Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Forest

This is the Forest that surrounds Camp Demigod. Here, there are nymphs, dryads, naiads, and sometimes the Hunters of Artemis come here too. There is much foliage, and there are many animals. Watch out, for there might be different monsters here as well!


  1. "Uh!" Brook screamed tears were blurring her eyesite. I just want someone to love me! I have never ever had care in my life!" Brook cried. Then she slammd herself on the ground and started sobbing again. "I just... UHHH!!!! First, Jace is always grumpy and mean AND doesn't believe me. Next, Selena is just always blaming things on me. And, Bryn is just too busy for me! This is just terrible!" Then she sobbed again. "I just want someone who can give me love, and hugs, and just eveything that I never got!"

  2. (do you mean eyeSIGHT?)

    Bryn appeared beside Brook. "Hello," she said quietly, seeing the young girl jump in surprise. "I understand how you feel... no, don't interrupt me," she added as Brook opened her mouth. "Before Camp Demigod... I used to be a street girl. I was 8, like you. I survived. I had to. Outsmarting the gangs that tried to beat me up, developing my fighting techniques- ninjitsu, tae kwon do, kickboxing, whatever. I scrounged up the bit of food I could find. I stole money and food. You could say I was streetsmart. I was cold, inside. I felt no love, no friendship, nothing at all. That's why... I am what I am now. Because I knew that I had to keep a wall around myself, a constant, cold wall, blocking out any emotion." Bryn took a deep breath. "My fake father had died when I was 6, then my mother abandoned by three months laters. I had learned the basic survival techniques. I hated my parents... then I met my real father. Hades." She said his name with relish, loving the way it sounded. Brook could tell how much Bryn loved her father. "He was just like me. I knew he had been watching me, like he'd been watching Jace. Then I met Selena. She showed me that I didn't have to be cold and ruthless to survive. She showed me... that there was another side to life." Bryn looked at Brook. "That's my story. That's why I wanted to help other demigods, like me and Selena, to cope with their lives. Brook, Selena doesn't blame things on you. She might get annoyed with you, but don't take this badly because I'm telling the truth- you are annoying sometimes. Jace... well, you've just caught him at bad times. He's like me, you know, and he's a good person. Think about it this way- why else would I make him my second-in-command? I know I'm busy. I'm the Captain, and now I'm mentoring Lily. But I'll promise I'll try to make time for you, okay? For now, just listen to Selena. Learn to ride Ivory. Learn to hunt. Learn to beat other people up. Then you'll forget what happened before. Live in the present, Brook. Look ahead." Bryn stood up. "I'll see you around." A black void opened beneath her, and she disappeared.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Well I want to go to the hades cabin now...

  5. Bryn led Lily and Selena through the forest, her ears straining for any sound. Suddenly, a weeping sound came through the bushes. Bryn held up a hand, and everyone stopped. "Selena, get behind whatever that is. Lily, you and I will spread out. Go." Bryn whispered, and they surrounded her, slowly and silently. "Stay where you are." Bryn's order was a near-silent voice through the trees. She stepped forward, through the trees and foliage, to see... Marine.

  6. Marine started sprinting. "Hah! You'll never catch me you dirtbag!" she said. Then disappeared. But then she stopped. "Listen Bryn, I'm leaving this stupid place for good, come with me and we can rule the whole world! Let's go take over Olympus and we can rule it together! Just you and me! No more stupid gods! Just Demigods! Join me now!" she said.

  7. Lily looked at Marine curiously. "Marine...just...calm down." Her dark brown eyes brimmed with anger, along with a few spots of confusion.

    - Lily -

  8. Bryn shadow-travelled and appeared behind her, securing her wrists and back. Selena ran up and punched her in the face. "Never, you retard," she hissed.

  9. "Oh shut-up Lily!" Marine hissed. "You were always a wierd half-sister." Just then she kicked Bryn in the face and punched Selena in the nose and mouth. Causing her nose to bleed. And then started to sprint even faster. And hid so then nobody could find her.

  10. (dude, how do you kick someone behind you in the face?)

    Bryn hissed. "Where's Jace? We need him here, now."

  11. Selena swore and said words that should never be said. "Hades! What's wrong with that psycho daughter of Poseidon?"

  12. Marine ran and ran and finally nobody could see her. 'Just keep running!' she coached herself in her head. 'When I finally get far enough away, I will start my own camp! Hah! Serves Bryn right!' she thought. Then kept running until nobody could catch or see her.

