Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hospital Wing

This is where the healer and her helpers treat most of their patients and their more injured patients. There are cabinets full of ambrosia and nectar cider, poultices, pain relievers, medicine, casts, and wrappings to treat the ill and/or injured with. There are seven beds in this cabin for the patients, four on one side and three on the other. There is also a little couch and coffee table for visitors, plus a small bed in the corner for the healer if she needs or wants to stay overnight.

An Arrow

Bryn was hunting when she found the three newcomers. She had heard a rustling sound in the trees, and she let go of her arrow, and heard it pierce something. She then heard a shriek of pain, then a thud. She froze. That shriek was human. Bryn ran forward through the trees and saw three people, one pretty blond girl, one handsome reddish-brown haired boy, one black haired, short girl, and one brown-haired boy. The girl, sitting on the ground, had her arrow deeply embedded in her arm, and blood was pouring from it. She was sobbing in agony, great tears pouring out of her eyes. "Oh my gods. I'm so sorry, daughter of Aphrodite, I..." Bryn felt a huge sense of guilt pour over her and she knelt down beside the girl that couldn't have been anything else but a daughter of Aphrodite, judging by her beauty, blond hair, and huge, beautiful eyes. Bryn paid no attention to the other three and uncapped a bottle of ambrosia, nectar, strawberry, and banana smoothie. She handed it to the girl. "Drink," she commanded. The girl stopped crying, but her eyes were still watery.
"Why?" She asked. "I don't need to do what you say." Bryn grimaced. She knew that attitude. She was definitely a daughter of Aphrodite.
"Drink it," Bryn said forcefully, shoving it to the girl's lips.
The girl began to protest when the russet-haired boy interrupted her. "Can't you see she's trying to help? Drink it!" The girl stopped, and looked at him, then looked back at Bryn again, who gave the boy a grateful glance. The girl scowled but took the canteen and took a large gulp. Bryn snatched it away immediately. "Good." She then put the smoothie back into the place on her belt and took out another bottle, this time of a poultice of aloe vera, echinacea, garlic, ambrosia, and salt onto the wound. The girl flinched and let out a squeal of pain. "I know it hurts, but just hold on, okay?" Bryn said, putting on another dose. She looked the girl in the eye, and said, "Okay. This is going to hurt a little, alright? I'm going to pull the arrow out. Stay very, very still." Without waiting for the girl to say anything, Bryn pulled it straight out. The girl let out a wail of pain, and the boy with the brown hair rubbed her back and asked, "Do you have any of that drink you just gave her?"
Bryn shook her head. "I do, but I can't give it to her. In this unstable position, I'm not sure if she'll be able to handle such an intake of ambrosia and nectar. She might burn up."
"Burn up?" He looked incredulous.
She sighed. She didn't want to explain it to him just yet. "Look, I'll explain later, okay? Wrap this around her wound and add a bit more of this poultice. I'll be right back." Bryn handed them a roll of wrapping, and the bottle of poultice, then shadow-travelled back to camp to get Ivy and Selena, leaving Jace in charge. They appeared moments later, facing a shocked quad of children. "Right. Ivy, you help the Aphrodite girl. When she's in a more stable position, take her back to camp. Selena, help me determine these three's parents then take them back to camp, and get Jace to explain their situation to them." Bryn ordered, while the reddish-brown haired boy watched her in appreciation. Ivy got to work, and Selena took charge. "All of you, tell me your names."
The russet-haired boy spoke first. "Devin. Devin Linke."
The brown-haired boy: "Martin Linke. Dev's my stepbrother."
"Kristi Wintershade." That was the short black-haired girl.
Selena nodded at them, and looked straight at Martin. "Apollo." She then looked at Devin. "Zeus, I think." She paused at Kristi. She peered closely at her. Kristi didn't move, and stared her in the eye. "Are you... Demeter? No... Hera? No... Aphrodite? Yes... but you don't..." Selena looked away.
Bryn stared, wide-eyed, at Kristi. "She's Aphrodite? But she's nothing like it!"
"I know, that's why I wasn't sure. But she's Aphrodite."
Bryn nodded uncertainly, then glanced sideways at Selena. "Take them back to camp. I'll be there in a second." Selena nodded, and walked off in the closest path to camp, with the three following her. Devin winked at Bryn as he passed. Bryn glared at him.
When they had left, Bryn looked down at Ivy, who was kneeling by the girl. "Do you know her name?"
"Yeah, I think she's called Melody Wayland."
"Is she fit enough to stand?"
Ivy shook her head. "I don't think so. She's fainted from the pain, and the arrow seemed to have something in it that damaged her system, too."
Bryn couldn't meet her gray-green eyes. She didn't mean to harm someone like that. She hoped that she and Melody would get along fine later on. She nodded at Ivy. "Alright then. I'll just shadow-travel you two back. Ready?" Bryn put her hand on both their shoulders and they disappeared into the ground, only to rise out of it again in the middle of camp. Jace was explaining the life of a demigod to Devin, Martin and Kristi. Bryn left Ivy to carry her injured patient to the Hospital Wing where she could work on her easier and went to talk to her apprentice Lily.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Showers and Bathrooms

