Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Bryn was sitting in the Hades Cabin, making a design of a helmet for her father's cabin, when she heard the shriek outside. She instantly raced out, and saw Melody screaming and pointing at a huge, towering she-dragon with long, curved gleaming claws holding long double swords and gigantic fangs dripping with poison. Kampe. The Captain grabbed her sword and raced forward, screaming for the rest of the camp to attack. "Kampe's here!" She shrieked. "With empousai!" She shouted, spotting a flood of the creatures behind the queen of dragons. Bryn raced to her apprentice Lily's side, whispering in her ear, "Find Jace, Selena, and Fallera at the Archery Range. Fetch them here, tell them what's going on." Bryn watched the young demigoddess speed off, and then dove forward into battle.

(sorry it's short... continue, please!)


  1. Cynthia and Thalia sped over to Bryn's side."What should we do?" asked Thalia.

  2. Bryn gave both of them a swift glance. "Defend the cabins, make sure they don't get destroyed by Kampe."

  3. Jace sliced his sword right through an empousa, watching as it disintegrated into ashes. He watched as Kampe tried to destroy the cabins. His focus came back to another empousa, dodging it's attacks swiftly. It swiped at Jace's back and at one point, tore at his shirt. The second in command reached back and felt the sticky red liquid behind him. "Great, just what I needed," he muttered, swinging his sword at the monster again.

    - Jace -

  4. Fallera had beaten the empousa off her and was now staring at the towering figure of Kampe. "What are you doing here?" She yelled at the female monster. "Why aren't you guarding, doing your job?" The monster just shrieked in anger and glared at Fallera.
    The girl began to smirk. "You slimy, good for nothing monster! The worst of all monsters! You don't satisfy your master! He hates you, but he needs your labor!" Fallera taunted Kampe. The monster seemed to understand and shrieked once more, turning and sprinting to Kampe. Fallera grinned and raced forward as well, sword held hilt-first at her back, ready to swing. She dodged a swipe of Kampe's poisonous swords, and swung the sword towards Kampe's chest, but missed and hit the monster's shoulder. Kampe roared in pain and anger, and suddenly there were two swords, coming from two directions, slicing towards Fallera. She did a perfect backbend, then flipped up towards Kampe, who snarled and swiped a claw across Fallera's stomach. Her eyes widened in surprise. The poison seeped through the wound, and she began to scream in pain. "Fallera!" Selena yelled, but the world was beginning to sound dull... Fallera had the energy to feel her body fall to the ground and see Kampe raise her sword for the killing strike before her head exploded in pain. Her scream was heard throughout the entire camp.

    (she's not dead, dun worry :))

  5. (Okay, good. ^^)

    Jace had finished off the empousa, looking over to the source of the scream. "Fallera..." The words were barely a whisper, as if he couldn't get his voice to work. An angry glare entered his green eyes as he approached Kampe. He felt his sword cut through Kampe's flesh, just enough to make her bleed. He dodged to the side as she focused on him, leaving Fallera alone. The monster slashed at him, a few times too many and nearly cutting his skin. "Bryn!" Jace called over to the Captain, trying give the clue that he needed help, and fast.

    - Jace -

  6. It was Selena who had heard the call, and she quickly aimed an arrow. The arrow flew across the clearing and hit the empousa square in the forehead and hit the chest of the one behind it. They both disintegrated into dust. Selena dashed up to Jace and handed him a piece of ambrosia and some nectar. "Eat some. Force some into Fallera, too." With that, she was off, aiding Bryn with the angry Kampe who was currently aiming deadly blows at the demigoddess Captain.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Jace broke the piece into halves, swallowing one of them. He drank part of the nectar, finding Fallera quickly. He ran to the fallen warrior, pouring down nectar and forcing ambrosia down her mouth. Jace stared at Fallera, crouching down and hoping for the best.
    Brandon was behind a tree, shooting arrows at unsuspecting empousai. He walked out into the open for a split second to find Kampe. Bad idea. An empousa that had been hiding in the shadows struck his back, tearing at his t-shirt. Blood welled up in the spot, the apprentice's trying to back up. He was never good at close combat, and of course fate chose this time for him to use it.

    - Jace & Brandon -

  9. Fallera felt somebody putting something inside her mouth and she opened her eyes. What she saw shocked her that her eyes widened even more. "Jace? What're you..." Her eyes trailed to his wounds. "You're hurt." She reached up and gently touched one of his many injuries. "Sorry I can't heal you right now, it's not past six yet. I'm only able to use the night." Fallera's words shocked herself even more. Why should she feel sorry about not being able to heal him? Why was she even caring about him even hurt? Was she actually beginning to make friends? Fallera shook her head vigorously and she tried to get up, only to fall back down. She scooted away from him. "I'm sorry- no, I'm not- I can't-" she stumbled over her words as her eyes went wide with fear.
    Martin raced over to his half-sibling, his eyes narrowed with uncharacteristic anger. "Get away from him, idiot!" He growled at the empousa and stabbed it with his dagger. He turned back to Brandon, healing his minor wounds then gave him some nectar. "Drink this, but not too much, okay? You'll feel better."

