Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Zeus Cabin

This is where the children of Zeus live. It is pure white, with large pillars. It has two floors, with a huge lightning emblem decorating the entrance, along with an eagle feather design on the inside. On the far wall inside the cabin is the sword crafted by Zeus himself, a sword in the shape of a lightning bolt.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Brightlegs, I play the gods. unless u're an admin, which you are not, you CANNOT play a god.)

  4. Sorry I was using it for roleplaying. Can I be Zeus without being admin?

  5. (Yes, but only for talking to his children and things like that. NO quests.)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Hmmm...what should I do?" Kylie asked herself. Just then a boy with reddish brown hair walked in. "W-w-who a-are y-y-you?" Kylie questioned.

  8. Devin tossed a look at the girl over her shoulder. "Devin," he said in his casual yet unbearably attractive manner. He dropped his bag and belongings on a bed in the far corner. "And who might you be?"

  9. "Well I'm Kylie. My full name is Kylan Rose Collins. But I hate being called Kylan Rose. I only get called that when I am in trouble. I am 4." she replied glaring at him. You could tell that Kylie and Devin were of to bad start.

  10. Devin gave her another look. "If you didn't like the name why did you tell me it?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. See you around." He shrugged off his hoodie and walked out of the cabin.

  11. "Uh! Now I have to put up with that jerk for a long time!" Kylie complained. Then Kylie got an idea. "I'm gonna prank him!" Kylie smiled at the idea. Kylie wasn't much of a pranker but she wanted to give this jerk a taste of his own medicine.

  12. (Taste of his own medicine? He never pranked Kylie...)

  13. I know. I mean it by since Kylie thought he was being mean she thought she should be mean too.

  14. "Ooooh Devin! I made you some lime lemonade. It's a family recipe. Passed down, from so many years. Here you should try some..." Kylie said. Instead of it being the "Lime Lemonade" she put in so pickle juice, mixed with lime juice.

  15. Devin made a face at the mention of lime, and shook his head. "Sorry, Kylie. I don't like lime very much."

    (He wasn't mean to Kylie either)

  16. I know. Kylie is kinda a brat to people she judges. She often judges people too much.

  17. "Well, um, uh fine! But your missing out!" Kylie said. Then drank it forgetting the ingredients. Her stomach lurched. "Yup, still good." Kylie said then ran to the bathroom and vomitted.

  18. (oh, ok)

    Devin looked at Kylie weirdly, suspicion creeping into his mind. He shrugged and walked off, wanting to pick out a weapon for himself.

  19. "Uuuh! He's soooo hard to trick!" Kylie said. Then walked out of the cabin to spy on him...

  20. Selena stalked into Brook's cabin. "Brook! Archery Range, now!"

  21. "O-okay." Brook cowered. Marine and her mentor had been in a big fight. She never really got to know the girl. But she knew whoever was an enemy of Selena's was an enemy of hers...

  22. Selena smiled down at her, her stern expression falling. "Come on, we gotta get some training done."

    (comment next at archery range)

  23. Cynthia walked in and placed her things on the bed farthest from everyone elses.


    Thalia threw her bag on a bed and started unpacking.

  24. Just then Kylie ran over to the two girls. "Hi!" she said sweetly, smiling with her cutest smile. "I'm Kylie! My daddy's Zeus! Who's yours?" Kylie said.

  25. 'We're both daughters of Zeus.I'm Thalia and this is my friend Cynthia' she told Kylie.'Hi, Kylie' spoke Cynthia.

  26. "Hi! Do you want to see the camp? Cause I can show you around!" Kylie suggested.

  27. "Come on then!" the little 4 year old said. Then ran out of the cabin.
    Comment next in Poseidon Cabin!
