Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hermes Cabin

The Hermes Cabin is bright, sunny, and is usually spray painted, due to the pranks that are played there. The entrance has the staff of Hermes, and inside is a pair of winged sandals and cap. There is also a lot of whoopee cushions on the couches. The door is usually attached to a bucket of water, which pours down on any person who enters and is not a child of Hermes. The unclaimed children live here also.


  1. Justice dumped his bag on the bed nearest to the door, casting a quick spell to ward away intruders and disabling the Hermes "prank" for a month.

  2. Spencer rose an eyebrow, setting her things on a bunk, watching Justice. "You couldn't have made it longer?"

    - Spencer -

  3. Justice gave her a look. "I'm not my mother," he said. "I can do magic, but I didn't want to drain all my energy making the counterspell last longer. I'll see if I can do more later. The power in the prank thing is a bit too strong for me to completely destroy it- besides, I don't think Hermes would be happy if I did. " He pointed a finger at the door, and it slammed shut.

  4. "Whatever." Spencer corssed her legs onto the bed, staring at Justice. "Don't you hate having to stay in the Hermes cabin? No cabins for," she cleared her throat. "Achem, minor gods."

    - Spencer -

  5. Justice sighed. "Yeah. But I trust that they'd make, you know, minor god cabins. Hey, you notice that all the minor demigods have minor goddesses as their mothers, not minor gods as their fathers?" He pointed out, smiling.

  6. Spencer's smile lingered, faint. "Huh. Never thought about that." She repositioned herself, leaning forward. "So did you want to go anywhere, or what?"

    - Spencer -

  7. Justice shrugged. "If you want to. You wanna explore around? The archery range and arena seem fun. By the way, what do you think about Bryn? She seems really crabby," he said, crossing his arms. "The way she threatened you like that." He wrinkled his nose. "I didn't like that." Justice was already feeling protective of Spencer, as she was the first demigod-er, demigoddess he saw and knew, and for some reason he felt that if she got hurt he would take revenge.

    (no, he's not crushing on her, he's just naturally protective of those he thinks are his friends)

  8. (Mmk. ^^)

    Spencer nodded. "I don't know what's up with her. But she's the captain of the camp so we can't really do much about it. Plus, the second-in-command is half-siblings with her. No doubt he'd be on her side."

    - Spencer -

  9. Justice gave her a look. "That doesn't mean we have to like her," he said, and stood up. "I'm going to look around. You coming?"

  10. Spencer pondered at the thought for a while, then spoke, "Yeah, I'm coming." She uncrossed her legs, standing up. "Where to?"

    - Spencer -

  11. "Hm... I guess just around. So that if we ever intend to escape we can find our way out," Justice smirked at her, leaning against the doorframe casually.

  12. Spencer smiled, something she hadn't done for a while, especially after she found out she was a daughter of Nemesis. "Good idea."

    - Spencer -

  13. Justice smiled back at her. "Shall we?" He said playfully, dramatically gesturing to the door, his arms waving around.

  14. Spencer let out a small laugh, stepping through the doorway, and looking back at Justice. "We shall."

    - Spencer -

  15. Justice walked out in an exaggerated step, offering her his arm. "Then accompany me, lady," he grinned, hazel eyes bright.

  16. Spencer hesitated at Justice's offering arm, but smiled. "You know I will."

    - Spencer -

  17. Justice smiled, drawing back his arm. "Come on, let's get out of here." He closed the door to the cabin. "Let's get something to eat on our way - we'll see if the Furies'll let us grab a snack. If not, well, I'll cast a spell." He laughed a little.

  18. Justice was playing around with a mug on the table next to his bunk with his powers, and Spencer was reading on her bunk, when Damon stepped in. Justice looked up. "Hey, who're you?"
    Damon shrugged. "I'm new. Son of Erebus."
    "Erebus? Shouldn't you be in the Hades' Cabin, then?" Justice asked. After all, Fallera was a daughter of Nyx and she was put in the Hades' Cabin.
    Damon chose to ignore that, and put his stuff down on the bunk second nearest to the door.
    Justice exchanged a glance with Spencer.

  19. Spencer shrugged, glancing back at Damon. He looked as if she'd seen him before, but she knew that wasn't possible. "Hey, son of Erebus, you never told us your name."


  20. "Damon Brink," the boy said swiftly, putting a watch on his wrist and a armband on his, well, arm. It was his sword and shield, though there was also a mechanical pencil in his pocket that was a dagger.
    Justice raised an eyebrow, and Damon spoke again. "What're your names? And I don't suppose you're both children of Hermes."
    Justice snorted. "'Course not. Justice Mattel, son of Hecate."