  13. Bryn narrowed her eyes. 'i't s too late. I can still sense her, but we won't be able to catch up with her. Back to camp, I need to make an announcement."

  14. Fallera stopped next to a towering hawthorn tree, her face hard and unfeeling. "What did you want to tell me?" She asked Jace without looking at him, and was surprised that she sounded as cold and steady as she wanted to sound.

  15. Jace bit his lip, looking at Fallera helplessly. "I understand if you don't feel the same, but I need to tell you. I've had feelings for you for some time now, but has been refusing to give in. Apparently my thoughts won." He gave a short, small pleading smile, then continued. "What I'm trying to say is that..." The second in command closed his eyes, opening them again and staring straight into Fallera's alluring dark eyes. "I...I love you."

    - Jace -

  16. Fallera opened her mouth, then closed it, looking away. "I..." she had to tell him no, that she didn't feel the same, but then she would be lying. "I can't. I do, but I can't." She turned away, her hands to her mouth as her hair flew. "I've already been scarred, Jace. I can't risk being hurt again." She felt like crying, something she hadn't done since 1st grade. Fallera's black eyes brimmed with tears and she quickly wiped them away before Jace could see her do it.

  17. Jace looked at Fallera, his heart aching. He reached out, spinning her around and holding onto her hand. The second-in-command stared into her eyes with desperation clouding his eyes. "You won't be hurt. I can promise you that. But if you really don't want this to happen, I...I understand." His voice was hoarse as let go of Fallera's hand. "Thanks for letting me talk though..." Jace turned, about to disappear in the green foliage of the forest.

    - Jace -

  18. Fallera's hand shot out faster than she could imagine and held his wrist in her vice-like grip. "Hey. You're not getting out of here without my permission. I'm not giving you mine until we work this out. Because your face is killing me. Stop looking so sad." Her voice was low and dangerous, because she seriously meant it. If there was something she knew, it was that Fallera Flight had to know what was going on. And if she didn't, she would find out. But maybe there was something else, maybe she really wanted him there. And then she realized: she did love him. She wasn't under an illusion. "I... I want this to happen," she said even more quietly. "I don't know why."

  19. Jace looked back at her with his deep green eyes. "You...You do?" He took a step closer, giving her a small smile. "I guess it's settled."

    - Jace -

    (Sorry it's so short ^^'')

  20. (it's fine XD)

    "But I don't know if I can trust you," Fallera stated, looking at him with expressionless black eyes. "You'll have to... I don't know, prove yourself to me. Because I've been betrayed too much to ever trust people like I did before again." Her held her head high, as if daring him to contradict her, like she would unleash the wrath of the night on him if he did.

  21. (I can't believe I'm gonna do this. But it's the only way I can think of that I can make Jace 'prove' himself...o.O)

    Jace smiled. "Does this work for you?" He took steps closer still, until they were inches apart. Jace rose his hand to Fallera's cheek, brushing it lightly. His heart thumped as he took a sharp intake of breath and closed his eyes, kissing Fallera softly.

    - Jace -

  22. Fallera tensed and raised her hand to his chest to push him away when she instantly melted into the kiss. She leaned forward subconsciously and closed her eyes, not sure how to kiss him back when she wasn't sure whether she wanted to either. But the feel of his lips on hers was heart stopping, and it didn't matter if she liked it or not anymore. Fallera would accept him into her heart.

  23. Jace pulled back, stopping the kiss. "Believe me now?" He grinned at Fallera, practically having the best moment of his life...

    - Jace -

    (Ack. Sorry, couldn't think of anything else. It's about 7:20 right now in the morning...)

  24. (haha it's okay)

    Fallera instinctively reached up and touched her lips where his just were. "M-maybe," she told him seriously, but her eyes showed amusement. She lowered her hand. "i wouldn't rely on it."

  25. Jace smiled as Fallera's hand went up. "You should. There's a lot of things I'm can't be trusted with, but I'll always keep a promise. You've been spending a decent amount of time with me now, so you should know." He flashed a wink in the warrior's direction. "And this can't work if we don't trust each other."

