Lily, Xavier, and Ivy have joined!

Lily, 11 yrs old is a little too old to be an apprentice, so I changed it to 10. Is that fine?

Xavier and Ivy: Are your pictures okay?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The center of the camp, where all the camp's main cabins and buildings surround. The entrance to the camp leads directly to it. There are also paths from it to the other camp facilities.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Revenge and Magic and Demigods, Oh My!

Bryn cussed under her breath when she saw Selena drag yet another two new children in. She wondered how she was supposed to tell them about demigods and gods and titans and Olympus and monsters and...
"Bryn! We've got the children of revenge and magic here! Oh, and a bunch of others." Selena's voice broke her thoughts as she thrust the two children in front of her. They both were glaring at her. It was easy to tell who was who- the boy was from Hecate, goddess of magic, and the girl was the child of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge and balance. They would both be useful, yes... except that Nemesis children were like the Hades children- they held long, long grudges. Hecate's... well, they just liked pulling magical pranks on others. There were three other children behind them- one Athena, one Zeus, and one Apollo."Well, what are your names, children?" She asked them, crossing her arms.
They exchanged glances. "We're not telling you," the girl told Bryn angrily. Bryn was amused. "Really?" She held a sword at the girl's throat. "What about now?"
Well. At least the girl was determined. Bryn pushed the blade further. A tiny little dot of red appeared on her neck. "Tell me your names."
"Spencer Myrical," she spat out. "He's Justice Mattel."
Justice gave Bryn a grin and a nod. She punched him in the face. The girl glared at her. "What was that for?"
"I don't know. He was annoying," Bryn answered, shrugging. "Selena, explain about this to--"
"We already know about the Greek gods, thank you," Spencer quipped, crossing her arms as the Captain sheathed her sword once more.
"Good. One less thing for me to worry about." Bryn turned to the last three demigods. "Okay, your names."
"Summer Parkens."
"Tyler Revik."
"Jael Lilken."
"Good, you behave. I trust you know about your heritage?"
"Yes," Summer said curtly, like a child of Athena should.
"Excellent. Summer, go with your sister Selena. Jael, the Zeus cabin is the biggest and the first over there. Jael, go with your brother Martin." Bryn swiftly gave them instructions and stalked off.