These are the showers and bathrooms. There are two separate, long and flat buildings face-to-face, one for the girls and one for the boys. Each building is split into two, one half for showers and one half for bathrooms. There are seven separate stalls for showers and seven separate bathrooms in each building, plus a large changing room each.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Another Collins

Selena was hunting in the forest surrounding the Wing Circle when she came across a small blonde girl. "Brook? What are you doing here? I thought I told you to--" Selena stopped. This was not Brook, of course it wasn't. Brook had bright green eyes, but this girl had electric blue eyes. This girl was smaller, younger, and had longer hair. But they looked so similar... the platinum blonde hair, tied in pigtails, the shape of their faces, their slim builds- it was all the same. But why would a miniature, blue-eyes version of her apprentice be here? Then it hit her- it was her sister. Of course it was, why didn't she see it? Selena put down her bow and her quiver of arrows. "Hi," she said gently, looking at her.
The girl looked up at her, expression indignant. "I'm not Brook. I'm Kylie. Actually, Kylan Rose, but I hate that name," she added, frowning.
>Like Bryn,< Selena thought. "Kylie Collins, right? Sister of Brooklyn Collins, daughter of Zeus?"
Kylie's eyes widened. "How did you know that?"
Selena didn't answer, but stood up, slung her quiver of arrows and bow across her back, and extended a slender, elegant hand down to the girl. "Come. I'll take you to the camp."


Selena emerged through the low entrance to the camp, and straightened her back. "Bryn! Jace! The rest of you!" she called to the campers. Bryn was at her side in an instant, peering at Kylie. Selena whispered in her ear, and Bryn's right eyebrow lifted. "Another Collins? What, are they multiplying or something?" She called Brook and Ivy over, who squealed and ran over to hug their kin.
Jace had the same reaction. "They must be breeding or something," he muttered. Selena flicked her gaze over at him, and felt her cheeks redden. She had no idea why.
"Brook," Bryn was saying. "Take her to the Zeus cabin. Alright? Good."

Friday, December 17, 2010

New People, Huh?

Bryn was never very welcoming. So she couldn't really help it when she stared the three people down at the entrance. "What are YOU three doing here?" She snapped, drawing her katana. The one with brown hair and gray-green eyes took a step back. "Woah, we just wanted to..."
"To what?" Bryn narrowed her eyes.
The smallest one stepped up. "I heard this was a camp for half-bloods. And Ivy is the cousin of Brooklyn. She wants to know whether she's here." She shot a glare at the boy.
Bryn looked down at them, speculating her situation. Obviously they were half-bloods. And yes, Brooklyn was here. Who was the blond one- the boy? Ivy was obviously the brown-haired one... "Selena!" She beckoned her friend over. "Brook!" The two that she had called trotted over to her side earnestly. Selena stared at them. "New people, huh?"
"IVY!!!!" Brook rushed over and hugged her, accidentally zapping her cousin. Ivy's eyes widened. "You.... ZEUS!"
Bryn sighed. "Selena... help me find out the parents of these people. The black-haired one's obviously Poseidon, with her features and that weird glistening texture of her skin. Ivy... kind of can't tell. And the boy's either Apollo, Hephaestus, or Hermes."
Selena stared at all of them intently. "Ivy's Apollo. The boy's Hephaestus. You- what's you're name?" She nodded towards the blond boy.
"Um... Xavier," he almost whispered. Selena nodded, then stood up, exchanging a glance with Bryn. "Welcome to Camp Demigod, people. "Xavier, the Hephaestus Cabin is next to the Apollo Cabin- be glad. You know your symbols already. They're on the entrance. Poseidon girl... your name."
She glared at her. "Lily Sundown."
Bryn nodded. "How old are you?"
"I'll mentor you then. You're my apprentice. Go to the Poseidon cabin, between Zeus' and Hades'." Bryn pointed towards the one that faced the sea. With an excited bounce, Lily ran off to her cabin.