    - Jace -

  26. Fallera's face fell. "I'm sorry if I'm not a trusting person," she muttered mutinously under her breath. "You don't know what I've been through." She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, annoyed.

  27. Jace's smirk faded into a worried frown. "You could always tell me, if your ready though...I...I think I could try to understand..."

    - Jace -

  28. Fallera sighed, leaning against the tree. "I've... I've gone through some... betrayals, you could say. My mother, my father, my best friend, my other friend, and then my... boyfriend." She bit her lip. "I don't expect you to understand."

  29. Jace looked at Fallera with sincere eyes. "Betrayals..." he mumbled, deep in thought. "I get it. People don’t always cherish trust the way that they should. The sad reality is that once trust has been damaged it can’t simply go back to the way it once was. But you can always hope for better futures..." He gave a small, sad smile. "Trust me, I know more than you think I understand."

    - Jace -

  30. Fallera shook her head. "Have you been through five? Every one of them, more painful than the last? I don't trust anymore, Jace. It's not my nature. I know it's not normal, but I can't look at someone without thinking of at least ten ways for them to hurt me." She looked up at the son of Hades. "For you, I can think of a thousand."

  31. Jace felt sadness overwhelm him, drowning him even. "A...a thousand?" he choked out the words, surprised. "" He let out a sigh. "So how did you want this to work, exactly?"

    - Jace -

  32. "I hope I can get over this stupid distrusting thing," Fallera muttered, banging her head against the tree. "It's seriously annoying." She sighed. "Well, we can't have a plan, can we? If we do, what kind of relationship is it?" She shook her head. "This is stupid." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed his wrist. "Come on, I need to work off my frustration. Let's go to the arena."

  33. Jace nodded, surprised at Fallera's kiss. He let Fallera practically drag him to the Arena, trying not to stumble on various obstacles while sorting out his thoughts.

    - Jace -

    (comment next at Arena)

  34. Justice and Spencer fled into the depths of the leafy forest, still holding the plate of rolls. "Okay, we need... defenses or something." He pointed his finger at the ground around them and muttered a charm. A glowing blue circle surrounded them and faded away. "There, we should be okay for now."

  35. (wait, what did you say? everything disappeared...)

  36. Justice and Spencer sat in the forest surrounded by Justice's protective charm, eating rolls.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Fallera and Jace emerged into the clearing and were both instantly rebounded three feet back. Justice sprang up, his sword at the ready, pointing it at Fallera. "What are you doing here?"

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. (Dang...I keep deleting stuff. ^^'')

    Jace slid out his own sword, forcing Justice's sword down. "Finding you guys."
    Spencer gave him a glare. "If the Furies are looking for us, tell them the rolls are gone. It's not like it was the best thing in the world, so they shouldn't freak over it."

    - Jace & Spencer -

  41. (lol)

    Fallera glared at Jace. "Think reasonably. If you want them to work with us, how do you expect them to react to a drawn sword?" She whispered, annoyed, pushing him back as she looked at Spencer fearlessly. "Personally, I agree. The Furies weren't my favorite creatures anyway. We have a... proposition to make." Fallera looked calmly at the two.
    Justice narrowed his eyes, exchanging a look with Spencer. "What kind of proposition?" He asked.

  42. Jace sheathed his sword, looking back at the two. "A prank. Revenge. Sound familiar to you guys?"
    Spencer continued her glare. "On who?"

    - Jace & Spencer -

  43. Justice looked a bit interested. "Yes. On who?"
    "Terra, daughter of Aphrodite. She just arrived, but she's already caused some trouble." Fallera crossed her arms. "You guys up to it?"
    Justice frowned. "I don't play pranks for no reason, and she sounds a bit like us. Why should we help you?"

  44. Spencer nodded. "Exactly like us, actually. Apart from being the daughter of Aphrodite." She scowled. "And plus, I'm the daughter of the god of revenge. I need something to happen to me so I can get back at them."
    Jace exchanged a quick but desperate glance with Fallera. "Without revenge, Terra's gonna get the upper hand, and we can't let that happen. Now what, did you want anything?" He rose an eyebrow.