  10. Jace shook his head. "You need to be healed more than I do." He watched as Fallera scooted back, and what he did shocked him as more as ever. His hand reached out to Fallera's and held onto her, looking straight into her eyes. "Don't move, you aren't in the condition to be doing anything right now." Jace's voice was only a whisper as he turned back to an incoming empousa. He slid out his sword once more, battling the monster in determination. Anything to get it away from Fallera.
    Brandon took a sip, nodding to Martin in thanks. "Here." The apprentice gave him back the canteen, noticing his wounds. "You need it too." Brandon shot an arrow a split second later, hitting an empousa that had been behind his half-brother.

    - Jace & Brandon -

  11. (:D Finally! LOL)

    Fallera tensed as Jace's hand touched hers, and she felt an electric shock zap her fingers. Was Jace secretly a son of Zeus or something? Did they have the power to make your stomach churn, too? She bit her lip and she looked up at him with wide eyes. Her mouth opened to say something, but she just closed it, realizing that she couldn't make anything out.

  12. (I know, right??? Haha. ^^)
    (Lol, son of Zues. :))

    Jace had finished battling off the empousa by now, going back to Fallera. He smiled weakly, crouching down so he could look at her dark eyes again. There was something about them...but he didn't know what. Jace listened to his heart beating in his ears, a light blush creeping over his face. "How are you feeling?"

    - Jace -

  13. (Haha I loved that)

    "Better," Fallera managed, her throat still closed. "That was really stupid, wasn't it?" She croaked, smirking slightly with a wry expression. "I shouldn't have gone for Kampe." She leaned back, and breathed out. "Thanks... I guess."

  14. Jace managed a small laugh. "Yeah, kind of. But I bet we could finish off most of the empousai together, if you're well enough to fight." He put his arm around his knee, smiling slightly. "No problem. We can't have one of our camp members going to the Underworld that fast, now can we?" Jace stood up, giving Fallera a hand. "So what will it be?"

    - Jace -

  15. Fallera held his green gaze for a moment longer, and grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. "I'm fighting. Of course I am." She smirked, then her hand with a glowing silver knife shot out, and ichor splattered on Jace's back. The empousa behind him toppled over, dead. "You can thank me later," she grinned teasingly, and gave him the knife. "I didn't see you with a knife, so I guessed you don't have one. If you can't shoot arrows you might as well throw knives, right? If you lose that, it'll appear instantly in its user's hand." Fallera wiped the smile off her face and replaced it with a hard expression, blocking her eyes of feeling. She turned and ran- no, limped- back into battle.

  16. Jace smiled as he felt the blade in his hand. Sliding it onto his sword belt, he raced after Fallera, sliding in front of her tracks. "Hey, be careful, okay? I can't save you twice." Jace smirked, sliding out his sword and charging an empousa. Soon he was lost in battle like the rest.

    - Jace -

  17. Fallera shot him a small grin. "I will," she told him, and sliced off the head of a empousa with her sword. She paused as she saw the towering figure of Kampe. It was obvious that she was the one who ordered the empousa around. If Kampe was dead, the empousa would lose a leader and lose confidence. Fallera knew she needed to kill the huge she-dragon. But she had told Jace she would be careful. She sped off into the battle, looking for Jace. When she found him, she stabbed the empousa in the chest and looked at him in the eye. "Please, Jace. Help me kill Kampe. I'm gonna finish what I started."

  18. Jace jumped when a blade had stabbed the empousa he was fighting. He turned, finding Fallera standing there with fresh ichor on her katana. "Kampe?" His eyes glanced to the leader of the attack, full of worry. The second-in-command looked back at Fallera's determined eyes, and nodded. "Sure, but just...don't try to lead the way. You might..." Jace trailed off, looking down.

    - Jace -

  19. Fallera rolled her eyes at Jace's worry. "Shut up, I'll be fine." She dragged Jace with her to Kampe. "Okay, I'll distract her, and you shadowtravel onto Kampe and stab her or slice her head off." Fallera made up a quick plan and told Jace. "Okay?" She turned invisible and ran to the monster.

