Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wing Circle

This is a wide, circular quad/field. It is where you usually train your pegasi. There is no fence, and the forest surrounds it. The path to it leads to the stables.


  1. Selena stood with Blanc, saddled and ready, grooming her. She got on and flew practice circles- loops, zooming across the clearing, dives, and all sorts of tricks. She waited for Jace to come.

  2. Jace emerged from the bushes beside Selena. Strike whinnied at the two to notify that they were there. "Hey, sorry to intrude on your....erm...flying."

    - Jace -

  3. Selena and Blanc landed gracefully beside Strike. Selena let out a laugh that sounded like bells tinkling. "It's okay," she grinned. "I'm here to teach you how to fly anyway." Selena jumped off Blanc, and walked over to Jace. "Right! The main trick to riding a pegasus is to stay on, and not fall off. You also have to not slump all your weight on him or her, otherwise you might find yourself being shaken off or falling off. Why? Because the pegasi already know how to fly, it's just up to you to make sure how it flies. Some pegasi, like Strike, only need a whisper to tell them what to do. This usually happens with more experienced pegasi. And lastly, HOLD ON TIGHT. NEVER let go of the reins. Keep your upper body stiff, but relax your hips and your legs. Okay?" Selena heaved a great sigh as she finished. "Wow. That was a long explanation."

  4. Jace smiled. "Hopefully I'll remember all that. And, one question before I go off flying. How high can I go without getting Zues angry?" He paused. "And turned into dust...."

    - Jace -

  5. "Personally, I don't think Hades would let Zeus turn you into dust," Selena grinned at him. "Hades didn't let Zeus hurt Bryn. And she flies a lot."

  6. Jace nodded uncertainly. "Let's just hope Hades is as kind to me as he is to her." He mounted on his pegasus, holding tightly onto the reigns as Selena had instructed. "Ready Strike?"

    - Jace -

  7. Selena mounted onto Blanc, leaning forward and whispering in her ear, "Up, my girl. Fly." Blanc whinnied and beat her golden and white wings, blowing Selena's ginger hair around. They rose into the sky, and Selena looked down at Jace.

  8. "Alright Strike. Let's fly." Strike rose up into the air, beating his gray wings. Jace grinned at Selena. "Like this?"

    - Jace -

  9. Selena smiled softly. "Yes, just like that," she said, gazing at him. She shook off the weird feeling then grinned mischievously. "Now you might want to fly FORWARD," she smirked, "And not float there like some retarded fairy."

  10. Jace managed a laugh. "Alright, let's go Strike." The second in command veered his pegasus to the left, circling Selena in an swirl. "I don't suppose you want to race, do you?"

    - Jace -

  11. Selena grinned. "Do I?" She smirked, then shot forward, purposely brushing a little too close to Strike and making them wobble unstably in the air. "Go, Blanc!" Selena cried. [Oh yeah!] Blanc whinnied in determined exhilaration. [That Strike is sooooo going down!]

  12. Jace held onto the reigns, steering to the side for balance. "Come on Strike. We're not gonna let a few girls beat us." Jace gave a mischievous smile to Selena. [Of course not.] Strike neighed. [No one's gonna beat us.]

    - Jace -

  13. Selena grinned behind her, and shot forward even more as the pair behind her tried to catch up.

  14. Jace flew swiftly towards the two, winking, then setting off higher, letting the wind blow his pegasus farther.

    - Jace -

  15. Selena scowled, but suddenly thought of an idea. She flew upwards a bit, caught a thermal, and flew higher, expanding Blanc's wings as she soared upwards. She caught thermal by thermal, flying forwards faster than ever before.

  16. Jace narrowed his eyes. "Strike, let's go higher." The pegasus whinnied in return, setting off higher than the two below. Jace leaned down against Strike, letting the wind catch Strike's outstretched wings, flying faster and faster, until the team pulled ahead of Selena and Blanc.