    Jace & Spencer

  45. (goddess, actually, nemesis was a goddess, but that doesn't really matter :D)

    Justice narrowed his eyes. "Look. We're not... hired hitmen. Or hitwomen," he added hastily at the look from Spencer. "We don't do things for bribery, or blackmail. We do things because we want to. If you don't give me a good enough reason, I ain't pranking."
    Fallera felt like losing her patience but it would just move them into a worse situation. "Fine then. Think about it this way. From what you know of our Captain, what do you think about her personality? Friendly? Harsh? Caring?"

  46. (Oh, shoot. I knew that, just used to it? ^^'')

    Spencer's eyes darkened. "The worst Captain I've ever seen. Especially because she threatens the joiners.
    Jace fought back a retort. Although he had just argued with Bryn, she was still his half-sibling.

    Jace & Spencer

  47. Justice was more calm as he replied. "Distrustful. Doesn't seem to care much of the welfare of her camp, as long as they work for her."
    "Well, you're all right, but she's really just gone through some bad things. There needs to be something bad that triggers her." Fallera looked at each of the two minor demigods. "Terra triggered her, in our case."

  48. Spencer closed her eyes, sighing. "Is this just your way to get us to do the dirty work for you?"
    Jace shook his head. "Don't think of it that way. You see our point, though, right?" He looked over the "team" wearily.

    Jace & Spencer

  49. Fallera narrowed her eyes. "Think of it this way," she said, using her last resort. "We're not good at pranks, or doing what you and Justice do. We need your help. This is a favor we're asking of you. We'll give you something back, if you wish it, but we're begging for you to help us." She nearly choked on her last sentence, letting them know that she needed their help. If there was one thing Fallera hated, it was showing weakness.

  50. Spencer hid a smile at Fallera's practical need. She gave Justice a glance before focusing on Fallera again. "Fine, we'll do it. Did you have any ideas in mind, or for us to go all out?" She hated the idea of getting back at someone who hadn't done anything to make her start wanting revenge, but she guessed it'd be the same feeling. "We don't need anything. Unless Justice has second thoughts...?"


  51. Justice shook his head, grinning evilly. "I prank people for the reaction I get, not for money or anything."
    Fallera shook her head at Spencer. "Just plain savage pranks. One or two should do the job." She nodded at Jace. "We'll expect the best." She gave the two a tiny smile and turned to walk away.
    Justice looked at his friend. "They seriously don't know how to prank, so they're asking us?" He looked genuinely confused for a minute, then his face broke out in a wide grin. "We're famous!"

  52. Spencer smiled. "Sure we are." She glanced in the direction of where Fallera and Jace had left. "How did you want this to work?"


  53. (Oh my gosh, I got an idea!!! What would happen if Fallera's ex came to camp???)

  54. Justice shrugged. "I'll need to think about it, but I was thinking... messing with her shampoo or something? She seems to care a lot about her blond hair. We can't decide now. We'll need to examine her behavior, her likes, her dislikes to play a good prank."

  55. (oh god that would seriously suck for fallera :D and terra would be ECSTATIC, hm, but then he would have to be a demigod)

  56. (Haha. ^^ And someone has to play him...but who...?)

    Spencer nodded, eyes flashing evilly. "Yep. But I bet she's like other..." She caught herself. "Most other Aphrodite kids. Stuck-up about beauty and good looks." She found herself grinning. "And spying is right up my alley."


  57. Justice shook his head. "No, she seems more powerful. I wouldn't be surprised if she was made a senior warrior. It'd be harder to prank her. We'll need time to prepare. And trust me, I know. I'm probably the best prankster in this camp."

  58. Spencer bit her lip. "Couldn't we always make friends with Terra? I mean, wouldn't that give us more information if she actually trusts us?" She scowled. "But then we'd have to actually care about fashion..."


  59. "Or at least pretend to," Justice corrected. "And you'd have to be the friends, so she has someone to gossip with. She won't accept me as much. I'll just do the strategizing."

  60. Spencer grimaced, but nodded. "This is going to be a nightmare..." she muttered. Her amber eyes looked toward the direction of camp. With a sigh, Spencer gestured in front of her. "Let's get back then."


  61. Justice nodded. "Shall we?" He pointed his finger at the basket that the rolls were in. They automatically disappeared into the eating pavilion.

  62. Spencer nodded, regretting her idea. Having to be practically the best friend of an Aphrodite kid wasn't her idea of fun. She nodded, nonetheless. "We shall."


    (Comment next Clearing)