  20. Jace nodded, narrowing his green eyes at Kampe. His eyes blinked closed, and soon he was traveling in darkness, wind blowing his already-messy black hair. Soon, he was on Kampe, steadying himself from the drowsiness that came as a side-affect. Fallera was on the ground, her urgent eyes signaling for Jace to make a move, now. The second-in-command took out his silver knife, knowing it would return to him, and stabbed the monster right her shoulder. Kampe screeched, more in fury than in pain, throwing Jace off. He lost his grip, falling to the floor. His shoes slid on the dirt, along with his lower half and hands. "Ow..." Kampe turned to Jace, angry eyes flaring. He swung his sword, not knowing how long he could go before he was cut by one of her poisonous swords.

    - Jace -

  21. "JACE!" Fallera screamed, not sure why she felt her heart pound as if it was her that was being slashed by the sword, as if part of her had just sort of died. She sprinted forward, her face a picture of fury as she stabbed her sword deep into Kampe's mouth. She abandoned her sword inside the mouth of the monster and raced to Jace side. She carried him, adrenaline pumping through her veins, to the corner of the camp. Bryn spotted her and quickly called out orders. "Martin! Brandon! Cynthia!" She shouted. "Come over here! Cynthia, defend us! Martin, Brandon, heal Jace immediately!" Fallera was crouching over Jace, her eyes frantic as she examined the wound. "Jace, are you okay? Are you okay? I wish it was night-time right now, I--"
    "Shut up," Martin snapped at her. "You're disturbing us." He gave Brandon a vial. "Make him drink this," he told the boy, then began dripping some sort of potion onto Jace's wound. "Sorry, this will hurt a bit," Martin apologized as the injury steamed and the second in command screamed in pain.

  22. Jace's eyes widened. "Agh..." The poison stung like crazy, as if something was burning him. "I...I'm fine. I have to...finish off Kampe."
    Brandon pushed the second-in-command back down. "Don't go anywhere. Here, drink this." Without waiting for a yell of protest, the apprentice forced the vial into Jace's mouth, making him swallow the liquid.

    - Jace & Brandon -

  23. Fallera held Jace down, her black eyes staring into his green ones, half angry an half worried. "She's dead. I killed her. Now just focus on healing up, okay? Please don't die on me," she pleaded, her head a cloud of confusion and panic. She wouldn't be doing what she was doing, fussing over him, pleading him, if her head was clear, right? Fallera didn't even want to know the answer. She just put her hand on his chest and held him down while the potions took effect.

  24. "I'm not dying. I'm fine, in fact, I feel just like before the battle." Jace pushed Fallera's hand off, sitting up and trying to hide the wince of pain. Obviously, the potions haven't set in yet.

    - Jace -

  25. Fallera glared at him. "Yeah, right. Shut up and let Martin and Brandon heal you."
    Martin gave Fallera a grateful glance. "She's right. What use will you be injured? You'll just cause more trouble. It's best to let us take care of you until you're fit." He put his hands over his forehead and hummed a song under his breath, while Jace's forehead glowed for a bit then went back to normal. "That should cure your fever. The wound is too great for us to heal with powers, so we'll have to do it manually. Fallera, give him some nectar."
    She pulled a canteen from her belt and handed it to him. "Here. Drink," she commanded.

  26. Jace sighed, taking the nectar reluctantly. He swallowed about 2 gulps of the liquid, trying not to take too much.
    Brandon watched as Fallera and Martin talked to Jace. "Too much pride," he mumbled, turning away.

    - Jace & Brandon -

  27. Fallera watched him as he drank, crouching beside him as the other campers chased the empousa away. "What does it taste like? For you, anyway," she wondered. "It tastes like the moonlight for me. Cold, dark, refreshing, tasting of the night. It tastes awesome," Fallera smiled slightly, when she winced and clutched at her side. Martin narrowed his eyes at her. "Where are you hurt?" He demanded.
    "Nowhere. I'm fine," Fallera told him, but another wince gave her away.
    "Okay, we all know you're lying. You'd better tell me before I force you to. Where are you hurt? "
    Fallera sighed, then lifted her shirt to reveal a huge, bloody gash in her side. "Her damn claws," she muttered angrily.
    Martin cursed under his breath and waved Brandon over. "Can you help her? And give her some ambrosia or nectar too." To Fallera, he added, "You should have been treated earlier. Just be glad Kampe's claws weren't poisonous."

  28. Jace shrugged. "Hard to explain..." He watched as Fallera revealed her wound. Worry overcame his green eyes, forcing him to look away before anyone else saw. He wasn't always like this, at least, he wasn't supposed to be. What's been happening lately?
    Brandon's eyes widened at Fallera's gash. Handing her his canteen, he spoke firmly, "Drink." He wondered what other people had wounds like these...

