Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Three Daughters

Bryn somehow knew they would come today. Maybe that's why she stood at the camp entrance for gods knows how long, waiting for not particularly anything, until a noise captured her attention. Not making a single noise, she stepped out, dagger in hand, to investigate. The sound was coming from behind a cluster of shrubbery, trees, and other foliage. She bent down to see from the bottom. There, glaring at each other from across the clearing, were three girls about her own age. Actually, two of them were glaring at one of them.

Bryn decided to intrude. "What's going on here?" She demanded in a cold voice, stepping out of the cover of the trees. The girl with straight black hair and blue eyes glared at her.
"Who are you?" She snapped.
"Captain of Camp Demigod," Bryn shot right back. "And I can tear you to bits if you mess with me."
"Yeah? Try me," she sneered, taking out a celestial bronze sword. Judging by her electric blue eyes and features, she was a daughter of Zeus. Typical. She had a sword, too, which meant she knew she was a demigod. Oh well. At least Bryn had more training than her, she would be able to defeat her pretty easily.
Bryn narrowed her eyes. Her katana appeared out of nowhere, and she held it at the ready.
The girl charged her, and slashed at her head. Bryn easily deflected it. She slashed towards her, and the girl ducked just in time. Bryn used that time to raise her foot high in the air, then bring it down on her neck, and she collapsed onto the floor. Tugging the stygian iron chain off her neck, she threw it at her, and it grew, wrapping around the girl, forming an inescapable prison of godly iron. Bryn put the tip of her katana at the girl's neck, looking bored. "Tell me your name."
She glared up at her. "Thalia Hunter."
Bryn whispered a greek word, θνβινδ, and the chain wrapped around her neck once more. She turned to the blond girl and other black haired girl. "Your names, please."
"Cynthia Sky." The blond girl, another daughter of Zeus.
"Fallera Flight." Barely a whisper, the name was from a daughter of Nyx. Bryn nodded, then put her foot on Thalia's stomach, and touched the other two girls' shoulders. They shadow-travelled back to camp.

They arrived, coming out of the ground. Martin looked a little wary, Selena curious, and the whole camp emerged from their respective cabins and activities to glance at the new arrivals. "We have three new daughters joining us today as warriors," Bryn announced, only half paying attention to her own words as she wiped the dirt off her katana on the grass below her.
She glanced briefly at Brook. "Brook, you can take your two half-sisters to their cabins," Bryn gestured to Thalia and Cynthia. "Sorry, Fallera, there's no Nyx Cabin yet, but you can stay in the Hades Cabin for now. Jace, please take her there." Bryn flicked her head at the second in command, who gave her a curt nod. Bryn was walking away to go hunt with Selena for a bit when Martin called out, "Wait, Bryn!"
She turned around to look at the peaceful son of Apollo. "Yes?"
"Devin has to say something."
Said son of Zeus came out of the shadows. "I'm sorry, Bryn, but I don't think I'm good for the Camp Demigod setting. I... just wanna live a normal, mortal life. So I'm going to avoid monsters, go back to school, get a job, get married, do whatever normal humans do. I'm sorry. I've gotta go." With that, he walked out of camp.
Bryn stared after him coldly. "Whatever," she muttered, then stomped over to Jace and the Hades Cabin, loosing her good mood.


  1. Jace stared at Devin, shocked. He would get killed in the city, being vulnerable to monsters. Jace shook his head; if he chose that path, then fine. "Hey Fallera. Daughter of Nyx, right? I'm Jace, but you probably already knew that." He stuck out a hand, smiling.

    - Jace -

  2. Fallera stared down at his hand. "Yeah, whatever," she muttered, pushing past him to the dark cabin that was obviously Hades'.

  3. But before she could move farther, Kylie jumped in her way. "Hi!" she said smiling sweetly. "I'm Kylie! Kylie Collins, Daughter of Zeus!." she said happily. "Who are you?"

  4. Oh, and I am working on making a base for Marine and her allies! Yay! I will tell you when it's finished!

  5. Here's the URL:
    And Can she like kidnap somebody and hold them captive? Because, she could like kidnap either Selena, Jace, or Kylie. Oh and will you make a post telling people to join the blog, so then Marine will have some allies? Thanks!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. (JACE JACE JACE JACE!!!! Capture Jace!!! It'll make more sense!!)

    Jace pulled back his hand, glancing questionably to Fallera. "Note to self: the nice image isn't working." He muttered, following Fallera to the cabin.

    - Jace -

  8. (I think Selena would work too)

    Fallera heard him out of the corner of her range of hearing. She raised an eyebrow, and glanced down at Kylie. "Hi," she muttered then pushed past her to the Hades Cabin.

  9. But, Kylie kept following her. "So whatcha doin'?" she asked.
