Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Prophecy

Bryn kneeled at the Oracle, a mummified girl sitting on a chair. "Oracle... Do you have a prophecy for the quest?"
Silence, Bryn almost stood up to go, when the Oracle glowed an eerie, green light. She froze. An echoey, vibrant voice came from the mummy:
"The eagle, the night, and the suns
Will find and defeat the one who had run.
For if they do not punish the evil call,
The kingdom of the gods will surely fall.

Leave to the to the far distant west,
And battle the greatest and best.
A captured friend will help them flee,
But from the claws of death he will not be free."

The green light faded away, and Bryn stared at the dull light, then looked away. She had to tell the rest of the camp.

"Camp Demigod!" She yelled, and the campers emerged from their activities. "I have received a prophecy from the Oracle. All the campers from the Apollo cabin, Hades cabin, and Zeus cabin, please come over here."


The prophecy is beginning! *smile*
Oh yeah. For those who are interested in titans, I have created a Camp Demititan. The link is:



  1. Ivy walked out of the Healer Cabin. "Yes?"
    "Here!" Brook exclaimed.
    "Um, here." Kylie said.

  2. Jace raced back from the forest, glancing briefly at the other campers. "I'm here."

    - Jace -

    Brandon looked over from the Apollo cabin, his blue eyes glinting. "Present."

    - Brandon -

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. (Not yet, Marine. Jace needs to know what's going on first.)

    Bryn stared at the campers from the three cabins. "Hades' children aren't involved in this, but Jace, you need to know. Fallera, this prophecy involves you. Not Ivy or Martin, I'm sure of it, so it's Brandon and Joey. Zeus cabin... that's Cynthia, Thalia, Kylie, and Brook. Not Kylie. She's not old enough. Brook, I don't think so. I think it's Cynthia...." She was muttering to herself as she spoke, then she looked up. "Right. Cynthia, Fallera, Joey, Brandon, and Jace, stay here. The rest of you may leave."

  5. "Bye bye!" Kylie said waving. Then left.

  6. Bryn looked around at the prophecy people. "You need to know about the prophecy."

  7. "Um....ok..." Joey said, staring off in the opposite direction. She started combing her hair and checking her nails.

  8. Bryn narrowed her eyes. "The prophecy I received from the Oracle was:
    The eagle, the night, and the suns
    Will find and defeat the one who had run.
    For if they do not punish the evil call,
    The kingdom of the gods will surely fall.

    Leave to the to the far distant west,
    And battle the greatest and best.
    A captured friend will help them flee,
    But from the claws of death he will not be free." She looked up. "What do you all think about that?"

  9. Jace tapped his foot, his head titled in thought. "The eagle is Zues's sacred animal, the night is Nyx, the suns are children of Apollo. That's obvious. Fr they do not punish the evil call...Who's evil call?"

    - Jace -

  10. Bryn nodded. "Some one evil, obviously. The one who had run... who ran? Marine! She ran from camp. We were chasing her." She narrowed her eyes. If they were going to deal with it, she was more than happy to help. "And Olympus will fall if we don't save it. Maybe Marine's recruiting more members for her army. That would be an evil call."

  11. "So now what?" Joey asked with a twinge of annoyance. "Are just gonna stand here and pray to the gods that everything will be okay? When can we have some real action happening?"

  12. Brandon shot a look at Joey. "You do realize that a captured friend won't escape from the claws of death, don't you?"

    - Brandon -

  13. "Whatever. I just want to fight. Okay? Little brother." Joey smiled sweetly.

  14. Brandon glared at his sister. "One year older. All I ask for," he muttered just out of earshot. "Fighting takes courage. Not just some love to fight because you want to. Heck, a minotaur could just trample its way down while you're in the forest and then that'd be the end." His arms crossed, and a flash of hatred settled in his eyes for a split second, then forming slowly to shock. "Wait, you're not telling me that Joey's going on the quest too, right?"

    - Brandon -

  15. Joey narrowed her eyes at her brother. "How am I even related to you?"

    She turned to Bryn, staring deep into her amber eyes. "I am going on the quest, right?"

  16. Bryn nodded. "It specifically says two suns, and besides the healer and Martin, who's not going, you and your brother are the only others. So yes, you are in the prophecy." The two siblings opened their mouths at once, and she glared her signature icy glower at both of them. "And no arguing, or neither of you are going."

  17. Marine let out a quiet, and silent snicker. When everyone started drifting over to the other side to talk, Jace was the last one, so she went and put a sack over his head and shot him with a tranqulizer, and he fell to the ground. She dragged him back to the bushes where her two camp mates were and they all pulled him back to their camp...
    (Comment Next at Ex-Camp Demigod!)

  18. Bryn froze. Her half brother's soul... it wasn't here anymore. She whipped around, narrowing our eyes. Marine's soul was here. Of course. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly grabbed Joey's and Fallera's shoulders. Fallera hissed and turned around. "What the heck are you doing?" She snapped Bryn dragged the three into the forest.

  19. Cynthia walked in.Great, she thought.Everyone already left.
