Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hades Cabin

This cabin has no lights whatsoever, just a couple lamps and candles glowing softly on the ceiling of the cabin. The entranceway has the helmet, the symbol of Hades. Inside is a small statue of Hades himself with his three-headed-dog Cerberus. Bryn, the captain, lives here with her brother Jace.


  1. Bryn stepped into the cabin with Jace following her, and pointed her finger at several lamps, which turned on by themselves. She then gestured to her bunk, which was messy and had various weapons and books scattered around it. "That's my bed, and that's my cabinet," she added, nodding her head at a small drawer with her clothes and possessions inside. "All the beds have one. They look small, but they expand as you open them," Bryn explained to her Second in Command. "Pick a bunk. Settle down. Be comfortable. Whatever," she told Jace, then breezed out of the cabin to find Selena.

  2. Jace nodded, falling onto the bunk next to hers. Only then had he noticed how much the bruises and cuts had hurt him. " much did they want me to come...?" His hand grasped his upper arm, the one that had the cut. "Wonder if there's a healer around here..."

    - Jace -

  3. (sorry, there's no healer yet... i don't really want to play both captain and healer, but selena can help for now)
    Just then, Selena hurried in, with a bottle of ambrosia and nectar cider, and another bottle of some kind of poultice. "Hi, Jace! Sorry for beating you up before I took you into camp, you just wouldn't co-operate," she said brightly to the son of Hades. "Bryn told me to help with your wounds. You know, I think she actually cares about you. Oh, don't be surprised," she snapped, seeing Jace's face. "You're her brother. Here, drink some of this, but not to much or you'll burn up," Selena cautioned him, handing him the cider. "I don't know much about medicine and I'm no child of Apollo, but this poultice will do the job." She dabbed some on with a soft towel, and she could see Jace trying not to flinch from the pain. "Sorry it hurts," she apologized. "I'll get you a pain reliever if you want."

  4. Jace shook his head. "No, it's fine." He gulped down a few drinks of the cider. "....I know I'm her brother, but still. I don't think that'd actually happen."

    - Jace -

  5. Selena gave him a sideways glance. "She's not as cruel as you think, Jace. She has a good side too- not just the one that wants to kill anything that gets in her way." She paused, then smiled softly, her beautiful but harsh features softening. "Kind of like you."

  6. Jace's eyes widened in surprise, his hand almost dropping the drink. "W-what do you mean?"

    - Jace -

  7. Selena's face became hard once more. "Well, you're both mean, you're both determined, you don't let things get in your way, and you're both the children of Hades. You both have good sides and bad sides. You both have a short temper. You both care about people who don't care about you- or at least you think they don't care about you." She looked up at him. "I could go on forever."

  8. Bryn? This is Brook. Will you teach me about my history and the ways of a demigod?

  9. (Bryn isn't here right now, she's prob in the clearing somewhere, or in the arena ripping things apart)

  10. Jace felt like he was choking. "I-" He glanced down. "How do you know all this? I just came not too long ago."

    - Jace -

  11. Selena glared at him. "Hello? Daughter of Athena? Besides, children of Hades are way too obvious. People say they're all emotionless and everything, but it's definitely not true."

  12. "Emotionless....wonder who made that one up." Jace gave Selena a slight grin.

    - Jace -

  13. "Oooooh Jaaaaaace!! Jaaaaaaace! Can I do your hair. Selena said that we should stop fighting so I think I should do your hair. How 'bout piggy tails or horsey tails? You choose. Then we can play Mommy. I will be the Mommy and you will be the Daddy! Sounds fun!" Brook said smiling. "Oh and then will you show me around?"

  14. Selena returned his grin and sat on his bed next to him. "So... what did you do before you came here?" she asked, capping the bottle of poultice. "Well, before you wandered into the forest and I dragged you here," she corrected herself sheepishly.

  15. Jace glanced uneasily at Brooklyn. "Sorry, not now." His gaze turned back to Selena. "Well, since my mother died, I ran away from home. My step-dad was in a war at that time, and he hated me anyways." Jace's hands clenched into fists at the mention of his father. "From there, I had no home. I was missing for days now, but no one knew. By then I found the forest, and apparently ended up dragged here."

    - Jace -

  16. "Jace! You are always sooo ignorant! I know because I know your mom... What's her name again? I don't remember . I know because she was my Mom too. We just have different Dads. Don't ask where I learned that... I don't rememeber her because I was a baby when she left me. Please just care just a little about me. I am your little sister and I look up to you." brook said.

