Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Arrival of Her Half-Brother

"Bryn! I've found someone you might like to meet!" Selena, daughter of Athena, was dragging an annoyed, struggling 13-year-old boy through the camp to the captain. Bryn grabbed her katana and dagger, stalking up to the boy with light brown hair and deep blue eyes. "Your name," she said curtly, looking down at him after Selena had thrown him down on the ground.
"Why should I tell you?" He growled, struggling to get up, but Selena kicked him down again.
Bryn's eyes glittered, and her obsidian black stygian iron katana slid out of its sheath on her back. Its point rested on his throat, and the freezing cold blade felt almost unbearably chill on his sweaty skin. "Because it is most likely that you don't want to have your throat slit open."
The boy glared at her, and didn't say a word. Bryn gave a quick nod of her head to Selena, and the red haired girl stepped aside, letting go of him. He instantly leapt up, though he had many injuries and bruises. She ducked the punch he swung at her, and the katana swished through the air, cutting off some of the boy's light hair. He aimed a roundhouse kick at her face, and Bryn, using the technique that she had perfected with her years, turned her head slowly right at the contact, absorbing the blow, therefore decreasing the pain that followed it by at least a quarter. She grabbed his foot as it pressed into her cheek, and with a quick movement of her arm, Bryn flipped him onto the ground once more. With a stygian iron piece of chain that she pulled from her neck, she threw it at his feet, which grew as they came into contact, securing the boy's legs tightly. She bent down and stared into his defiant deep blue eyes. "What was your name again?"
He snarled it at her. "Jace Eternal."
She grinned, a wide, barbaric smile, her fierce amber eyes shining with amusement. "Well, Jace, you've got spirit, definitely." She stood up, and held out her hand to help him up. Jace begrudgingly took it and pulled himself up, then brushed the dirt and dust off his clothing. Bryn's smile widened. "Welcome to Camp Demigod... brother," she added, slightly laughing at his bemused face. "I'll show you our cabin."

(sorry WCL92 for playing him, but I hope I made him his character)