(Sorry it wasn't that good. Didn't have a writing vibe today.... Sorry. Hmmmm, gotta make more pegasi.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wing Circle

This is a wide, circular quad/field. It is where you usually train your pegasi. There is no fence, and the forest surrounds it. The path to it leads to the stables.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Clearing

This is the center of the camp, an is the first thing you see when you first walk into the camp. There is little grass, and it is really just a patch of sand and small rocks. Around it is the Cabins, and there is a staircase up to the Arena, a path to the Archery Range, and the entrance leads to the dense forest. There is also a path to the Stables.

The Forest

This is the Forest that surrounds Camp Demigod. Here, there are nymphs, dryads, naiads, and sometimes the Hunters of Artemis come here too. There is much foliage, and there are many animals. Watch out, for there might be different monsters here as well!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hephaestus Cabin

This cabin is made of wood and stone, and is gray in color. The colors may be dull but inside is the scent of smoke, ashes, and fire- fragrant to any child of Hephaestus. On the entranceway is a symbol of a fiery axe and a fiery hammer- the main symbols of the god. Inside is a pincer pattern on the walls, another symbol of Hephaestus. Inside is the titanium axe that another child of Hephaestus made, not for use, of course, but decoration.

Demeter Cabin

The Demeter Cabin is sunny, and smells strongly of the harvest. It is made entirely out of wood, and the main colors on the inside is yellow, green, and orange. Above the entranceway is a emblem of three types of grains: wheat, barley, and rye. Inside, is an ancient painting of Demeter giving wheat to mankind.

Aphrodite Cabin

The Cabin of Aphrodite is adorned with jewels and seashells. Over every bed is a mirror, and there is always a fragrant scent in the room. Over the entrance is a girdle emblem, and around it is more little seashells. Inside is a small statue of Aphrodite wearing her favorite evening gown.

Apollo Cabin

The Apollo Cabin has the most light. There is a constant music player playing inside. Inside is a decoration of laurel trees, and the entranceway has a lyre emblem, and it radiates with golden light. Inside is a curious charcoal sketch of a tripod on a piece of vellum, another of Apollo's symbols.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Girl Called Collins

Bryn had stumbled across her. Literally. She was looking up at a bird nest in a tree in the forest surrounding the camp when she tripped over what seemed to be a rock. She looked down. It was not a rock, but a little blond haired girl with green eyes. >How did a demigod so young get here?< She thought, eyes wide. Bryn instantly leaned down and helped the little girl up. "Hello," she said brightly. Bryn stared. "Um, hi."
"Who are you?" The girl asked, eyes wide and curious.
"I'm... Bryn. Captain of Camp Demigod," she added, asserting her authority.
"What's that?"
"A camp for halfbloods. Half god, half human. Half Greek God." Bryn corrected herself.
"Am I a Half-Blood?" She said it reverently, like it was something to be honored.
Bryn gazed down at her. She must have been a half-blood, otherwise she wouldn't be in this forest, full of dryads and other creatures. The Hunters of Artemis might have been here as well. A flash of celestial bronze caught her eye. She kneeled down and found a necklace made of celestial bronze. On the chain was a pendant, also made of celestial bronze, in the shape of a lightning bolt. It looked so real it seemed to crackle with electricity. Bryn stood again, and looked at the girl. "What's your name?"
A pair of green eyes stared up at her. "Brooklyn Collins."
"Collins, huh?" Bryn muttered under her breath. "Come on, I'll take you to the camp."


"Selena! Jace!" Bryn walked into camp hand in hand with a little blonde girl. Jace poked his out of the Hades' Cabin. "Who's that?"
Bryn glanced at her half brother. "Daughter of Zeus. Only seven."
An annoyed voice interrupted the three older children. "Only?!"
"Sorry, Brooklyn," Selena smiled gently.
Bryn was suddenly impatient with the people around her. "Show her around, Jace," she sighed wearily, and let go of Brooklyn, then walked into the Hades Cabin.