  17. "Bryn? Today is my birthday. I am eight!!! My daddy said I become an apprentice when I am eight! So who will train me?" Brooklyn said questioningly.

  18. Selena smiled gently ar him. "I'm sorry about your loss... at least you have a true father now. I know Hades cares about you."

    Bryn looked down at the little girl. "Um... I guess Selena could. She's like... really smart, and a really good fighter."

    (There's no ceremonies for apprentices)

  19. Jace glared at Brooklyn. "You'er not my little sister, and I'm not your brother. I use my mother's surname, since Hades doesn't have one." He turned back to Selena. "I don't think that's true. He hardly says anything to me. Heck, he might even hate me as much as my step-dad did."

    - Jace -

  20. "But it's TRUE!!! My Daddy came to me and said in a dream that I am your sister! Why don't you believe me!" Brook cried. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

  21. "Jace, since you are sooo mean I will just do you a favor and leave!" Brook stormed out of the Cabin, ran into her cabin packed all her clothes and ran for the forest...

  22. Selena looked at Jace. "Like I said. The children of Hades may not look like they care, but they do. Don't you think that might be the same with Hades himself? I mean, Lord Hades?" Selena hurried to correct herself before she was sucked down into the underworld.

    Selena glanced at Brook. She sighed. "Hey, Brook! Brook! Get back here!" She groaned. She looked back at Jace. "We might as well chase after her. She's off to the forest, I'm sure." She got up, turned her bracelets into her twin daggers, and zipped off to the forest.

  23. (never mind, bryn's gone. don't go to the forest)

  24. "Uh, Bryn? I just wanted to say sorry for all the trouble I caused you. I was being kinda bad I guess. I have never told you this but, well, um, I look up to you and I want to be just like you. You are like my sister. even though Jace is my brother, You still feel closer to me. I Love you Bryn." Brook said. Then she reached over and gave her a BIG hug. "Good-Night Bryn. I will go get my jammies on." Then Brook walked away got ready for bed and slept.

  25. Hey, will you make a satyr page? Then we can all have protectors. Also, pleaz make an artemis cabin. Thanx!!! :D

  26. (Jace isn't Brook's brother! That's why I made him mad for Brook saying that. Jace can't be, I was thinking about it, all in my head, and it's not possible. Even if we had different dads but the same mother, it's not possible, cuz ALL demigods hafta use the other parent's surname, cuz gods don't have last names! Sorry if I'm being too hard on you, but we just have to settle on an agreement.)

  27. I know. Brook's I didn't add all Brook's personality. She's kind of a liar. That's what I want her character to be. So just bear with me! Whatever I say that you know isn't true just bear with me! Brook is a liar. She likes to make up stories in her head.
    P.S. You aren't being too hard! You just want to make your own desicions!

  28. (Alright....I feel so bad now. Sorry. -.-'')

  29. That's okay. Did you join my Camp Demigod yet? If you didn't PLEASE do! go to Thanx!

  30. Hey, Brookstar/Stormy, Who plays Martin Linke? Can Ivy have a HUGE crush on him? And he could have a HUGE crush on him too? Also, thank-you SOOOOOO Much for Kylie's new picture! She is soooo cute!

  31. *grin* I play martin. he's based on my best friend XD

  32. (i guess. but he won't be like, crazy in love, okay? just a crush. no offense, it's just not his thing. The falling in love, i mean.)

  33. "Bryn, this is Ivy. I just finished curing Melody. She's gonna be fine, but she needs to be in the Hospital Wing for a few days. You can go visit her and talk to her. I told her the basics. And, yes she's definately the daughter of Aphrodite." Ivy declared.

  34. "Jace, you need to get a patrol! It's Marine! Come to the forest! And quick!" Ivy screamed then sprinted back to the forest.

  35. Fallera walked quietly inside, putting her bag onto the bed, then sitting down. She hated the feel of the beds... her mother was Nyx, her father wasn't Hades. She lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

  36. Jace stepped into the doorway, squinting at the sudden darkness. "Hey Fallera." He headed over to his bed and sat down, glancing over uncomfortably. "I know you're disappointed that we don't have a Nyx Cabin yet, but we'll build one soon. I'll see to it that it get's built soon."