    - Jace -

  17. Selena hissed in annoyance, then smirked. She pulled out her bow and arrow then aimed carefully. She let go of the string. It hit the stirrup, making Jace swing sideways. He would have completely toppled off the pegasus if he hadn't held on tight to the reins. Selena sailed by them easily, racing off ahead, towards the finish line. As she passed them, she laughed and shouted over her shoulder, "That's what I meant about holding on tight!"

  18. Jace smiled. "Yeah, but you never said that random arrows would fly at you while you're flying." Strike stopped beside Blanc. [Hey, do you think something's different with these two?] The gray pegasus whispered just out of the two demigods' reach.

    - Jace -

  19. Selena just heard his words. "You never know!" She screamed over her shoulder, laughing. She shot forward again, just missing Strike's words.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Jace neared Selena, his eyes looking worried. "Hey, how long have we been here? Don't you think the people back at camp would notice?"

    - Jace -

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Just then Marine walked in. "Um, hi." she said looking directly at Jace blushing. "My name is Marine. I'm new here. Will you show me around?" she asked pointing to Jace.

  24. (er... he and Selena are in the air somewhere...)

  25. Selena and Blanc pulled to a stop, the golden pegasus's white and golden wings flapping in the air. "We've been here for about..." she checked her watch, "One hour and fifteen minutes." She looked up at Jace, indigo and silver eyes meeting dark blue eyes. "What do you think?"

    (does Jace like anyone? *hint hint*)

  26. (had to delete my previous comment because I changed Selena's description)

  27. Just then Marine walked into the scene and lokked up. "Um, hi." she said looking directly at Jace. Her blue eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. "My name's Marine, Marine Sams. Daughter of Poseidon." she said still looking at Jace directly in the eye. "Will you show me around?" she asked pointing to Jace. Then glared at Selena.

  28. (Sorry!)

    Jace looked curiously at Marine. "....Umm....who are you...exactly? I haven't seen you at camp before..." He whispered to Selena. "Who's her parent???"

    - Jace -

  29. "Well I'm Poseidon you see. And , well, I'm lost! Will you show me around pretty please?" Then she gave one of her dirtiest glances at Selena.

  30. Selena looked curiously at Marine. Even with her intelligence, she had no idea why she was glaring at her. She and Jace landed together in front of the girl. She glanced at him and shrugged. "I guess we've been here too long anyway, so..." she looked a Marine again. "I suppose so, if Jace wants to," she said, brushing a strand of blond hair from her eyes.

    (can they be best friends then? Jace and Selena i mean)

  31. (Of course! They were heading to it anyways)

    Jace blinked uncertainly. "I......" He searched Marine's eye for any kind of backing out. Nothing of the sort. "I' to go." He grabbed Strike's reigns, running back to camp. At least, as fast as you could while leading a pegasus.

    - Jace -

    (I didn't know how to say no :P)

  32. (That's fine! Marine is the very jealous type. She's eventually gonna fall for Devin if that's okay with Brookstar/Stormy.)
    "W-well, um, me too! See ya around!" She flicked her hair, smiled sweetly, her eyes twinkling. Then did a final glare at Selena and skipped off to go find someone else.

  33. (that's fine, marine! oh, can Selena try to be friends with Marine, then completely be rejected, then become best friends with Jace?)

    Selena stood awkwardly in the middle of the Wing Circle, looking uncertain. Blanc whinnied softly and nudged her with her nose. [She likes him, you know,] the pegasus told her mistress.
    "Yeah, I know," Selena snapped irritably, but then felt bad about it. "Sorry, Blanc, it's just that..."
    [You have feelings for him too,] Blanc finished simply.
    "No, I don't, I just..." Selena shook her head. "I don't like seeing Marine act like that around him." She sighed. "But I guess I should try and make amends with her. I'm not surprised she hates me, you know, not just because our parents hate each other anyway... But I have to try. I will," Selena said firmly, then lead Blanc to the stables.

  34. (How about instead of that Selena tries to be her friend she gets rejected once, then she finally gets accepted, but by that time Marine REALLy likes Devin and they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Also, will you make my character Jake Dawson?)

  35. (yeah but Devin will still always kind of love Bryn)
