Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The center of the camp, where all the camp's main cabins and buildings surround. The entrance to the camp leads directly to it. There are also paths from it to the other camp facilities.


  1. Jace was practically choking. He can't lie and tell the truth later, it'd be too suspicious. The second in command waited for Bryn's reaction, wondering if she'll believe Terra.

    - Jace -

  2. Bryn narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Was this true? It was obvious that the girl was a daughter of Aphrodite, and with relationships they were pretty serious. Terra just smiled at them all. "Well, your name, daughter of Aphrodte?"
    "Isabel Terra Liliaane, but call me Terra." She smiled brightly. "Are any of my sisters here?"
    "Yes. Your cabin is over there." Bryn pointed to the Aphrodite cabin, and Terra tossed Jace a wink before running off to the cabin.
    When she was gone, Bryn turned and faced Fallera and Jace. "Well?"

  3. Jace had on a face he hated using: the emotion of fear, and by authority. He glanced helplessly at Fallera, then back at Bryn. "It's..." Jace sighed. "It's true."

    - Jace -

  4. Fallera gave Bryn her best glare. "You got a problem?" She growled, and Bryn sighed. "Well. Not with you. Jace, you're coming with me." She beckoned him over to her, and turned to go into the Hades Cabin. Fallera hissed but relented, giving Jace a little kiss and turning to go to the Archery Range.

  5. Jace put his hands in his pockets, hiding his fear. What was going to happen...? He bit his lip, following Bryn into the cabin reluctantly.

    - Jace -

    (comment next Hades Cabin)

  6. Justice and Spencer emerged into the Clearing, and were instantly attacked by the Furies. Bryn ushered them away and they, disgruntled, obeyed her.

  7. Spencer's eyes widened in surprise, but only for a brief second before she knew what was going on. She glanced at Bryn, muttering, "Thanks," under her breath. She gazed around the clearing, looking for even a sign of where Terra was.


  8. Terra emerged from the Aphrodite cabin, in a disguise of short black hair and deep dark eyes, looking exactly like Kristi. She wanted to practice changing her appearance with her powers. "Hm," she hummed in thought, and turned to head towards the arena, her sword, which was currently a tube of lipgloss, in her pocket.

  9. Spencer narrowed her eyes at Terra. "Justice, does that girl seem suspicious to you?" She crossed her arms over her chest, eyes flashing.


    (My Google Account refuses to obey... -.-'')

  10. (o.... >.<)

    Justice narrowed his eyes at Terra. "I don't know, but there's certainly something different about her." Just then, Terra felt their gazes on her and looked around. She smiled benignly at them and turned her black hair into long brown hair, tied into a ponytail. Her eyes became orange and she grew slightly taller. Suddenly, Terra looked exactly like Spencer. She kept on going towards the arena.

  11. Spencer's eyes flickered with anger. "She thinks she can get away from being me? Oh...she's in for some revenge." She ran over. slipping in front of Terra, and smiling the sweetest smile she could make. "Hey, Terra. Nice shape-shifting skills. Do you get them for being the daughter of Aphrodite? Since you're really pulling it off."


  12. (she's not trying to get away with being her, she's just practicing)

    Terra was genuinely confused. "I was just... practicing..." she turned back into herself. "I have to go practice more in the arena, by the way. And it's not shapeshifting." She turned and walked calmly into the arena.

  13. (I know that. I didn't know what to say. ^^'')

    Spencer slipped in front of her once more. "In the arena? Mind if I join you? I could touch up on fighting, anyway."


  14. (oh. haha)

    Terra looked over at Justice who was standing behind Spencer. She was slightly confused. "Um, can you change your appearance? I just wanted to practice changing my appearance myself here, because nobody really wanted be back at camp anyways, so..."
    Justice laid a hand on Spencer's shoulder. "Back off," he said quietly in her ear. "You won't think straight if you're riled up."

  15. Spencer nodded slightly, smiling at Terra yet again. "No, I was never taught...unless you have to be born with it." She put on the most innocent smile anyone would ever see on Spencer. "No one? Why not? You're not all bad, after all. I mean, you didn't do anything wrong, right?"


  16. Terra narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She knew acting. She did it herself. "That's okay," she smiled back, sounding as innocent as Spencer. "I like practicing myself." She turned and disappeared, literally. Justice was quite confused. "Um... what?"

  17. Spencer's innocent smile disappeared just as fast as Terra had. Her bright eyes faded back into the usual dark glare. "I bet she found out about our-" she caught herself. "my act."


  18. Justice finally understood. "She can manipulate the Mist so strongly even demigods can't tell," he said, his eyes wide. "Aphrodite must have really liked her to grant her that power."

  19. Spencer muttered under her breath. "Liked her for what, is what I can't understand," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.


  20. Justice laughed. "Come on. Let's go think up some pranks in the Hermes Cabin." He pushed her gently forwards.

  21. Spencer let out a small sigh, making her way to their cabin with Justice following close behind.


    (Comment next Hermes Cabin...Unless you want to stop this and use another character?)

  22. (what do you mean... u wna play jace and fallera you mean?)

  23. (Yeah, or some other pair you can make with our characters. I mean, I really don't care.)

  24. (Ok. Hm... you wanna have a training session with Bryn and Lily?)