    - Jace -

  37. Fallera stared up at the ceiling. "You know that's not true. It's a camp for Olympian children. Don't you think there should be a cabin for minor gods too? Heck, Nyx isn't even really a goddess, she's the primordial goddess of Nyx, he sister of Kronos. She's more a titan."

  38. Jace tapped his foot on the floor. "Goddess or not, we still accepted you, didn't we? We won't take our word back, especially because if we do...Less campers will be here defending the camp. We're going to need you, whether you think so or not."

    - Jace -

  39. Fallera sighed. "Now I'm in some stupid prophecy," she muttered. She turned her head around and gave him a fierce, cold look. The room seemed to grow darker. "Am I here just so I can help defend your camp? You don't use me."

  40. Jace returned the look, just as intense. "Listen. I tried making friends with you, even smiling and greeting you when you joined. If you don't want to be here, then why'd you come in the first place?" His hands gripped the edge of the bed. "We never asked for you to be here. If you want to go off into the forest and get killed by a Fury my father summoned from the Underworld, then fine."

    - Jace -

  41. Her black eyes bore into his, and forced his mind blank. "I'm sorry, but I don't think your father would kill someone who was part of the prophecy to save his life," she hissed in a dangerous, scarily calm voice.

  42. "Then I'll do the work myself. Or I can just summon skeleton warriors to do that for me," Jace growled, fighting the glare with his blue eyes.

    - Jace -

  43. Thalia walked in happily with Kylie.

  44. Fallera smiled sweetly. "I'd like to see you try," she raised an eyebrow in challenge, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see her anyway with the darkness she had made over his eyes. "Asking dead people to do your work for you, huh? Very talented," she mocked sarcastically. She turned her head in a glare at Kylie and Thalia. "What do you think you're doing here? Go back to your father's cabin," she snapped.

  45. Jace crossed his arms. "Whatever. You don't even need to be here." He glanced at Kylie skipping into the cabin, with Thalia trailing behind.

    - Jace -

  46. Fallera smiled winningly at Jace. "I've proven my point," she smirked. Her face suddenly closed off her face, lifting the black mist from Jace's eyes, and turned away from him. Her eyes shone momentarily with something, then it vanished.

  47. Jace paused, then smirked in Fallera's direction. "You're the first girl that's haven't either flirt with me or leave me alone, being the child of Hades and all."

    - Jace -

  48. Fallera rolled her eyes at Jace. "Are you an idiot? Bryn and the apprentices don't flirt with you." She spoke scathingly, but the darkness in the room had lightened a bit.

  49. Jace smiled. "They see me as...something different."

    - Jace -

  50. "I hope in a bad way," Fallera spat. She was still turned away from him, hunched over.

  51. Jace scoffed. "Sure...." He crossed his arms, staring at the floor.

    - Jace -

  52. Fallera lay back on the bed again, staring up at the ceiling. "What happens in the prophecy?" She asked, keeping her fear out of her voice.

  53. Jace sighed. "Well...the prophecy says you four will find and defeat the one who had run...which was Marine. If you fail, Olympus will fall. Wand somewhere near the west, we will battle, and then a captured friend will help them free, but he/she might..." He cleared his throat. "die."

    - Jace -

  54. Fallera corrected him. "No, that person will die. The prophecy didn't say might."

    (Fallera's gonna die because she's going to be captured)

  55. (Actually, no. Either Selena or Martin will. Wait, does Jace care more about Fallera or Selena?)

  56. (Umm. He cares more about Selena...but Fallera seems like his type...I'm actually not sure.)

  57. (Well, Marine seems to hate Jace now so she'll kill the one he's closer to...)

    Fallera sighed. "What if I die?" She whispered to herself. "Will I care? Will anybody else care? Will... Nyx care?"

  58. Fallera glanced over at Jace, still looking at her, and her eyes dulled with something that she had never shown anyone before. Loneliness Because her one weakness wasn't light or morning, it was friendship. She had never had friends before, because they would always betray her in the end. That was why she closed herself off from everyone else.

  59. (Aww....don't kill Fallera. I feel bad for her. One has to someone else? I don't want Selena to die either. Jace is going to be really sad)

    Jace shook his head. "You're not dieing. Not when I'm still here. The camp likes you, whether they show it or not. It's not like a new person to come and be in a prophecy, but you're special. People are going to miss you." His blue eyes showed emotion never seen before, turning his head away, he blushed a light pink, hoping Fallera didn't see him.

    - Jace -

    (Do you think they're good for each other? Or am I just crazy?)

