Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Monday, December 27, 2010

An Arrow

Bryn was hunting when she found the three newcomers. She had heard a rustling sound in the trees, and she let go of her arrow, and heard it pierce something. She then heard a shriek of pain, then a thud. She froze. That shriek was human. Bryn ran forward through the trees and saw three people, one pretty blond girl, one handsome reddish-brown haired boy, one black haired, short girl, and one brown-haired boy. The girl, sitting on the ground, had her arrow deeply embedded in her arm, and blood was pouring from it. She was sobbing in agony, great tears pouring out of her eyes. "Oh my gods. I'm so sorry, daughter of Aphrodite, I..." Bryn felt a huge sense of guilt pour over her and she knelt down beside the girl that couldn't have been anything else but a daughter of Aphrodite, judging by her beauty, blond hair, and huge, beautiful eyes. Bryn paid no attention to the other three and uncapped a bottle of ambrosia, nectar, strawberry, and banana smoothie. She handed it to the girl. "Drink," she commanded. The girl stopped crying, but her eyes were still watery.
"Why?" She asked. "I don't need to do what you say." Bryn grimaced. She knew that attitude. She was definitely a daughter of Aphrodite.
"Drink it," Bryn said forcefully, shoving it to the girl's lips.
The girl began to protest when the russet-haired boy interrupted her. "Can't you see she's trying to help? Drink it!" The girl stopped, and looked at him, then looked back at Bryn again, who gave the boy a grateful glance. The girl scowled but took the canteen and took a large gulp. Bryn snatched it away immediately. "Good." She then put the smoothie back into the place on her belt and took out another bottle, this time of a poultice of aloe vera, echinacea, garlic, ambrosia, and salt onto the wound. The girl flinched and let out a squeal of pain. "I know it hurts, but just hold on, okay?" Bryn said, putting on another dose. She looked the girl in the eye, and said, "Okay. This is going to hurt a little, alright? I'm going to pull the arrow out. Stay very, very still." Without waiting for the girl to say anything, Bryn pulled it straight out. The girl let out a wail of pain, and the boy with the brown hair rubbed her back and asked, "Do you have any of that drink you just gave her?"
Bryn shook her head. "I do, but I can't give it to her. In this unstable position, I'm not sure if she'll be able to handle such an intake of ambrosia and nectar. She might burn up."
"Burn up?" He looked incredulous.
She sighed. She didn't want to explain it to him just yet. "Look, I'll explain later, okay? Wrap this around her wound and add a bit more of this poultice. I'll be right back." Bryn handed them a roll of wrapping, and the bottle of poultice, then shadow-travelled back to camp to get Ivy and Selena, leaving Jace in charge. They appeared moments later, facing a shocked quad of children. "Right. Ivy, you help the Aphrodite girl. When she's in a more stable position, take her back to camp. Selena, help me determine these three's parents then take them back to camp, and get Jace to explain their situation to them." Bryn ordered, while the reddish-brown haired boy watched her in appreciation. Ivy got to work, and Selena took charge. "All of you, tell me your names."
The russet-haired boy spoke first. "Devin. Devin Linke."
The brown-haired boy: "Martin Linke. Dev's my stepbrother."
"Kristi Wintershade." That was the short black-haired girl.
Selena nodded at them, and looked straight at Martin. "Apollo." She then looked at Devin. "Zeus, I think." She paused at Kristi. She peered closely at her. Kristi didn't move, and stared her in the eye. "Are you... Demeter? No... Hera? No... Aphrodite? Yes... but you don't..." Selena looked away.
Bryn stared, wide-eyed, at Kristi. "She's Aphrodite? But she's nothing like it!"
"I know, that's why I wasn't sure. But she's Aphrodite."
Bryn nodded uncertainly, then glanced sideways at Selena. "Take them back to camp. I'll be there in a second." Selena nodded, and walked off in the closest path to camp, with the three following her. Devin winked at Bryn as he passed. Bryn glared at him.
When they had left, Bryn looked down at Ivy, who was kneeling by the girl. "Do you know her name?"
"Yeah, I think she's called Melody Wayland."
"Is she fit enough to stand?"
Ivy shook her head. "I don't think so. She's fainted from the pain, and the arrow seemed to have something in it that damaged her system, too."
Bryn couldn't meet her gray-green eyes. She didn't mean to harm someone like that. She hoped that she and Melody would get along fine later on. She nodded at Ivy. "Alright then. I'll just shadow-travel you two back. Ready?" Bryn put her hand on both their shoulders and they disappeared into the ground, only to rise out of it again in the middle of camp. Jace was explaining the life of a demigod to Devin, Martin and Kristi. Bryn left Ivy to carry her injured patient to the Hospital Wing where she could work on her easier and went to talk to her apprentice Lily.

1 comment:

  1. "Alright Melody, let's get you to the Hospital Wing where I can fix you up." Ivy said gently. Then lifted her patient gently. And dragged her to the Hospital Wing.
