually train our pegasi," Selena explained. "Oh, and you'll want a bridle and saddle for Strike. You'll find a pair with his name on it in the storage room."

  15. "Alright. See you there." Jace headed to the storage room, heading out a minute later with a bridle and saddle.

    - Jace -

  16. [I don't know how I can say this but, Strike, I am having to little pegasi and your the father] Ivory whinnied.

  17. (Strike's not here right now. And, don't you think this is do I say this....uncomfortable? I can rp this with cats easier...)

  18. [Ooh Strike! That was justa joke! Me and Onyx decided to pull a prank on you!] Ivory whinnied.

  19. (Sure)

    Onyx looked up warily. What was that pretty-face pegasus up to again? (Sorry, he's not very friendly) [We did?] he asked, confused.

  20. Brookstar/Stormy go to the join page PLEASE!!!! I just wrote something a couple of days ago. I have a new character I want to role play. She's Brook's 3 year old little sister. Daughter os Zeus.

  21. (Brightlegs, let me say this: When you are NOT roleplaying, please put your words in brackets as shown. Also, I think that 3 years old is a little too young; do you remember when you were three? For now, she will be five.)

  22. "Okay, so are we going to learn the basics today?" Brook asked. "Also, I've seen her fly once. That was when I was 5 in the alley. I saw this thing flying in the air. I thought I was going crazy. But now it's all true. I'm NOT crazy!" Brook added.

  23. "Uh, yeah," Selena nodded cautiously, knowing it wasn't true. "Anyway, I'll let Ivory fly again, okay? Ivory, you heard me, fly a couple circles, slowly and normally."
    Selna turned to Brook, saying, "Right, do you see how she unfurled her wings? The way her back is slanted? You need to keep in mind that you have to bend at that angle too, or you'll crush her and you won't fly properly."

  24. Selena shook her head. "No, we'll do that tomorrow. I want you to learn all about Ivory today, to know her personality, to see the way she flies, up close."

  25. "So do we need to go to watch her fly in the Wing Circle?" Brook asked.

  26. Marine walked into the stables. "Well, you horses are some pretty ponies. But, I already found my favorite pointing to Eclipse."
    Can Marine have Eclipse?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. i ride horses and strom seems like my horse i'll have her.*glare*