  60. (I know, but.... what would happen to the last line of the prophecy?

    Fallera hid a small smile, her back still turned to him. "I... thanks," she almost whispered. She didn't see the slight flush in his cheeks.

    (I think they're good together :D)

  61. (The last line...someone else could die...)

    A smile played on Jace's lips. He stared up at the ceiling. "So..."

    - Jace -

    (Okay good. I'm not crazy.)

  62. (i guess so, but who would be willing to die?)

    Fallera pulled herself together, and turned back around. "So?" She raised an eyebrow impatiently. "If you're going to "so" there all day, you might as well teach me to fight like a prophecy demigoddess," she told him, the ends of her mouth twitching. She didn't know why, but this guy... he gave off a good vibe, she guessed. Fallera quickly and fiercely pushed the thought away. No, she couldn't be close to ANYONE- not after.....

  63. (I would!Yeah I just want to do that so I can make another person) :)

  64. (Um, okay, I'll just wait until we have more ppl willing kay? :))

  65. Jace fought an amused smile. "Sure, meet me at the Arena after lunch. And bring your weapon..." He studied her curiously. "That is, if you have one." He stared into her dark eyes, then shook himself. He was not falling in love. Not now, not ever...unless...

    - Jace -

  66. Fallera narrowed her eyes, and with the shiing! of metal and a flash of light, a two-and-a-half foot longsword made of steel, celestial bronze, and stygian iron was pointed at his throat. "Is this what you call a weapon?" She smirked at him.

  67. Jace raised an eyebrow. "Nice choice, but I'm still sticking to my sword, children of Hades style." He grabbed the three foot Stygian iron sword out of its sheath, pushing Fallera's sword down with force, his eyes glinting. "I don't lose a battle," his eyes darkened, a cold smile creeping over his face.

    - Jace -

  68. Fallera smiled. "Yeah? I heard Bryn can kick your butt anytime," she taunted, slipping her sword away and leaning back, her flexible body bending easily. She flipped onto her bed, then leapt forward feet first, kicking the sword out of Jace's hands. She stood with one foot on it with an expressionless look. "See you at the Arena," she said quietly, fading away into the shadows with his sword. She reappeared in the arena.

  69. Jace crossed his arms, watching his sword disappear along with Fallera. He took a look around the room, shadow-traveling a split second after Fallera. Jace appeared at the Arena, stumbling, then regaining balance.

    - Jace -

    (comment nxt at Arena)

  70. Bryn growled at Jace, shutting the door behind them as she faced him. "You lied to me," she snapped at him angrily. "You told me you wouldn't fall for anyone. Now your... love," she spat the word out in disgust, "Will weaken you."

  71. Jace sighed. "I tried not to, I swear. It just happened..." A streak of anger flashed across his green eyes as he laughed sarcastically. "My love? It'll never weaken me. Do you see another point in me loving Fallera now?"

    - Jace -

  72. Bryn hissed, her amber eyes fiery. "Look at me then, Jace. Can you call me weak? No, and that's because I've never loved anybody ever since I realized that love made you weak. Fallera knows that too. Why do you think she'd been avoiding you? But now she's given it up. She accepted weakness to be with you, can you understand that? You'd better, because if you don't, someone like you doesn't deserve her." She finished her rant and stomped around, growling, her hand clenching her dagger.

  73. Jace glared at her, sliding out his sword. "I'm ready to prove that wrong. Both of us can fight just as well as anyone else. Why do you suppose all this is hidden? If Terra hadn't told anyone, you'd be perfectly fine. We just wanted to feel something other anger and the rush of battle. But you wouldn't know that, would you?" He spat out the words, anger building up.

    - Jace -

  74. Bryn growled back at him. "Look, I don't need you to tell me that for me to know that. I know who I am. I might not like it, but it's who I am. I love the battle adrenaline. I love killing. I love the golden ichor of monsters splattering on the ground as I stab through its heart. I'm cold and heartless, Jace, and it's how I survived. You can't tell me any different." Her eyes were turning black, and she was beginning to slightly look like an angry Fallera.

  75. Jace held the glare, ignoring the resemblance to Fallera. "A cold, heartless person, huh? Even I'd expect even a change with you being captain. You can't go around with no kindness to the camp at all. If you do...' He tapped his sword on the ground, looking back at Bryn with serious eyes. "You're gonna lose respect from us."