  21. Spencer's eyes were narrowed as she watched Damon put on a watch and armband. "Spencer Myrical, daughter of Nemesis."


  22. Damon's eyes widened slightly at the Nemesis part. "Really? I've met your mother before," he told Spencer without thinking, then quickly shut up. He didn't exactly want to reveal why he met her.

  23. Spencer rose an eyebrow, hiding her anger. She'd never met her mother, and she has the nerve to talk to a son of Erebus? "You've met my mother?" That's when she realized it. "Did you or someone in your life want revenge?"


  24. "Maybe." Damon busied himself with laying out some clothes and gulping down some water, avoiding her question.

  25. Spencer's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What do you mean, 'maybe'? Answer my question. I don't have all day."


  26. Damon rolled his eyes now. "Dude, not everything's about you. I don't have to answer every question you ask me." Then, he whipped out a pen and notepad. "What, is this an interview or something? Here's your pen and notebook. What magazine are you working for? 'Bighead Nemesis'?" He mocked, and put his stationary away. Even Justice had to admit, Damon was good.

  27. Spencer scowled. "Well, I can see how you're the son of Erebus, but it makes it worse knowing that my mother was one of Erebus's offspring." She looked him over with distaste.


  28. Damon gave Spencer a grin, his ice blue eyes shining. "So you're my niece?" He asked, incredulously, and Justice barked in laugher. "I'm glad my Mom's just Asteria's daughter," he smiled.

  29. Spencer grimaced. "You? As an uncle?" She shifted positions on her bunk. "Having an uncle that's like, a year older than me..." she muttered. Her head sank into her pillow, out coming a muffled groan. Spencer looked back at Damon. "Just don't expect me to do anything 'family related'," she spat.


  30. Damon's grin grew wider. "I didn't expect you to, Spencey," he smirked, already having a nickname for her.
    Justice watched their exchange with amusement, and winked at Damon. He liked him already.

    (I didn't have the heart to make Damon completely evil... so I settled for a mutual agreement between Fallera and him to back off each other (well, eventually))

  31. (Hmm...alright then.)

    Spencer narrowed her eyes at Damon, growing agitated. "This is hopeless." She turned on her bunk, took her hair out of her ponytail, and set her head on her pillow.


  32. Damon laughed, and fell back into his bunk. "Let's not miss dinner though, shall we?" He reminded the other two. "It's in thirty minutes, and we've got kitchen duty today."
    Justice nodded, and glanced at his watch. "We leave in 10 minutes, then?"

  33. Spencer turned to Justice. "Yeah, that should work..."


  34. Justice flashed her a grin and gave her a nod, exchanged a curt smile with Damon, and the two boys leaned back in their bunks, Justice falling asleep immediately. Damon took out a book and began to flip through its pages.

  35. Spencer stifled a sigh, turning so she was lying on her back, and stared at the ceiling of the cabin. She was deep in thought, thinking back to the beginning of the argument with Damon. Back when he mentioned her mother. What could he have meant?


  36. (He meant... HE WAS A CHEATING RETARD... at the time.)

    Damon flipped another page of his book, "Cold Mountain", and shifted in his place, running a hand through his jet black, slightly long hair. Justice turned over in his sleep and began emitting a sound akin to a snore, while Damon held back a snort of amusement.

  37. (Haha, xD)

    Spencer's amber eyes shifted towards Justice, grinning. "Nice," she muttered, going back to staring at the ceiling.


  38. Damon laughed quietly, his ice blue eyes flickering quickly to Spencer and back again, while Justice sniffed and exhaled loudly, rolling over.

  39. Spencer instinctively looked beside her, where her bedside table and alarm clock had used to be. Stifling a sigh, she glanced at Damon. "Do you have a watch or something?"


  40. Damon looked up, and gave Spencer a little smile. "Catch," he said, and in a fluid movement a watch out of his pocket and flying towards his cabinmate.

  41. Spencer caught it quickly, glancing at the clock with its seconds ticking by, and tossed it back. "About time. Wake sleepyhead over there, will ya?"


  42. "I'd be honored," Damon grinned, creating a shadow out of thin air and seizing his book with it. He promptly whacked Justice on the head with the book, and the son of Hecate groaned and opened his eyes. "Did you have to do that?" He glared at the book above his head, and Damon laughed.
    "Come on, let's get outta here."

  43. Spencer hoisted herself up, heading towards the cabin door and pushing it open. She looked back, slightly, to make sure the others were following, and made way towards the Dining Pavilion.


    (Er...comment there.)