Archery Range

There are many targets to shoot in the Archery Range, from regular targets to scarecrows to stuffed boar. One may set the targets as far or as close as they want, as there is a lot of space. The ground is, like the Arena, of sand, and also has a fence around it. However, the fence is higher, in case an arrow is accidentally shot somewhere out of the Range. Surrounding the Range is a dense forest of many trees and foliage. On the left and right sides of the Range are racks for spare bows and arrows. The entrance is, again, a gate into the fenced area.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hermes Cabin

The Hermes Cabin is bright, sunny, and is usually spray painted, due to the pranks that are played there. The entrance has the staff of Hermes, and inside is a pair of winged sandals and cap. There is also a lot of whoopee cushions on the couches. The door is usually attached to a bucket of water, which pours down on any person who enters and is not a child of Hermes. The unclaimed children live here also.

The Arena

The Arena is a large, sandy space on top of a cliff with a fence around it to avoid one falling off. The view is excellent, with numerous trees and hawks circling above, sometimes even below, as it is that high. There is a weapons, armor, shield, and helmet rack around it as well, where one can place their things on. The entrance is just the gate to get into the fence. There is a long staircase from the camp onto the high arena, so once you get up there it's a workout already.


The Stables is where all the Pegasi are kept. There are currently eight, and four without owners. If you would like to claim one as your own, just comment within brackets below.


Onyx- Obsidian black male pegasus with a white flame shaped mark on his forehead. He has pure, onyx black eyes. His wings are also pure black, but they have white tetiaries and secondaries. Fierce and has a temper and nips a lot of his neighbors and campers, but is otherwise loyal and extremely protective of his mistress, Bryn.

Blanc- Pale golden female pegasus with dark gray eyes. She is usually thought to be named with the French word for "white", but she is actually named after the wine Sauvignon Blanc, but the name was a mouthful and it was shortened to just "Blanc". She is the most beautiful pegasus in the stable, and is Ivory is extremely jealous of her. Blanc, though kind and caring, can get angry a lot and will kick those who get too close to her. She loves her mistress, Selena, and is protective of her.

Strike- The handsome dark gray male pegasus with ocean blue eyes who is the brother of Storm. He has dark gray, silver, and black wings. He is rather calm, unlike his sister, but sometimes has sudden rages, and is a generally unpredictable pegasus. He gets annoyed by Onyx the most, and they have a lot of arguments, but he is also slightly irritated by Ivory's constant flirting, though Strike is a little flattered by it sometimes. He and his best friend Eclipse are extremely popular with the other pegasi. His master is Jace, the second in command.

Ivory- Pure white female pegasus with beautiful deep blue eyes. She has pure white wings that give off a sort of glow in the moonlight. She is friendly and loves to flirt with the male pegasi. However, she has a low tolerance for those who do not care for her, and Ivory is not afraid to kick when she wants to. Loves young children and sugar cubes. Her nickname is "Angel" with the younger children. Has a huge crush on Strike. Her mistress is Brooklyn.

Fern- A pretty strawberry roan female pegasus with deep green eyes and white, black, and roan wings. She is gentle but has an opinion on any idea. She always has a suggestion on things, and never goes to you- you have to come to her. She has an attitude, but has a soft spot for young children. Fern never harms anyone and never lets bad people hurt her or people she cares about. She is a great judge of character. Her mistress is Ivy.

Eclipse- A handsome dark bay with hazel eyes and massive black wings. He is extremely handsome, is modest, charismatic, and just a little cocky. He's Strike's best friend, but he doesn't feel much agression towards Onyx. He loves flying tricks, and his favorite thing to do is go out to the Forest or the Wing Circle. He and Strike aew the most popular pegasi in the stables. His sister is Fern. His mistress is Marine.

Oak- Dun coated male pegasus with russet, white and black wings with hazel eyes. Is usually calm, but can be feisty at times. Obeys his master very well, but is extremely mean and fierce towards his master's enemy. However, he took a long time to tame into letting people ride him, and Camp Demigod had to ask for Poseidon's help. His master is Gale.

Storm- Ginger female pegasus with stormy gray eyes and a bad temper, like a ginger female always has. She has ginger and white wings that flicker like a flame when she flies. She is hard to control, but once she likes someone, which is quite unlikely, she is extremely protective. Storm, though fierce and mean, has a soft side, only shown towards the one she has chosen to be her master. Her arch enemy is Ivory, and her brother is Strike. Her mistress is Thalia.