    - Jace -

  76. Bryn looked at Jace with fury, disbelief, and a bit of hurt. "Disrespect me? Jace, do you not hear me? All I've done for you is try to help. You know who I am, you know I don't believe in love. And I have tried to pass on my ways to you, to give you strength, to give you advice, that you have ignored! You go off with Fallera, paying no heed to my words. When I finally acknowledge your relationship with Nyx's daughter you tell me the rest of the camp with disrespect me! Are you blind, Jace? Do you think I have not noticed? The connection you have with Fallera is undeniable. The moment you and Fallera met each other I knew you would fall for her, and her for you. I have not interfered, should you not thank me for that? And yet, I have lost a strong deputy to the claws of love, isn't that a sacrifice?" Bryn sat down with her fists clenched, angry tears stinging her eyes.

  77. Jace collapsed on his bunk, covering his face with his hands. He looked up to Bryn, sighing. "Alright, I'm done. Either you believe in me or..." He looked down at his palm, whatever bond he felt he had breaking his heart. "I'm giving up my position. Assign it to someone else."

    - Jace -

    (Well, you could always give it to someone else for some time and then I get it back? 'Cause I'm not "really" giving it back...if I was...that'd suck. But it's always your choice.)

  78. (oh, i'm not demoting jace :))

    Bryn wiped off a tear on her cheek and she stood up. "I'll give you a chance. You prove to me that Fallera won't weaken you and you'll stay second in command. Two weeks." She turned and walked away, slamming the door behind her. There was a tense silence, then a growl from outside the door and an answering hiss. A second later Fallera came in. "Hey, are you okay?" She sat down next to Jace, looking up at his green eyes.

  79. (Mmk. ^^)

    Jace sighed. "I'm fine." Total lie. He looked away, hoping his eyes wouldn't give him away.

    - Jace -

  80. (...That was a poor choice of words. o.O)

  81. (LOL)

    Fallera narrowed her eyes as she lifted her chin defiantly. "I'm not an idiot, Jace. What did Bryn do to you? Or, what did you do to her so she did it?" She leaned forward and finally caught his green gaze with her cold black stare.

  82. Jace shrugged, flinching under Fallera's stare. "We argued about love making us weak," He paused, sighing. "And we settled on an agreement. I have two weeks to prove to Bryn that loving you won't weaken me or else..." Jace sighed. "I'll be demoted to a warrior."

    - Jace -

  83. Fallera leaned back, frowning. "That untrusting--" she cut herself off from insulting the Captain. If Bryn heard she could be punished even more. She sighed. "Do you want me to stay away from you, then? If it makes Bryn happier. Fallera suddenly gave Jace a threatening glare. "Hey, if you cheat on me I'll rip both your arms off, okay? And you can take her to your Dad's place for a visit."

  84. Jace shook his head. "You don't have to stay away from me. Just help me think of a way to prove to Bryn that love won't weaken me." He grinned. "I'm not gonna cheat on you. If I did, who would I be with instead?" He rose an eyebrow, curious.

    - Jace -

  85. Fallera gave him a look. "Duh. Selena, who else?" She rolled her eyes. "People are idiots..." She sighed and leaned back into his pillow. "So... what now? How are we going to make Bryn think that? Because I agree with her, you know. You should know how much I'm sacrificing for you."

  86. Jace sighed. "Selena's just my friend." He shrugged. "I'm not sure." The second in command looked down, ignoring the last two sentences. He didn't know, and he was choosing not to. If he did, their relationship might just slip into turmoil.

    - Jace -

  87. Fallera looked at him from underneath her straight black hair. She suddenly snorted in amusement. "You look so lost," she giggled, clapping her hand over her mouth as she laughed. Fallera finally calmed down at looked up again. "Well, I don't think you should take it so seriously. Even if you are demoted, it'll pretty much be the same. You just won't be able to be so authoritative and order people around." She shrugged. "And if you are deputy, Bryn'll still order you around like she does everyone."

  88. Jace stared at the ground in thought. "That's always true, but..." He shook his head. "I don't know. I just feel like it fits me. And my rank being ripped away is just...I can't explain it."

    - Jace -

  89. Fallera looked at him undecidedly, then leaned against him with her arm around his waist. "I know. Well, I've gotten used to it, and I suppose so will you if you do just become warrior but... I don't know, I just don't think you'll be demoted. If my gut feeling makes you feel better." She gave him a tiny smile and looked up at him.

