Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hospital Wing

This is where the healer and her helpers treat most of their patients and their more injured patients. There are cabinets full of ambrosia and nectar cider, poultices, pain relievers, medicine, casts, and wrappings to treat the ill and/or injured with. There are seven beds in this cabin for the patients, four on one side and three on the other. There is also a little couch and coffee table for visitors, plus a small bed in the corner for the healer if she needs or wants to stay overnight.


  1. "Alright, lets get you on this bed." Ivy said. Then lifted her gently and swiftly onto the bed. The girl barely winced in pain. "Alright, I need you to take this drink and swallow pill." Ivy said. The girl was stubborn and refused to swallow. "Take it now!" Ivy snapped. Ivy never got mad at her patients. "Oh, I'm sorry. Will you just please take the pills? You wounds will not hurt that bad if you do." Ivy said. Then just like that the girl took the pill. Ivy could tell that she already liked this girl. "Good, now you will go to sleep for a temporary, time. Good, now sleep." Ivy said. Then the girl fell asleep.

  2. Then Ivy took the arrow and it slid from the girls arm like butter. Second, Ivy took some cleaning pads and cleaned her wound and sanitized it. The girl winced and then fell silent again. Also, Ivy took some gauze and wrapped it on her wound. Next, she wrapped a bandage around it and taped it. 'Done!' Ivy thought. 'Wow! I just treated my first patient and she is recovered!' Ivy felt so proud. Then the girl woke up. "Where am I?" she said. "Hi, Melody. My name is Ivy and I am the Camp Healer. You are at Camp Demigod." "What do you mean? All I want to do is go shopping and get a mani-pedi." the girl snapped. "You are the daughter of Aphrodite. And this is your new home. You are in the Hospital Wing, because Bryn accidently shot you in the arm with an arrow. You must stay in here for a couple of days. Then you can start doing activities." Ivy said then walked out of the cabin to talk to Bryn.

  3. Melody blinked confusingly and stared around her. A faint throbbing coursed through her arm, but when she took a look at it, her arm seemed fine. Melody sighed and laid back down. "I am bored. Is there even a mall around here?"


  4. (btw, Melody broke Ivy's commands and went over to the Aphrodite cabin)

  5. (Okay)
    "Melody! Melody! Uhhhh! She's not in here! I better go get her!" Then Ivy ran out of the cabin.

  6. "Melody, if you try to escape again I will have to talk to Bryn about a punishment for you. If you sneak away again the punishment could be REALLY bad. You know her father is the best at making punishments, so she's really good at making punishments." Ivy said.

  7. Melody shrieked while Ivy dragged her back to the Hospital Wing. She moaned, "You're messing up my hair..."


  8. Bryn caught the two fighting and bickering back to the Hospital Wing. She raised an eyebrow and walked over to them. "What is going on? Ivy, I hope you aren't injuring your patient even more. Melody, your hair will be a LOT more messed up if you don't listen to the Healer."

  9. Melody hung her head, silencing herself.


  10. "Oh good! Your here! Melody just snuck away when I specifically told her to stay here until her arm was better. But instead of listening, she went into the Aphrodite Cabin and screamed at Kristi. Oh, those Aphrodite kids! You need to punish her! She's just being totally rude to me!" Ivy said.

  11. (err... I thought Ivy was kind...)

    Bryn looked down at Ivy. "Well, Ivy, I think you need to consider the fact that perhaps Kristi did something to provoke her or offend her. Also, I don't feel that I need to punish a patient that about an hour ago, had an arrow through her arm," she said a little sarcastically. "Oh, I must apologize to both of you, because that arrow tip had a poison on it. It temporarily freezes the organs to stop working." Bryn looked at Melody's frightened expression and snapped, "Oh, come on. You're still alive, aren't you? Suck it up, you're a warrior now." With that, she turned on her heel and marched off.

  12. (Ivy has a bad temper. Wouldn't you if your patient you specifically told to stay ran off?)

  13. "Ok..." Melody sighed and sat down on the bed.


  14. (then I guess I'll have to change her description...)