An Arrival of Her Half-Brother

"Bryn! I've found someone you might like to meet!" Selena, daughter of Athena, was dragging an annoyed, struggling 13-year-old boy through the camp to the captain. Bryn grabbed her katana and dagger, stalking up to the boy with light brown hair and deep blue eyes. "Your name," she said curtly, looking down at him after Selena had thrown him down on the ground.
"Why should I tell you?" He growled, struggling to get up, but Selena kicked him down again.
Bryn's eyes glittered, and her obsidian black stygian iron katana slid out of its sheath on her back. Its point rested on his throat, and the freezing cold blade felt almost unbearably chill on his sweaty skin. "Because it is most likely that you don't want to have your throat slit open."
The boy glared at her, and didn't say a word. Bryn gave a quick nod of her head to Selena, and the red haired girl stepped aside, letting go of him. He instantly leapt up, though he had many injuries and bruises. She ducked the punch he swung at her, and the katana swished through the air, cutting off some of the boy's light hair. He aimed a roundhouse kick at her face, and Bryn, using the technique that she had perfected with her years, turned her head slowly right at the contact, absorbing the blow, therefore decreasing the pain that followed it by at least a quarter. She grabbed his foot as it pressed into her cheek, and with a quick movement of her arm, Bryn flipped him onto the ground once more. With a stygian iron piece of chain that she pulled from her neck, she threw it at his feet, which grew as they came into contact, securing the boy's legs tightly. She bent down and stared into his defiant deep blue eyes. "What was your name again?"
He snarled it at her. "Jace Eternal."
She grinned, a wide, barbaric smile, her fierce amber eyes shining with amusement. "Well, Jace, you've got spirit, definitely." She stood up, and held out her hand to help him up. Jace begrudgingly took it and pulled himself up, then brushed the dirt and dust off his clothing. Bryn's smile widened. "Welcome to Camp Demigod... brother," she added, slightly laughing at his bemused face. "I'll show you our cabin."

(sorry WCL92 for playing him, but I hope I made him his character)

Athena Cabin

The Cabin of Athena is filled with books, armor, helmets, paper, and other things. It has many bookshelves and cabinets, and they are quite messy but miraculously the beds are tidy and neat. The two symbols of Athena, the distaff and the aegis, is carved into the entranceway. Inside is an owl design with the intricate statue of an owl that Athena herself donated to the cabin.

Hades Cabin

This cabin has no lights whatsoever, just a couple lamps and candles glowing softly on the ceiling of the cabin. The entranceway has the helmet, the symbol of Hades. Inside is a small statue of Hades himself with his three-headed-dog Cerberus. Bryn, the captain, lives here with her brother Jace.

Posideon Cabin

The cabin of Posideon outlooks the lake of Camp Demigod, with a wooden, beach house feel to it. The symbol in the entranceway is a trident, with the carving of a horse on each side of it. The inside was a design of dolphins, with huge windows and stairs down to the lake. Inside, on the wall, is a bronze and gold pegasus.

Hera Cabin

Also pure white with the same design as the Zeus Cabin, but with her sacred symbol, the pomegranate (for fertility) in the entranceway instead of a lightning bolt. Inside is a decoration of peacock feathers, and there is the replica of the ornate crown and golden earrings she always wore.

Zeus Cabin

This is where the children of Zeus live. It is pure white, with large pillars. It has two floors, with a huge lightning emblem decorating the entrance, along with an eagle feather design on the inside. On the far wall inside the cabin is the sword crafted by Zeus himself, a sword in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


You emerge into a clearing and find yourself in a... camp? You are about to take another step forward to investigate and satisfy your curiosity when you hear the swish of metal from behind you. Whipping around, you see a blade tip of a katana at your throat. The girl holding the katana has pale skin, dark hair, and fierce, amber eyes. She glares at you, eyes growing dark. "You. Half blood."
"A what?" You have no idea what she's talking about.
"Child of a Greek God, idiot. What are you, an imbecile?" She snaps, looking annoyed.
She doesn't lower her katana. "If you want to join, you'd better tell me about yourself. If you don't, well, you'll be dead in ten seconds flat."

Fill out this form here if you want to join.
Rank (Second in command, Healer, Warrior, Apprentice, Young Child):
Description (Your physical appearance and personality):
Your Godly Parent:
Picture (MUST be Anime):

EDIT: If you'd like to say how Bryn or someone else meets you, you can add that in the form as well.


So... this is yet another Camp Half Blood variation... out of the hundreds on Blogger. If you're bored of them, sorry. So because you must already know all about these, I won't say anything else but.... JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!