    - Jace & Brandon -

  29. Fallera glared at Brandon but complied, taking a mouthful of nectar in her mouth. The cold, refreshing liquid trickled down her throat and she smiled slightly. Martin made to take out a medicine but Fallera stopped him with her hand. "No. The night will heal me when it comes." She looked back to Jace, turning his head away. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, probably delirious from her injury. Because she never asked that to anybody. "Is the injury really hurting?"

  30. Jace turned his head to look into Fallera's dark eyes. "It...stings, I guess...Otherwise, I'll be fine. My other wounds can heal on their own time." A light shade of pink came across his face, not admitting how much they really hurt.

    - Jace -

  31. The sky was pink, orangish color as the night came. Fallera sighed and looked up. "I know you're hurting more than you'll let on," she told him. "I'll be able to help with healing when it's fully dark." She lay back against a nearby rock. Martin looked down at the two. "You two seem fine there. Just don't move around too much. I don't know where Ivy is so Brandon and I can heal the camp. Come on, Brandon. We'll go around and help."

  32. Jace sighed. "Is it that obvious?" He flashed Fallera a small smirk.
    Brandon nodded, grabbing his canteen and ambrosia. He had a feeling they were going to need a lot of it.

    - Jace & Brandon -

  33. Fallera smiled softly back, turning around briefly then coming back around to stare at the sunset. "It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" She said absentmindedly. "I always get this feeling of exhilaration whenever it happens, because I know it'll become nighttime after it." Fallera grinned at Jace for a second, sheepishly. "I know it sounds stupid, but it's true."
    Martin took a bag of healing instruments and bottles then looked around for the most injured campers.

  34. Jace gave a small laugh. "It's not stupid, don't worry. And it is beautiful..." He exhaled, leaning back. "Always wished life could be that simple."

    - Jace -

    (I kinda wanted their hands to be | | that close, but I didn't know how to put that in words, let alone Jace's point of view. But you could always try...)

  35. (I'll try)

    Fallera smiled again, and shifted her body a bit to get more comfortable, suddenly tensing when their little fingers collided. She hadn't realized their hands were so close. His skin was cold like hers, and for some reason it felt like the hottest, warmest thing in the world. Her entire body stiffened up but she forced her face to relax, hoping that he would not realize what she thought of their contact. Fallera's eyes, however, became hard and the smile had dropped off her face.

  36. (That works. :))

    Jace felt his heart skip a beat, his blush deepening as he felt Fallera's fingers touch his. He looked away, trying to hide the embarrassment in his eyes. The second-in-command stole a glance in Fallera's direction, and his face fell. Fallera looked as if she was in a cold mood, and she must've noticed when their hands touched. He shook his head. He should've known not to trust his heart...

    - Jace -


  37. Fallera's heart was thumping in her chest so loudly that she was afraid even Tartarus could hear it. She wouldn't have been surprised if her entire face was red. She looked away, biting her lip, trying hard to keep a controlled face when all she wanted to do was jump up, run away, and try to figure out her feelings in peace. Fallera would have sneaked a look at the second in command but she was afraid he would be looking at her too... and the last thing she wanted right now was to be sucked into those green eyes again.

  38. Jace choked out words, staring straight ahead at the setting sun. "Almost nighttime...Feeling better...?" He looked down at his shoes, still feeling the heat of his blush. It shouldn't be happening...and with a practical enemy in camp? It just doesn't make sense...but everything's in a loop now. The second-in-command gave in, he knew how he felt about Fallera, but how can he ever tell her?

    - Jace -

  39. "Yeah... Yeah," Fallera replied softly, finally finding the courage within her to roll over, wincing under the pain of her wounds, to face him. Her face pressed against the grass and the gentle night breeze rolled by her cheek. She smiled slightly, against her will, but she wasn't sure whether it was because the night was here or because she was looking at Jace. Fallera reached out a hand and pressed it to his wound, and closed her eyes in concentration. Her hand glowed dark purple and black. When she took her hand away the torn flesh was healed, looking like newly grown skin. Fallera was breathing a little heavily, slightly exhausted from her healing.

  40. Jace watched as his wounds healed, surprised at Fallera. He glanced at her with worried eyes, biting his lip as he consulted whether to tell her or not. "Listen, I really need to tell you something. Something important." Jace shifted positions, nervous. "But it's got to be in private...away from camp."

    - Jace -

  41. Fallera opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she realized that she didn't know what to say. She nodded mutely, and struggled to get up. "Should... should we go to the forest?" She asked him softly, finding herself staring into his green eyes that shone brightly in the moonlight. Fallera gulped, feeling her heart start thumping faster than before. She knew what this was. Oh, yeah, she knew. And she hated it.

  42. Jace nodded. "Yeah, let's go." He forced himself to walk, disappearing into the trees with Fallera following close behind.

    - Jace -

    (comment next at forest)