  90. Jace managed a faint grin, although it faded quickly. "So how can we make Bryn realize that love won't make me weak...? I can always challenge her to battle, but there's this feeling lingering in my mind, telling me I'll lose."

    - Jace -

  91. Fallera snorted. "No offense, dude, but duh you'll lose. She isn't the Captain for nothing." She sighed again. "But we'll pull through, I guess. At least you will." She hesitated, then reached up with her head and gave him a little kiss. "I trust you. Sort of. Finally."

  92. Jace let out a small laugh, but it was covered quickly with concern clouding his eyes. "At least I will? What's happening to you...?" It was the wrong thing to say but he felt like he had to know...

    - Jace -

  93. Fallera smiled sadly. "Well, things for me in terms of relationships hasn't really turned out very well, has it? My parents betrayed me by dumping me somewhere in Siberia, then my friend backstabbed me, my boyfriend cheated on me and called me some... bad things, then my best friend sort of hated on me. I suppose this'll turn out the same way, but I'll enjoy it while I can." She curled up beside him and sighed. "I suppose I shouldn't have told you that, should I?"

  94. Jace placed his hand on her back, giving her a promising look. "I'll never cheat on you. I promise..."

    - Jace -

  95. Fallera gave him a look. "It's not just cheating on me, but... thanks. I guess." She smiled a little, a red flush forming on her cheeks before she willed it away in case he caught it. Nobody had ever seen her blush since... well, nobody, actually, that she remembered.

  96. Jace smiled, "Nothing else...I won't try to harm you. Ever. I can promise that."

    - Jace -

    (my comments are getting shorter by the second... o.O)

  97. (lol)

    Fallera bit her lip. That's what the rest of them said as well. She pushed it to the back of her head and gave him a little grin. "Thank you... for saying that, I mean. It means a lot."

  98. Jace gave her a curious look as she bit her lip. "What's wrong...?" Then he knew. "Oh..." He smiled faintly. "The difference is, I'm not one of them ."

    - Jace -

  99. Fallera looked up, surprised. How did he know what she was thinking? Still, she gave him another grin. "I'd hope not. The rest of them sucked." She smiled slightly as she nudged him slightly and inhaled his now-familiar scent that sent shivers down her back.

  100. Jace smiled. He fought the urge to give Fallera another kiss, remembering Bryn's warning. With a sigh, he stood up, looking back at Fallera. "Did you want to go anywhere? If not, I'm going to need to try and prove the weakness thing to Bryn."

    - Jace -

  101. Fallera shrugged. "Well... If we are going to go anywhere, where do we wanna go?" She put her head against his chest, and suddenly felt like it belonged there. She suddenly fought back the urge to snort. What a stupid, lovey-dovey girl she was becoming...

  102. Jace looked down, touching Fallera's arm slightly. He pulled back, looking back at the door to the cabin. "Terra. We need to get even." His eyes narrowed a flash of anger streaking across its green surface.

    - Jace -

  103. Fallera looked up, thinking deeply. "Yeah, of course. But I'm thinking f the best way to do that... a full on physical attack would not be good- Aphrodite would kill us, and she looks pretty talented herself. Maybe... we should play a prank on her. We're obviously not the best at pranks... I'm not. But you know who is..." she smirked at Jace, a certain son of Hecate lingering in her mind.

  104. Jace smiled, his eyes glinting with revenge. "Justice. He couldn't have gone far on his first day, could he...?" He pushed open the door, squinting at the sunlight.

    - Jace -

  105. Fallera thought of someone else suddenly. "And a particular daughter of revenge. Spencer. I swear, if they really tried, those two would be a scary pair." She smiled dangerously. "And I'd bet they've already gotten into trouble, judging by the looks on the Furies' faces." Fallera looked at the three monsters complaining and shrieking to Bryn as the Captain looked slightly bored with amusement.

  106. Jace let out a laugh. "Perfect team for this. We just need to make sure they're on our side for this instead of Terra's." He paused in thought. "And we can't really get them angry, or Spencer's gonna get back at us. And that could mean going to Terra's side." He stepped outside carefully, as if the the camp had mines planted everywhere, and you didn't know where they were until they blew up. "Now, where do you think they could be?"

    - Jace -

  107. Fallera looked towards the woods. "Well, judging by the Furies' words, I'd guess the Forest. Come on!" She grabbed his wrist in a vice-like grip and ran off to the forest.

    (comment there next)
